Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before the Throne. We bow before the Throne, We worship at Your feet… we bow before the Throne You are glorious God… we bow before the Throne, we worship at Your feet… we bow before the Throne You are glorious God… // Who is like unto Thee O! Lord… Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! Among the gods Who is like Thee You are glorious in holiness fearful in Praising doing wonders Alleluia!!!
Excellent Jehovah we worship and adore Your Holy Name… Thank You for the gift of this month… Thank You Father for making it possible for us to partake of Your blessings till the end… Thank You for Great Miracles and Healing You wrought among us… blessed be Thy Holy Name, Almighty King of glory… we bow and worship Your Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name….
Beloveth, with Jesus joy in our heart we are congratulating you for making it to the end of this month… Wow! What a wonderful time out to be in God’s Presence and be blessed… our God is too much… Praise the Lord… Somebody!!!! Alleluia!!!
Today is the last day of this month and here we have to partake of the double portion of your heart desires from God… so what do you want from our God to do for you… Up to double portion grace is available in the house to deliver it to you…Yes… Faithful is our God… in Heaven He is God…on earth He remaineth same…
Beloveth… Elisha said to Elijah “ please, let there be a double portion of your Spirit on me… however, Elijah replied that the power to do that is not resting on him…however if him being taken away, it shall be so but if not, it shall not be so…
Beloveth, did notice something in the prophet statement… how did Elijah knew that his body will not see corruption…in order words that he will not die but rather he will be taken away….
There are levels in the prophetic…beloveth…we must grow in the Lord to be able to discern what the Spirit of God is about to do in our life, family, and ministry…
As a servant of God or child of God we must have some level of spiritual sensitive… we must operate in the level that our Spirit man will perceive what God is about to do… do I have a witness in the house?
God said shall I hide from Abraham that which I do…(Gen 18:17-18) And Noah found grace in the eyes of Lord.… (Gen 6:8) I will not let You go unless you bless me….(Gen 32:26) and Mary found favour with God…(Lk 1:30)…
You may be wondering what double portion got to here… don’t forget that Elijah perceived that he will be taken away… we are align ourselves with what God is doing if we must not frustrated in our dealings… with double anointing of Elisha He did exploits for kingdom- His miracles were extraordinary- he healed water, the Axe head swim, He multiple the oil and elevated the wife of a prophet from poverty to financial security…he smite the host of Syrians army with blindness and led them to Samaria where the Lord opened their eyes…, while sitting at the comfort of his house, he saw his servant Gehazi collected a gift from Naaman. When he came to Bethel, some little children came out to jeer at Him, He cursed them in the Name of the LORD and two female bears came out and ate forty-two children of them… Through his intercession, the Shunammite woman conceive and bore a son, when the same boy died he prayed him back to life… Elisha servant seeing all this wonders performed by his master still went ahead to collect a gift from Naaman.. he healed a leprous man sitting right inside his house… beloveth without laying a hand….
We need to get that level of operation with God… yes with God… someone is chuckling … that is doubting your capacity in God…
Read through yesterday ministration… everything Elisha did was powered with God’s Presence … as you desire … God is still in the business of making another Abraham, another Moses, another Noah, another Jacob, another David, another Elijah and Elisha … is your portion if you believe…
Come along for more:
After they had crossed over, Elijah said to Elisha, “Tell [me] what I can do for you before I am taken from you.”
So Elisha answered, “Please, let there be a double portion of your spirit on me.”—2 Kings 2:9
There had never been a man like Elijah. Elijah had raised the dead, called down fire from heaven, and revealed God’s plans for a devastating drought. The Israelites must have felt certain there would never be another prophet like Elijah, until Elisha came along. Moses was arguably the mightiest leader the Hebrews had ever followed, yet God prepared Joshua to accomplish what not even Moses had achieved. David’s reign marked a high point for the nation of Israel, yet it was Solomon who carried out the task that was denied his father, by building the spectacular temple.
We can be tempted to put more trust in the leaders God gives us than in God Himself. History teaches that, as wonderful as these godly people are, God always has another Moses, Elijah, or David. Often the successor will come with a double portion of their predecessors’ spirits.
God’s purposes do not depend on us. He has limitless ways to accomplish His will. The same God who led Moses could also use Joshua. If no one were willing to serve Him, the Lord would accomplish His work by His own divine power. We are not irreplaceable to the Lord. He will achieve His purposes. The question is this: Will we be a part of God’s activity, or will He find someone else? We deceive ourselves if we think we are indispensable to God. Service to the Lord is an honor God bestows on us, not a favor we do for God.
If you are mourning the loss of one of your leaders, do not despair. God has another leader, for He will see that His will is carried out. It may even be that He has been preparing you to be that leader.
Is possible He is preparing you to be another Moses of our time… Another Elijah or Elisha of our time… all you to do is to stay closer to God… by praying and meditating… and when you evangelize, the Power of God will be demonstrated through you… alleluia Amen!!! Yes through you…
Paul said to timothy do not neglect the spiritual gift you received through prophecy spoken over you when the elders of the church laid their hands on you….(1 Tim4:14)…
Abundant Blessings is your portion… the God of Double Portion is still our God… what is does your heart desires dearly beloved… He will grant same to you…but you must ask to receive… Praise the Lord…
We are in the season of Abundant.. So don’t be afraid … God is ever ready to bless you… His though, plan and purpose in your life is to bless you… stay connected… Amen..
On this note we sign off from the month of July… our month of Abundant Blessings through Jesus Christ… Amen!!!
Have a blissful weekend… see you on Monday by His grace…
Remain blessed in the Lord.