When I come into presence am so happy, when I come into Your presence am so glad. In Your presence there is anointing, Your Spirit will surround me, in Your presence, anointing breaks the yoke. Jesus what a Wonder You are.  You are so precious so Good and so Kind. You Who shines like a bright morning star, Jesus what a Wonder You Are!

Holy Father, worship Thee for the gift of another day. Thank You for the miracle of sleeping and waking up. Of sound mind and vitality. Blessed Redeemer come and take Your Place in our lives today in Jesus Name!

Beloveth, how you are doing? How was your encounter with the King yesterday? Testimonies of His doing are all around us and Faithful is our God. Have you tested of Lord? Can you testify of His goodness in your life?

Yesterday, He bid you come! Today, He is promising you rest. The interesting thing here is that the second promise depend so largely in your accepting the first. I tried to explain it yesterday, when you come to the Lord then you will enjoy the privileges that comes along with it.

I made a promise at the beginning of the week that we will be explaining more on the “Potency” of God on the faith clinic day. The potency of God is incomprehensible and way beyond us but what I say here is that before God will start anything in your life, He has already concluded it. Therefore all you need to do is to ask Him to bring to past His plan concerning the situation at hand other than you fretting and worrying unnecessarily.

God’s promises to us is according to His size. Therefore, not even the highest mountain can withstand His presence (Ps 29:6; 114:6). Praise God. He made all things with a spoken Word, so they will surrender to Him at His bidding.

The prophetic Word of the Lord has been pronounced concerning us as ministry, is left for you to accept it or treat it with levity. As for me and my household, we believe that the Spirit God has gone ahead of us to accomplish the sayings of the Lord in our individual lives (2 Pet 1:20-21).

Ours is to daily find out how to enter into those promises by daily searching the scripture, praying our way to breakthrough and being diligent in the works of our hands. Is someone concurring to it or you have something to add, please tell us by writing to us via our email address and we will celebrate you. Praise God.

The message after this centers on our choices which is a fellow up on taking responsibility as was discussed on our Monday devotional. Please do not leave this page without getting to the end of it because it is too loaded and rich for your spiritual growth.

Do you want to enter into the rest of the Lord? Come with for more info:

Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matt. 11:28

We who are saved find rest in Jesus. Those who are not saved will receive rest if they come to Him, for here He promises to ‘give” it. Nothing can be freer than a gift; let us gladly accept what He gladly gives. You are not to buy it, nor to borrow it; but to receive it as a gift.

You labor under the lash of ambition, covetousness, lust, or anxiety: He will set you free from this iron bondage, and give you rest. You are “laden” — yes, “heavy laden” with sin, fear, care, remorse, fear of death; but if you come to Him, He will unload you. He carried the crushing mass of our sin, that we might no longer carry it. He made Himself the great Burden-bearer, that every heavy laden one might cease from bowing down under the enormous pressure.

Jesus gives rest. It is so. Will you believe it? Will you put it to the test? Will you do so at once? Come to Jesus, by quitting every other hope, by thinking of Him, believing God’s testimony about Him, and trusting everything with Him. If you thus come to Him, the rest which He will give you will be deep, safe, holy, and everlasting. He gives a rest which develops into heaven, and He gives it this day to all who come to Him.

Is someone daring to take God at His word? his testimonies concerning Jesus – at mention of his Name every knees shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord (Isa 45:23; Rom 14:11; Php 2:10; Jn 4:10,13-14; Jn 14:6;Jn 15:4;Rev 21:6).

The choice is ours to believe or not to, but we must remember that we live with our choices. Going through the next message will help us a great deal:

Between Stimulus And Response, We Have The Opportunity To Choose

Freedom of choice! How we love it!

What we don’t like is the responsibility that accompanies our choices… especially when the consequences of our choices take us sideways. So we rationalize:

“I came from a dysfunctional family.”

“My father never told me he loved me.”

“The devil made me do it.” (Flip Wilson)

Perhaps for too long we have indulged in this thing called LIBERTY: Making choices without bearing the responsibility of those choices. In the U. S. we have the STATUE OF LIBERTY on the East Coast. Maybe what we need is a STATUE OF RESPONSIBILITY on the West Coast. We could all then choose to live somewhere between LIBERTY and RESPONSIBILITY!


Often, when given choices, we choose poorly as did the Jews when Christ offered them intimacy and protection:

O Jerusalem, JerusalemHow often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling. Behold, your house is being left to you desolate.” (Matthew 23:37, 18)

Joshua, on the other hand, stands out as one who responded correctly in making the right choice:

Choose for yourselves today whom you will servebut as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15)


We may not always be able to control the stimulus that confronts us, but we can choose to respond correctly. Ultimately, the battlefield of our spiritual lives lies in the will: How and what we choose will reflect the very core of our secret life in God.

Beloved, how well are you responding to the choices you make knowing that there consequences. Jesus could have opted not to go to the cross despite the pains he chose to do the will of his Father. Once again what choices are making today? Be reassured you will meet it tomorrow no doubt. May God help us to make the right choices in Jesus Name.

Don’t forget, we are God’s people living on the promises of His Word, hold on to Him for those who trust in Him shall never be confounded (1 Pet 2:6). Had He said it; He will perform it just wait patiently. Concerning the reassurance of the prophetic word read Isa 41:17- 20.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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