September 13


Be glorified O! Lord My God. Friday is here again and an sure someone is happy about it, Praise thou Lord! Father, we thank You for another glorious week You have pulled us through. For we know that it is not by power nor by might but only by the Spirit of God we were counted worthy to be numbered His own, still standing in faith.

The theme of the month is “My Month of Remembrance”. Beloved, had the Lord visited you or He is yet to come. Don’t worry, be full of expectation. But someone is saying O! God’s servant, I don’t just know if I am part of this promise of God, my experiences are not aligning with the promise of the month.

Beloved, do you know that what you don’t believed, you don’t receive? So, it is important you hold on to this promise so as to take delivery of the monthly allocation. In the book of Genesis, when God told Abraham that he will bear a child. Between the pronouncement and fulfillment was twenty five years. (Gen 12:1-3; 15:4-6; 17:17; 21:5).(am not saying yours will be up to that) Also in Hebrew, it was recorded that even when it appear impossible physically to believe the promise, Abraham chose to believe God that what He promised him will come to past and the bible recorded that it was counted as righteousness to him. At the appointed time, God fulfilled his promise to him (Heb 11:11-12; 6:15 and Gal 3:6-7).

Dear reader, the timing of your promise might the only thing standing between you and the promise of God (Gen 18:14), so an eye of faith will do you a lot of good (Heb 11:13). God does not respond to emotions or cries but Faith as little as mustard seed Jesus said will move your mountain. What is that thing you are expecting to happen? A cry of Faith not Emotion will change that situation (whatever it is) for you.

Hold on to the hem of His garment and receive your promise. Amen… come along with me to see two kinds of remembrances as presented by our text today, I have given you a cue discover the rest…Read more

NB -Today is Friday, take out time this weekend (in case you cannot do it now)to read these bible references it will do a lot of good)

“Go and announce directly to Jerusalem that this is what

the LORD says:

I remember the loyalty of your youth,

your love as a bride—

how you followed Me in the wilderness,

in a land not sown.”—Jeremiah 2:2

Even when our hearts grow cold toward God and our devotion to Him weakens, His love remains steadfast. We may forget God, but He remembers us.

God was concerned because the people of Judah had allowed their hearts to drift far from Him. In a powerful moment, God shared His heart with His people, recalling what it was like when they first began loving Him. He remembered how they had loved Him, as a new bride loves her husband, with excitement and enthusiasm for the future. He recalled the kindness they had expressed as they willingly followed Him wherever He led them. God reminded them of the love they had once had for Him, so that the memory might rekindle feelings of devotion and their hearts might return to Him.

If you do not guard our heart, you will grow cold in your love for Christ. A time may come when He approaches you and reminds you what your relationship was once like. Do you recollect the joy that permeated your life when you first became a Christian? Do you recall the youthful commitments you made to Him, pledging to do anything He told you to do? Do you remember the thrill you experienced each time you came to understand a new dimension of His nature?

Spiritual memory is important. You may not realize how far you have drifted from God until you contrast the love you are expressing to Him now with that of earlier days.

God has not changed. He is the same Person you gave your heart to when you became a Christian (Mal. 3:6–7). If your love for God is not as intense as it once was, return to Him. He will restore the intimate fellowship you once shared with Him.

Here is a quick one on “Remembering” what God did in the past and can still do in your life if you believe Him. Ride on:

“Remember, LORD, your great mercy and love, for they are from of old.” – Psalm 25:6 (NIV)

I sometimes struggle to see how God’s Word applies to me and my life. Especially, when I’ve been waiting a long time for some prayers to be answered; For hearts of loved ones to fully turn to Jesus; For manna to rain from heaven.

The funny thing about waiting is it can be all-consuming. It inhales my attention, chews my focus and swallows my thoughts, leaving me in a place of uncertainty and doubt. I forget God’s power to fulfill my hopes for prayers answered. Its then, when I can’t see how He’s going to bring things to pass, I have to rely on His faithfulness in the past.

Remembering God’s faithfulness in other’s lives in Scripture, reminds us of His faithfulness in our own.

When the waters rise, you’ve waited long for rescue and you feel God’s forgotten, remember… Genesis 8:1:- But God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark, and he sent a wind over the earth, and the waters receded.

When dust and debris threaten to replace passions, dreams and callings and you feel God’s forgotten, remember… Genesis 9:15: I will remember my covenant between me and you.

When the pitter-patter of little feet is silent and you feel God’s forgotten, remember… Genesis 30:22: Then God remembered Rachel; he listened to her and enabled her to conceive.

When fear, worry, doubt and anxiety enslave and you feel God’s forgotten, remember… Exodus 2:23a, 24a, 25b: During that long period…The Israelites groaned in their slavery and cried out…God heard their groaning and he remembered… and was concerned about them.

When you can’t sleep and restlessness sets in, remember… Psalm 63:6-7: On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night. Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.

When guilt consumes and you fear God will never forget your sins, remember… Isaiah 43:25: I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.

When all hope is lost, remember… Luke 24:6a-7: He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you…’The Son of Man must be delivered over to the hands of sinners, be crucified and on the third day be raised again.’

When your marriage comes back from the brink of despair, remember… Deuteronomy 8:2: Remember how the LORD your God led you all the way in the wilderness.

When dreams come true and you’re thriving in your calling, remember… 1 Chronicles 16:12a, 15: Remember the wonders he has done… He remembers his covenant forever, the promise he made, for a thousand generations…

Recalling these accounts in Scripture helps me remember His goodness in my own life. When I can’t see how He is moving on my behalf, I choose to remember that He promises to be just as present and faithful to me and you today as He was for others in the past.

When joy surrounds; When sorrow clobbers. When all’s right in our world; When the bottom drops out. When we feel loved and cherished; When we feel abandoned and alone, let’s remember… They remembered that God was their Rock, that God Most High was their Redeemer. (Psalm 78:35)

Reflect and Respond:

Remember times God has been faithful to you. Recount those out loud today.

Focus on the everyday miracles that remind us of God’s faithfulness like waking up and breathing and sing along with me:                   

Great is thy faithfulness, O God my father
There is no shadow of turning with Thee
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not
As Thou hast been, Thou for ever will be

Great is thy faithfulness, Great is thy faithfulness
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All I have needed thy hand hath provided
Great is thy faithfulness, Lord unto me.
 ~Thomas Chisolm

 Power Verses:

Psalm 143:5, “I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done.” (NIV)

Jeremiah 31:34b, “I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.” (ESV)

A good and beautiful way to end the week let us pray. Dear Lord, Your love and Your grace never fail. Please help me remember this today and always. Thank You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Remain blessed in the Lord.

Evang Ifeoma Ohondu



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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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