Great is thy faithfulness x2 morning by morning new mercies I see, all that I needed Thy hand has provided, great is thy faithfulness Lord unto me. I have the light of God in me x2 I have the Spirit of the son of God, I have the light of God in me.

Lord we thank You, we bless Your holy Name, Thank You for all You done for us all the week. We are grateful and we return to say Thank You. The Name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous runneth into and are secured. Lord, thank You for safety in You, Lord.

Father, we thank You for making Your Word true in our life. In the beginning of the last lap of the year, You declared to us that the remaining part of this year which in the time past is synonymous with terror, fear and mishaps will be for us Your children months to be much “remembered,” Thank You for up holding Your Word in our lives. Thank You so much, Lord.

Beloved, the topic before us today was specially chosen to meet a need in your life which many among us are struggling with. It is to answer many questions that are not only destoring homes but also individuals.

We therefore pray for the spirit of wisdom and understanding be given you and that you also exercise patient while going through it for maximum impart in your life and the life of someone you may wish to bless also.

Come along with me as we dig deeper for more insight on how we are expected to handle challenges such as these and many more:

How Do You Handle The Numbing Effect Of The Daily Grind?

Recently I was on the phone with a friend who spoke about his dying marriage. Rarely are harsh words uttered between them. The family functions with clock-like efficiency. But slowly, almost imperceptibly, he and his wife are moving emotionally into separate orbits. The gentle touch, the tender word… the lingering together over coffee. Gone. Rarely do they find (or make) time to be together without the kids. And when they do, they seem to have nothing to talk about. Underneath, he finds a smoldering resentment building as he asks himself, “What is the purpose of it all? Will it ever end?

Then there is the incessant complexity of juggling finances. The unending encroachment upon his time. The unrealistic job demands. How, he asked me, does a person resolve the issue of forever giving out while receiving little back in the way of affirmation or appreciation? Especially from those closest to him? So what is the answer? Does he simply continue to grind it out? How does he handle his anger and resentment, as he finds himself continuing to withdraw emotionally? Is the answer to follow his impulses and leave? Hardly.

There is a better way that can strike at the very core of the issue. A way that will move him from the coping level, to gaining the necessary inner strength and godly wisdom to deal victoriously with these vexing challenges. For starters, I wondered if he had discovered how to allow Jesus to become his “Hiding Place”?

You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance You died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God… ” (Psalm 32:7; Colossians 3:3).

Jesus, in his preparation to face the crushing experience of the cross, hid himself alone with his Father — an experience of intimacy that saw him through to ultimate victory. (Matthew 26:36-46; Luke 22:40-46) Today the Savior avails himself to us as our “Hiding Place” in enabling us to also deal victoriously with life’s formidable tasks: “How often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wingsGod is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.” (Matthew 23:37b; Psalm 46:1, 2) (See Psalm 17:8; 18:2; 27:5; 31:20; 46:1, 2; 57:1; 143:9; Matthew 14:13, 23; Mark 1:35; Luke 5:15, 16; John 6:15).

It is His intention that we experience Him as our “Hiding Place” amidst the daily cacophony of demands. To help us toward developing that level of intimacy, let me ask you a question: When was the last time you, with your Bible in hand, disappeared to a private “hiding place” to encounter Him? Encounter Him until all sin was rooted out, confessed, forgiven and relinquished? Encounter Him until the Spirit calmed you down, and filled you up? Encounter Him until the Father reassured you from His Word of His love, and gave you promises and direction for your life and family?

QUESTION: So… when is your hideaway with God planned?

Beloved, do you find answers to your questions? Or may be reading the practical demonstrated by Jesus will help us greatly too?

“He began to wash the disciples’ feet.” John 13:5


The Lord Jesus loves His people so much, that every day He is still doing for them much that is analogous to washing their soiled feet. Their poorest actions He accepts; their deepest sorrow He feels; their slenderest wish He hears, and their every transgression He forgives. He is still their servant as well as their Friend and Master.

He not only performs majestic deeds for them, as wearing the mitre on His brow, and the precious jewels glittering on His breastplate, and standing up to plead for them, but humbly, patiently, He yet goes about among His people with the basin and the towel. He does this when He puts away from us day by day our constant infirmities and sins.

Last night, when you bowed the knee, you mournfully confessed that much of your conduct was not worthy of your profession; and even tonight, you must mourn afresh that you have fallen again into the selfsame folly and sin from which special grace delivered you long ago; and yet Jesus will have great patience with you; He will hear your confession of sin; He will say, “I will, be thou clean”; He will again apply the blood of sprinkling, and speak peace to your conscience, and remove every spot.

It is a great act of eternal love when Christ once for all absolves the sinner, and puts him into the family of God; but what condescending patience there is when the Saviour with much long-suffering bears the oft recurring follies of His wayward disciple; day by day, and hour by hour, washing away the multiplied transgressions of His erring but yet beloved child!

To dry up a flood of rebellion is something marvellous, but to endure the constant dropping of repeated offences—to bear with a perpetual trying of patience, this is divine indeed! While we find comfort and peace in our Lord’s daily cleansing, its legitimate influence upon us will be to increase our watchfulness, and quicken our desire for holiness. Is it so?

And also teach us how to extend such grace to others who offend us knowing and unknowing.

My dear friend in the Lord, do I ask you a question? Are you blessed with knowledge and truth you discovered in this message? Are you willing to let “go” and let in Christ to take charge of your life and help you in those areas that are challenging your Christian testimony?

Think on this things you have learnt and meditate therein that you lose not your reward at the end.

Have a restful weekend and enjoy every bit of God’s presence.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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