Jehovah You are the Most high God…Jehovah You are the Most high God… Jehovah You are the Most high God…Jehovah You are the Most high God….// Praising the Lord O! My soul this is day He has made alleluia, alleluia… Praise yea the Lord…. Praise the Lord O! My soul this is day he has made alleluia…alleluia Praise yea the Lord…
Father we bow in worship before You to adore and glorify Your Holy Name… yes… the Lord s my Shepherd and I shall not want…. He makes me to lie down in green pasture… He leads me besides the still waters. He restores my soul… He guide me in the path of righteousness for His Name’s sake Yea, thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…I fear no evil for Thou with me, Thy rod and Thy staff, they comforted me. thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies… though anointed my head with oil; My cup runneth over… surely goodness and lovingkindness shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the presence of God for ever and ever ….. Amen!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth… are you ready to Praise this only God Who have never leave you nor forsake you all through this year… if you are to give God a gift what can you chose to give Him… yes ther are many gifts items that will come to your mind and so many you cannot afford … now here this there is one gift which you will not buy… it is within you… is given to you by God all you need do is to offer it back to Him in appreciation to many good things He have done for us… especially those things that we can not help or do for ourselves …when we call on the Name Jesus is done…
So we are here to Praise and worship the only true God alleluia……………..
Yes as the Word of God said and our topic today depicts we are the true worshiper of God, we worship Him not only instrument of Praise but with in true Spirit and with fruit of our lips (Heb.13;15).
Did you read that your lips has fruit…. So you are not buying Praiss, all you need to do is to open it and sing and Praise God…. somebody shout alleluia!!!!! Never knew that the lips has fruit….. Awesome God!!!
Come along with us for more:
But an hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth. Yes, the Father wants such people to worship Him. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”—John 4:23–24
We are designed to worship God in spirit and in truth. As Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman at the well, He sought to help her do this by imparting to her God’s living water (John 4:13–14).
Jesus sought out this woman personally to give her abundant life. In the same way the Father seeks an encounter with each of us that is real and personal. The Samaritan woman had heard about God; Jesus said true worship must be “face to face” with God.
Worship is not religion or ritual; worship is an intimate and vital encounter with a Person. True worship includes the full recognition of who God is: Holy, Sovereign, Almighty, Loving, Merciful. This recognition brings about the realization of our own sinfulness.
True worship is life-changing! It creates within the worshiper’s heart a hatred for sin. True worship results in repentance, obedient submission, and a desire for holiness (Isa. 6:1–8). True worship generates a desire to show mercy and to express forgiveness. It includes a joyful acceptance of all that God has provided by His grace.
True worship is not exclusive. Just as the Samaritan woman rushed off to tell others of her encounter with the Lord, so true worship will compel the worshiper to include others. As a result of this woman’s encounter with Jesus, many others from her village came to know Him as well.
The one who has truly worshiped will have a sense of peace and a confident expectation of what God is about to do. True worship produces a transformed life, reflecting the One who has been worshiped.
Yes in that light and Spirit beloveth let us go ahead to worship our God and give him the fruit of our lips which is our praises to Him….
Everybody testifies You are Good… You are Good Jehovah You are Good…. Everybody testify You are Good… You are Good Jehovah… You are so Good…
I will lift up Jesus Higher… I will lift up Jesus Higher… Oh Jehovah… Alpha Omega I will lift up Jesus Higher… O Jehovah… Alpha Omega… I will lift up Jesus Higher…
You are Worthy O God … everybody saying Lord You are Worthy O God… You are saying Lord … You are Worthy O God… everybody saying now You are Worthy O Lord…
I will worship the Lord… I will sing alleluia… I will worship the Lord … my God doing for me… amen alleluia Amen alleluia Amen!!!
Be Glorify O Lord… be Glorify… be glorify in this Glorify here on earth… Jesus be though Glorify….
All glory… All honour… adoration to You… Holy Father we worship You… Precious Jesus our Saviour… Holy Spirit, we wait You… Holy Spirit, we wait on You… Holy Spirit we wait on you for fire …..
Beloveth before I penned down for this year… I want to sincerely appreciate you and ask God for a blessing that will be outstanding in your life… see when God choose Mary to be the mother of Jesus … she is not the only Mary in the land …she is not the only virgin also… but the omnipotent chose her to be called blessed among all the women….
Therefore I speak into your life that God will grant you an outstanding miracles that you will not have room enough to warehouse it therefore neighbors will know that indeed God has visited you….
Watch out in the coming year because it will surely come to past if you faint not…
For the many good things God did for me during this year and the ones He will yet do …I have this song to offer back to Him… God bless you as you join us to sing … He has done me well by Solomon Lange;
{You have Done Me Well
You have Done Me Well
You’ve Done Me Well, Jesus
You have Done Me Well
You have Done Me Well
You’ve Done Me Well, Jesus} [x2]
{You have Done Me Well
You have Done Me Well
You’ve Done Me Well, Jesus
You have Done Me Well
You have Done Me Well
You’ve Done Me Well, Jesus} [x2]
[Verse – Swahili]
Umeni Tenda Mena
Umeni Tenda Mena
Um’eni Tenda Mena, Yesu
Umeni Tenda Mena
Umeni Tenda Mena
Um’eni Tenda Mena, Yesu
{Umeni Tenda Mena
Umeni Tenda Mena
Um’eni Tenda Mena, Yesu
Umeni Tenda Mena
Umeni Tenda Mena
Um’eni Tenda Mena, Yesu} [x3]
Further Reading- 2Pet.3:15, Phil.1:27, Heb. 13:15, Ps 34:5
See you next year… to the glory of God…. Have glorious cross over to year 2023….
Happy New Year….. Beloved from
Remain blessed in the Lord.