He is the Lord! He is the Lord Amen!!! He has risen from the death he is Lord! Every knees shall bow every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord!// Let the Living water flow over my soul, let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles our heart, all my care and burden unto Thee I comeā€¦. Jesus! Jesus!! Jesus!!!, calling Father, Father! Father!! Father!!!

Our Father in heaven we glorify Your Holy Name we bow down before Thee! Our Father in heaven we glorify Your Holy Name we bow down before Thee!

What shall I render! What shall I render! What shall I render to You O! Lord! I will exalt Your Name and shout alleluia, what shall I render to you O! Lord! I render praises to You, I will render praises, I will render praises to You O! God! I will exalt Your Name and shout alleluia I will render praises to You O! Lord!

Thank You for the gift of brand new week, another day! For great and my things You have done, for the gift of life, of salvation and deliverance from the snares of satan and defending us in the face of evil, we bless Your Holy Name! Thank You and Thank You forever more! Amen!!!

Beloveth, this is the day the Lord has made, we shall rejoice and be glad in it. Thank God for the gift of this week, this day, the Lord will manifest his glory and you will know it for good. Praise the Lord!

We are marching forward, we are unstoppable though the death and satan tries to hinder us but thanks be to Jesus who delivers us from them all and set our feet on the solid Rock and ensures our going, Praise be to the Living Jesus alleluia!!!

Beloveth, the Lord will send health and healing. that which has been a solaces for one will be same to another as the Lord liveth we will be living testimonies. The Lord will look from heaven and grant us peace, peace at all time, peace by all means.

Do not make your heart be shaken as the One Who is heaven will supply healing and cure. He will make a way where there seems to be no way. he will look down from heaven and show you mercy. He will guide you to life, sickness will be far from you, and afflictions will not rise in your camp again for the Lord of host will display His goodness amen! amen!! Amen!!!

All deadness in your life, family and career will receive the touch of God and you will never remain the same in Jesus Name. The Hand that raised Christ from death is able to settle your case. You are coming alive, that career and ministry is receiving strength now. The Lord sent a Word and deliver them that are oppressed by the devil, yes the power of the Most High God will make alive for He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the One Who is and is yet to come Amen!!!

“Who passing through the valley of Baca make it a well, the rain also filleth the pools.” Psalm 84:6

This teaches us that the comfort obtained by a one may often prove serviceable to another; just as wells would be used by the company who came after. We read some book full of consolation, which is like Jonathan’s rod, dropping with honey. Ah! we think our brother has been here before us, and digged this well for us as well as for himself.

Many a “Night of Weeping,” “Midnight Harmonies,” an “Eternal Day,” “A Crook in the Lot,” a “Comfort for Mourners,” has been a well digged by a pilgrim for himself, but has proved quite as useful to others. Specially we notice this in the Psalms, such as that beginning, “Why art thou cast down, O my soul?” Travellers have been delighted to see the footprint of man on a barren shore, and we love to see the waymarks of pilgrims while passing through the vale of tears.

The pilgrims dig the well, but, strange enough, it fills from the top instead of the bottom. We use the means, but the blessing does not spring from the means. We dig a well, but heaven fills it with rain. The horse is prepared against the day of battle, but safety is of the Lord. The means are connected with the end, but they do not of themselves produce it. See here the rain fills the pools, so that the wells become useful as reservoirs for the water; labour is not lost, but yet it does not supersede divine help.

Grace may well be compared to rain for its purity, for its refreshing and vivifying influence, for its coming alone from above, and for the sovereignty with which it is given or withheld.

May our readers have showers of blessing, and may the wells they have digged be filled with water! Oh, what are means and ordinances without the smile of heaven! They are as clouds without rain, and pools without water. O God of love, open the windows of heaven and pour us out a blessing!

May beloveth who the Lord has set free is free indeed. The enemies may try, satan and his cohorts will fight but they can never overcome Him who the Lord has grant victory. The Lord Himself will show you forth as His glory and you will showcase His glory as the day goes by.

On this note we declare this week open, will shine forth, will break bounds, will move forward, we are run on the troop and leap over the walls and at the end we will return with greater testimonies in Jesus Name.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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