Touch with Your hand Jesus, touch me with Hand Jesus, do not let go the same way I came Jesus. do not let me go the way I came Jesus. // Great is Thy faithfulness, Great is Thy faithfulness, morning by morning new mercies I see, all that I needed Thy Hand has provided, great is Thy faithfulness Lord u to Thee.

Yes! Great is Thy faithfulness O! Our Father in heaven, how Excellent are Your works. You do Great things which no man can comprehend; You are Awesome, Father, I stand in Awe of Who You are. Receive our Praise, receive all the glory, alleluia to Your Holy Name. Thank You Father for another glorious week that You will yet display Your power in the lives of Your children, thank You Father, thank You Jesus, thank You Holy Spirit, Praise and adoration to You Alone in Jesus Name.

Beloved, how are doing? Hope the power on high is resting mightily upon you. How was the church service yesterday? Hoped you had a nice time in God’s presence, wow! Mine was superb; I had a nice time with powerful and imparting message, hope you are worshipping in a place where the Raw Word of God is being preached and not where it has been watered down. As against the Real Word of God, you are fed with motivational speech and sinners go back the same way they came. They come to church without seeing any difference between the house of God and the world. May God help us in this end time in Jesus Name.
Beloved, our topic today is such an interesting one and we hope you are blessed at the end. We received a Word of Prophecy at the being of the year from God that He is going to manifest His glory upon our lives, and daily the Lord has been proving same Real in our life. This month’s theme however, has not stopped thrilling me, I have this joy that runs through my heart each time I remembers it. Do you feel the same way?

When God promised Abraham that He will make him a great nation and He will bless Him and he will become a great nation, and also a blessing in Gen 12:2. And Gen 15, Abraham was asking God “how will that be seeing I go childless and the steward of his house is going be his heir. But God promised him that his heir is going to come from his loin (Gen 15:1-5). And vs. 6 said and Abraham believe in the Lord; and he counted it to him for righteousness.

Beloved, do you doubt if the Word of God will come to pass in your life and you are not making any move or doing anything to bring the Word of God to pass in your life? You are discouraged, hear this child of God, you don’t need to be discouraged. You don’t have to allow satan to put you down and fill you with what is not true. The God Who spoke to us has the power to do all things, but first you must believe that He is able to do it, than like am use to saying leave the “how” to Him.

Do the ones you can and leave the rest for Him. He will always do it to His own glory and not yours. This late ministration was as result of the problem I have been encountering with my internet connection since the month of May and every effort on my side to resolve it was futile and today I decide to see the end of it, so I went to seek professional help but up till mid afternoon no solution in sight and I was telling God there must be a way. And when they keep repeating that I have to change the USB cord I just bought since the one they have is seeing my laptop, I reluctantly agreed to it, but I have to go with the shop assistant so that we can test it together before payment.

Beloved, that was where God was waiting for me. I refuse to give up and I am giving my best shot to it and when God saw my perseverance Spirit, He sent an angel that came in form of a man at the place where we went to. I was greatly distressed and the man offered to help after I narrated my problem to the shop owner’s assistant.
First, he used his phone’s Wi-Fi and it perfectly with my laptop both the new USB cord and the Hotspot than it is time to demonstrate same with my phone and laptop, we encountered same problem, you can imagine how I was feeling already but wait the cable worked well but the Hotspot was still not connecting. Beloved, like I said that was where God was waiting to make Name for Himself, the man (angel) offered to reset my settings and if I like I can set it back and that was it.

It connected. I was overwhelmed with joy and the man though he was waiting for a transfer payment to reflect on his phone so that he will continue with his transaction but he left immediately he resolve my problem, he simple said, he is coming and step out.

Who is still in doubt of the workings of the Lord? The Lord sent Joshua to the children of Israel “You been long on this mountain is time to move forward.” Beloved, is possible you have been doing same old thing and you are waiting for a different result, the Lord said, leave your comfort zone and try something different He will meet you there.

Is possible you don’t know “how” but He knows the “how” and will do it for you if you will do your own part. The disciple in our study today was not among the twelve disciples Jesus called, but he distinguished himself out by going beyond his original assignment and there and there God made him a great evangelist of his time and through him the gospel came to Africa (Act 7, 8).

Beloved, what am saying is that, is not going to be business as usual, you have to leave your comfort zone and God will meet with you. You have to try something different or doing it using different method and God will meet with you and lead you the very way you should go.

Divine placement is not without your co-operation. Join hands with the Holy Spirit and you will never remain the same. Come on so that we will discover more:

2 KINGS 9:14-10:36, PSALM 78:1-8, PROVERBS 16:27-28, SACTS 5:33-6:15

Creative Commonplace

They chose Stephen, a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit, and Philip.—ACTS 6:5

No matter what happens to you or when it happens to you, it is never too late to become creative. Pray as one man did who was on the verge of going insane: “O Jesus, come into my soul, my mind, my body, into every brain cell, and help me to be a contributive person.” Jesus did come into every brain cell, and that man is now well and contributing to the kingdom of God in an astonishing way.

I wonder, am I talking today to someone who feels they are caught up in so many routines that they are in the rut? Routines often become (if I might coin a word) “rut”-ines. They make us into grooved, non-creative individuals unless—and this is the point—unless we make the commonplace a creative place. And how do we do that? By the creative spirit we bring to it.

Someone has described Philip the evangelist as “a third-rate man in a second-rate task who did a first-rate job.” He was quite different from the Philip who was one of Christ’s group of twelve disciples. He didn’t have the privilege of having been chosen as one of the apostolic band. He was instead one of “the seven” whose task was “to wait on tables.” He might have folded up under these limitations and said: “I am in a rut.” Instead, he accepted the commonplace as a consecrated place and gently pushed against the barriers until they broke. His creativity marks him out as one of the greatest characters of the New Testament.

O God, help me to turn all common places into creative places. Give me the attitude of Your servant Philip, who turned a routine task into a redemptive one. In Jesus’ name I pray this. Amen.

Further Study
Col 3:1-10; 2Co 5:17; Rm 12:2
In what image is the new self made?
What are you creating at present?

beloved, are caught up in routine? I was once caught up in same when I was in banking system and I seek a change by asking for a change of job, though it wasn’t easy in coming but I break through. so I have a first hand experience when it comes to a routine job. Even in my present work, I have been doing some changes since last month and I believe God it will pay-off soonest.

So what is that you need to change or get involved into? Ask the Holy Spirit to help you and you will sing a new song soon, I am looking forward to what God is yet to do for me, I was imagining it few hours ago, Wow! I can’t wait.

Remember, “ it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure” (Phil 2:13). On this note, we declare the week open and by God’s grace we will return at the end with greater testimonies in Jesus Name.

Go in that might; you great man of valour!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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