Father, I adore You. I lay my life before You; Father, I adore You. This is my heart felt song for the King of kings, the Lord of Lord, The ancient of days, the One Who is and Who is to come.

If not for God, what will His people do? Thank God for God. He is indeed a gracious God, Ever Dependable, Reliable, Most Loving and Faithful is His Name.

Beloved, how are you doing? Hope you are doing great? Thank God for being there for you. Imagine a world with God? (Gen 1:1-2). And until God said “Let there be…” everything was in chaos, though the Spirit of God was hovering over it but nothing happened.

Dear reader, what is your state at the moment you are reading this message? All is well? All may not be well? But there is goodnews for you. Our God is a God of wonder. He turns every unpleasant situation into a desirable one.

Probably, your case is that you have long lost touch with the Source of life and you don’t know how to get back to Him. I ask you this, where did you lose your relationship with God? Can you still remember or you have lost count.

I come again to you this day pleading with you come back home. God’s thinking are far from men thinking. Why don’t come back to Him in humility? Why don’t you look up other than looking down at those things that have held you bound with chains?

Beloved, do you know about Tamar, Rahab, Bathsheba, Ruth, Mary. These are all product of “grace”.
God is more interested in your raising than in your falling and here He is offering you another wonderful opportunity to renewal your relationship with Him. Here is another chance to demonstration your obedience by heeding to His calling so that you can experience His Divinity in every aspect of your life.

Come my beloved to a God of second chance:

“But go, tell His disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you to Galilee; you will see Him there just as He told you.’ ”—Mark 16:7

Does God give second chances to those who have failed Him? He certainly did so for Peter. Peter had proudly announced that he was Jesus’ most reliable disciple (Matt. 26:33). Yet Peter not only fled with the other disciples in the moment of crisis, but also blatantly denied he even knew Jesus (Matt. 26:69–75). Peter failed so miserably that he went out into the night and wept bitterly (Luke 22:62).

How compassionate the risen Christ was to Peter! The angel gave the women at the tomb special instructions to let Peter know that He was risen. Jesus took Peter aside to allow him the opportunity to reaffirm his love and commitment (John 21:15–17). The risen Lord also chose Peter as His primary spokesman on the day of Pentecost, when three thousand people were added to the church.

God’s desire is to take you from where you are and bring you to where He wants you to be. When He found His defeated followers hiding together in an upper room, Jesus’ first word was “peace” (John 20:19). Jesus’ first words to you after you fail may also be “peace.” Jesus will find you in despair and bring you peace. Then, He will reorient you to Himself so that you can believe Him and follow Him.

Don’t give up if you have failed your Lord. Remember what happened to Peter. God has not yet finished developing you as a disciple.

Interesting, no one can prevent you except you:

Only Joshua son of Nun and Caleb son of Jephunneh remained alive of those men who went to scout out the land.—Numbers 14:38

The decisions and disobedience of others will not cancel God’s will for you. Other people’s actions will affect you, but no one can prevent what God wants to do in and through you. Joshua and Caleb trusted God and yet were forced to wander in a wilderness for forty years because of the fear and disbelief of others.

Have you ever felt that someone was thwarting God’s will for you? Perhaps someone kept you from getting a job or earning a promotion. Perhaps the government would not approve your application or a committee disagreed with your recommendation. Do you believe that mere man can stop God from accomplishing His purposes in your life?

God did everything He intended to do in the lives of Joshua and Caleb. His primary assignment for them had not been to enter the Promised Land but rather to serve as godly leaders for their people. Joshua and Caleb could not lead the people if they were in the Promised Land by themselves while the people were still wandering in the wilderness!

God kept these leaders in a position where they could exert a godly influence upon their nation, and, as a result, they became models of spiritual leadership for generations to come. Even so, God ultimately brought Caleb and Joshua into the Promised Land just as He had said. They had been delayed but not thwarted. Be assured of this: No one can hinder God from carrying out His plans for your life. Once God sets something in motion, no one can stop it (Isa. 46:11).

Beloved, this is a brand new week before you, don’t allow this month to pass by without reconnecting yourself to the true vine. Let the grace avail to you not be in vain. Tap into this second chance window and reconnect back to Jesus. Your life! Whoa! will become a Wonder.

I pray for you dear child of God, May God of second chance not pass you by but as you cloth yourself with humility that His favour will locate you to bless you and position you where He original planned for you to be. Praise the Lord.

Go through this week with this truth in your mind that you set free, every chains holding bound hitherto are broken in Jesus Name. No more limitations; no more boundaries; no hindrances in Jesus Name. Amen!!!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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