Let the living water flow over my soul, let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my mind, all my cares and burden unto Thee I come.. When I come into Your presence Lord am happy; when I come into your presence Lord am glad, in Your presence there is anointing, Thy Spirit will surround me, in Your presence anointing breaks the yokes.

Lord, we thank You. We bless Your Holy Name, we praise Thee forever more. Wonderful Redeemer Who is like unto Thee? We come with a heart full of gratitude; we look up to You for in You comes our help. Lord, receive our thanks and praises in Jesus Name.

Beloveth, how are you doing? The great tiding as promised from the Lord in this last month of the year will do us good. The yearly theme is “Supernatural Victories”. We are rapping up the year with this wonderful and powerful promise from the Lord “Great Tiding”. Beloved, you are in for a testimony.

Wow! The truth is that there are certain things/ challenges that we cannot handle on our own but rather we need absolute dependent on the power of the Most High God. And on each of those things, the Lord had promise us victory, am sure you can recall one or two of them the Hand of the Lord has done during the course of the year to His glory.

Goodnews is coming your way as we round up the year, all you need do is to make sure you are under the covering of the Most High God.

He promise not to leave us nor forsake us; He promised to be with us till the end of time. And I strongly believe that His Word is yea and amen! It will not fall to the ground, it must be unto us as He has spoken.

As we seek His face today, let us hold strongly on His promises. We are carriers of His glory and that should be evident in our life. Seek His glory; seek His power, as the evident of them will draw men to God.

We cannot please God without the help of the third Person of Trinity. So as we pray let us invite the Holy Spirit to help us, pour on us special anointing to break every yoke. Read on to discover more:

The Lord of Hosts says this: “In those days, 10 men from nations of every language will grab the robe of a Jewish man tightly, urging: Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.”—Zechariah 8:23

God’s desire is to fill His people with His Spirit so that others recognize His powerful presence in them. The presence of the Lord in a believer’s life ought to be obvious. When the Spirit of almighty God fills a believer, the believer cannot go on living as before. Others will see God.

God told His people through the prophet Zechariah that His presence ought to make a difference in their lives. If God’s people walked closely with Him, people from every language and every part of the world would hear that they were a people who knew God. People would come from every nation on earth to find the true God among His people. If the people saw a child of God, they would long to be with him or her because in so doing they would be with God. God gave the vivid picture of ten people clinging to one believer, hoping to find God.

Christ’s presence ought to be so evident in your life that the people around you are drawn to you. They should want their children to be with your children because your children are being raised with a godly influence. Employers ought to want you in their workplace; people should seek you for their leader because they know you as someone of integrity before God.

Your life and your home ought to be a magnet for people as they sense God’s presence with you and your family. The more you allow Christ to make His presence evident in your life, the more people will draw near you and find Him.

Peradventure this is not your testimony yet never mind for the Holy Spirit will help you. if the devil is fighting your ministry and your home do not give, even God knows what is going on and will not keep silent. He will help you out, but you must look up to Him for Your deliverance. Don’t forget that He searches the heart, so He knows (Jer 17:10) and Apostle Paul admonish us to put on Jesus Christ and make no provision for the flesh (Rom 13:14; 8:4-14).

This I believe will only be possible with the help of the Holy Spirit. Pray for the help of the Spirit of God; you cannot offer a worthy service to God outside the help of the Holy Spirit. Even our prayers are being interrupted by Him (Rom 8: 26-27).

“Spices for anointing oil.” Exodus 35:8

Much use was made of this anointing oil under the law, and that which it represents is of primary importance under the gospel. The Holy Spirit, who anoints us for all holy service, is indispensable to us if we would serve the Lord acceptably. Without His aid our religious services are but a vain oblation, and our inward experience is a dead thing.

Whenever our ministry is without unction, what miserable stuff it becomes! nor are the prayers, praises, meditations, and efforts of private Christians one jot superior. A holy anointing is the soul and life of piety, its absence the most grievous of all calamities. To go before the Lord without anointing is as though some common Levite had thrust himself into the priest’s office—his ministrations would rather have been sins than services.

May we never venture upon hallowed exercises without sacred anointings. They drop upon us from our glorious Head; from His anointing we who are as the skirts of His garments partake of a plenteous unction. Choice spices were compounded with rarest art of the apothecary to form the anointing oil, to show forth to us how rich are all the influences of the Holy Spirit.

All good things are found in the divine Comforter. Matchless consolation, infallible instruction, immortal quickening, spiritual energy, and divine sanctification all lie compounded with other excellencies in that sacred eye-slave, the heavenly anointing oil of the Holy Spirit.

It imparts a delightful fragrance to the character and person of the man upon whom it is poured. Nothing like it can be found in all the treasuries of the rich, or the secrets of the wise. It is not to be imitated. It comes alone from God, and it is freely given, through Jesus Christ, to every waiting soul.

Let us seek it, for we may have it, may have it this very day. O Lord, anoint Thy servants.

Beloved, we have read that service without auction is a sin rather than services, let us therefore pray for the auction of the Holy Spirit as we pray today to help our infirmities through Jesus Christ we pray. Amen!

Father, release afresh on us the anointing of the Holy Spirit, we pray in Jesus Name (Eph 6:18).

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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