Lord You are so good, be Thou exalted Lord above the earth, Lord You are so good, be Thou exalted Lord above the earth, it doesn’t matter the world would say, it matter what the world would do, it does matter O! my God be Thou exalted Lord above the earth. Glory glory to the Lord alleluia, Glory, glory to the Lord, alleluia! Honour, honour to the Lord alleluia, Honour, honour to the Lord alleluia. Sing allelu.., allelu alleluia, alleluia, ia, ai, aiai.
All glory, all honour , adoration, to You, all glory, all honour, adoration to You O Lord! Blessed be Thy Name forever and ever. You are the Lord, that is Your Name, You will never share Your glory with anyone Lord, You will never share Your glory with anybody all Mighty God that is Your Name. Yes! Lord Your glory You will share with nobody. Thank You for the gift of this week, Your miracles, provisions and Your protections on all that You have made. Glory be to Your Name alone in Jesus Name.
Faithful Father, we say thank You and thank You again and again. Blessed be Thy Name forever. Father You will yet show forth Your Praise in our lives and situation, glory be to Your Name on high. Come and have Your way in our lives today and do that which only You can do. Blessed be Your Name on high in Jesus Name.
Beloved, hope you are rejoicing in the Lord Your Saviour? He is Miracle Worker, our Everlasting King Glory, He is the Beginning and the End, glory be to Him alone in Jesus Name. Our God will arise be God indeed us Amen. We are His people; the sheep of His pastures. Alleluia somebody! Praise the Lord.
Beloved, today is our PCL, the first of its kind in this month and especial one at it, it is a double portion package, if you are happy about it can you lift your voice unto the Lord and shout alleluia to our God.
O! Come on and join me to sing “alleluia to our God, every word of worship to our God, alleluia, alleluia, to our God! yes He is God, our redeemer, our bests in best. Shout a big alleluia to our God! Yes our God is going to bestow on to us a double portion of His grace, anointing, favour, power, and blessings in Jesus Name alleluia. Praise the Lord.
I am excited as this is coming up in this first week and a lot of us is going be to run with this Spirit to the end of this month and beyond in Jesus Name.
Once again this is meant to serve as reminder to those joining us recently – PCL stands for – Practical Christian Living. It meant to guide and help shape our Christian lives. Put in another word, here we see or seek to know how easy it is to live out the Christian teachings we receive on weekly basis either here or somewhere else. As such it provide room to ask questions and provide solutions and create avenue to handle any obstacles through biblical examples or Rheme by the Holy Spirit.
So relax in God’s presence as the Holy Spirit infuse in you the grace of “Double Portion” anointing that will bring to past the promise of God concerning you this month in Jesus Name. Pay attention to details as to discover the secret of Prophet Elijah and others like him that did great things for God. Come on let’s get going:
Elijah said to Elisha, “Ask! What may I do for you, before I am taken away from you?” Elisha said, “Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me.”2 Kings 2:9
There had never been a man like Elijah. He had raised the dead, called down fire from heaven, and revealed God’s plans for a devastating drought. The Israelites must have felt certain there would never be another prophet like Elijah, until Elisha came along. Moses was arguably the mightiest leader the Hebrews had ever followed, yet God prepared Joshua to accomplish what not even Moses had achieved. David’s reign marked a high point for the nation of Israel, yet it was Solomon who carried out the task that was denied his father, by building the spectacular temple.
We can be tempted to put more trust in the leaders God gives us than in God Himself. History teaches that, as wonderful as these godly people are, God always has another Moses, Elijah, or David. Often the successor will come with a double portion of their predecessors’ spirits.
God has limitless ways to accomplish His will. The same God who led Moses could also use Joshua. If no one were willing to serve Him, the Lord would accomplish His work by His own divine power. We are not irreplaceable to the Lord. He will achieve His purposes. The question is this: Will we be a part of God’s activity, or will He find someone else? We deceive ourselves if we think we are indispensable to God. Service to the Lord is an honor He bestows on us, not a favor we do for Him. If you are mourning the loss of one of your leaders, do not despair. God has another leader, for He will see that His will is carried out. It may even be that He has been preparingyou to be that leader.
Did you get the last part of was said above, “is possible that God is preparing you for that great appointment as He did for Elijah. Did you discover the secret to Elijah double portion anointing? He was diligent in following Elisha. He overcame all obstacles that came his way even when mockers arose. He burnt his…. when the mantle fell on him. He never looked back; he was Focus and in all He showed a great level of perseverance in his pursuit in God’s service and God could not hold back but rather blessed him with his heart desires because He knew that he will deliver on the assignment given. Praise the Lord.
Are you ready for such honour? Who are the Caleb calibers in our midst? Who are the Elijah’s of our days? Come along with me as the same God is here again to do for us what He did in time past. He will yet do it again. Praise the Lord. Alleluia! But there is something to watch out for. We must beware of Samson’s spirit in our live. We must make sure that we are walking with God’s instruction lest the Holy Spirit leaves us powerless without our knowledge. Let’s get going:
So he awoke from his sleep, and said, “I will go out as before, at other times, and shake myself free!” But he did not know that the Lord had departed from him.Judges 16:20
One of the signs of a heart that has shifted from God is the absence of spiritual power. If you are like Samson, you will not be immediately aware that God’s power has left you. Only after he tried to defeat his enemies did Samson recognize that something was wrong. He went against the Philistines as before, expecting their swift defeat. But this time the Philistines easily prevailed over him.
If you allow sin to creep into your life, if you refuse to obey your Lord, if you do not reconcile with those who have hurt you, your spiritual vitality is waning. You may assume everything is fine, but when you pray, answers do not come as they once did. You once had a positive effect on those around you, but now your influence is negligible or even harmful. Your life once brought reconciliation, but now you experience problems in your relationships. Those around you who have relied upon your strength are discovering that you are not as helpful to them as you once were. Your lack of spiritual power is not crying out for attention; but you are seeing subtle changes in your spirit and in your relationship with God.
How can you stop this spiritual decline? You must regularly repent of any sin. You must invite God to search your life to see if there are attitudes, relationships, or activities that need to be removed. You must fervently obey His will. If you walk with God in this manner, you will grow in spiritual strength and be used mightily by Him.
Wow! What a great impartation service if you ask me. Let us bless the Name of our God who do not leave us desolate in the time of our need neither was His Word scares in our midst, Praise the Lord.
Have a wonderful weekend. Receive the double portion of God’s blessings, favour, grace for the work ahead. See you next week by God’s grace.
Remain blessed in the Lord