Who is like unto Thee, O Lord, Who is like unto Thee O Lord among the gods, who is like You are glorious in Holiness fearful in praises doing wonders alleluia!// O Lord my God, how wonderful is Your Name, in all the earth how wonderful is Your Name.

Heavenly Father we thank You, we bless Your Name, we worship You we honour You for who You are. Faithful God, Thank You for today, a day You have made and said we should rejoice and be glad in it. Father, Thank You for being God unto us, for Your love, patient and care.

Thank You dear Jesus for Your death and our hope of reigning with You as prince and princess in heavenly abode. Glory be to God.

Beloved, is my desire to make it heaven, what about you? Apostle Paul said “if our hope in Christ is only in this life, we are of all men most miserable” (1 Cor 15:19). But that is not our case as we read yesterday towards the end of this same chapter that He arose from death thereby winning victory for us and having risen from death, we also have hope of rising after the death.

How do we ensure that we make it to heaven I think should be our upper most concern? We must live right, we must fear and honour God and obey His commandment, love one another, shun corruption and avoid deceit. Or how can You explain it that a fellow dead in sin not only claim to be righteous but also display the gift of speaking in tongues. What a repugnant attitude not only to those who knew his way of life but also to heaven.

How on earth an adulterer, a fornicator or a sinner under any disguise will speaks in tongues? Repent now and save yourself from this raging angry of God. Let Calvary not be in vain in your life. You have an opportunity to make things right now, make good use of it.

May I ask you a question, are you afraid of men or God? Are you afraid of what men will say or what God says about you? Repent now and make the necessary restitution. Look at our Lord Jesus Christ, He overcame for you, do not trivializes it. Read on:

A bundle of myrrh is my well-beloved unto me.” Song 1:13

Myrrh may well be chosen as the type of Jesus on account of its preciousness, its perfume, its pleasantness, its healing, preserving, disinfecting qualities, and its connection with sacrifice. But why is He compared to “a bundle of myrrh”? First, for plenty. He is not a drop of it, He is a casket full. He is not a sprig or flower of it, but a whole bundle. There is enough in Christ for all my necessities; let me not be slow to avail myself of Him.

Our well-beloved is compared to a “bundle” again, for variety: for there is in Christ not only the one thing needful, but in “Him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily,” everything needful is in Him. Take Jesus in His different characters, and you will see a marvellous variety—Prophet, Priest, King, Husband, Friend, Shepherd.

Consider Him in His life, death, resurrection, ascension, second advent; view Him in His virtue, gentleness, courage, self-denial, love, faithfulness, truth, righteousness—everywhere He is a bundle of preciousness. He is a “bundle of myrrh” for preservation—not loose myrrh tied up, myrrh to be stored in a casket. We must value Him as our best treasure; we must prize His words and His ordinances; and we must keep our thoughts of Him and knowledge of Him as under lock and key, lest the devil should steal anything from us.

Moreover, Jesus is a “bundle of myrrh” for speciality. The emblem suggests the idea of distinguishing, discriminating grace. From before the foundation of the world, He was set apart for His people; and He gives forth His perfume only to those who understand how to enter into communion with Him, to have close dealings with Him. Oh! blessed people whom the Lord hath admitted into His secrets, and for whom He sets Himself apart.

Oh! choice and happy who are thus made to say, “A bundle of myrrh is my well-beloved unto me.” Won’t you rather be with Him? Read on the Supreme sacrifice:

And he shall put his hand upon the head of the burnt-offering; and it shall be accepted for him to make atonement for him.” Leviticus 1:4


Our Lord’s being made “sin for us” is set forth here by the very significant transfer of sin to the bullock, which was made by the elders of the people. The laying of the hand was not a mere touch of contact, for in some other places of Scripture the original word has the meaning of leaning heavily, as in the expression, “Thy wrath lieth hard upon me” (Psalm 88:7).

Surely this is the very essence and nature of faith, which doth not only bring us into contact with the great Substitute, but teaches us to lean upon Him with all the burden of our guilt. Jehovah made to meet upon the head of the Substitute all the offences of His covenant people, but each one of the chosen is brought personally to ratify this solemn covenant act, when by grace he is enabled by faith to lay his hand upon the head of the “Lamb slain from before the foundation of the world.”

Believer, do you remember that rapturous day when you first realized pardon through Jesus the sin-bearer? Can you not make glad confession, and join with the writer in saying, “My soul recalls her day of deliverance with delight.

Laden with guilt and full of fears, I saw my Saviour as my Substitute, and I laid my hand upon Him; oh! how timidly at first, but courage grew and confidence was confirmed until I leaned my soul entirely upon Him; and now it is my unceasing joy to know that my sins are no longer imputed to me, but laid on Him, and like the debts of the wounded traveller, Jesus, like the good Samaritan, has said of all my future sinfulness, ‘Set that to My account.'”

 Blessed discovery! Eternal solace of a grateful heart!

“My numerous sins transferr’d to Him,

Shall never more be found,

Lost in His blood’s atoning stream,

Where every crime is drown’d!” 

Have you resolved to make it right? Is your heart eternally grateful to Him? Then shout a big Alleluia!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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