Glorious God…. Beautiful King… Excellent God, we bow before Your Throne… Glorious God… Beautiful King… Excellent God we bow before Throne… we bow before Thy Throne we worship at Your Feet… we bow before Thy Throne You are a Glorious God…// I am Thank You Lord for Who You are… What You have done in my life Lord…x2 Dan Sakari Baba…

Our Father we Thank you we bless Your Holy Name… we exalt You we give You Praise… hallow be Thy Name… Let Thy kingdom come and Will be done in our live and situations in Jesus Name be Thou glorify Lord… be Thy magnify Jesus, we worship Your Holy Name… blessed be Thy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name…

Beloveth … we serve a Living God Who Word is yeah and Amen! We come to glorify His Holy Name forever… His Name is strong Tower… The righteous runs into it and they are secure… God exalts His Word more that His Name… When He said a thing… He brings it to pass … What an Awesome God we serve… Praise the Name of Jehovah….

Today the world is celebrating one man who decided to get it right even when he knew it will cause his life- by secreting join two lovers together in a Holy matrimony and defied Emperor Claudius (11) decree for a selfish reason as at that time… they King eventually knew and ordered a public execution of him. so his name was immortalize by a lady who was next on his list to be joined together and has become an annual celebration…

This is what now spread to the world; which is now called valentine day or lovers day which is celebrated every 14th February… though the world has turn it upside down and many abomianable things happens on this day instead of being a lovers day and turn out to be Lust day…

But we gonna take out one thing from here… this fellow did a noble thing … and that immortalizes his name… despite what they have turned it into…

So back here … how are you ensuring that your name connotes “good” not “evil” as we see in some cases…

Join us to discover more:

A Good Name

  • Is to be more desired than great riches… ” (Proverbs 22:1a)
  • Is nearly impossible to restore… once sullied.

The next time you are on the edge of giving in to sin… think about your GOOD NAME.

Is any sin worth the price of losing your GOOD NAME?

Here are two reasons why the answer is no:

  1. Our private sins have a way of becoming public property:

 “Be sure your sin will find you outA bird on the wing may carry your words(and) report what you say… “(Numbers 32:23b; Ecclesiastes 10:20b)


I the Lord your God (visit) the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations… ” (Exodus 20:5)

 Visualize one of your grandkids a few years from now saying,

“There’s nothing to this religion stuff. My grandpa messed around with women… ripped off his company… and went to church on Sunday. Same with my old man. Forget this Christianity stuff!”


“My grandpa loved God… just like my dad does. I wanna be like them!!”

Is any temporary satisfaction worth the price of your GOOD NAME?

The answer, of course is “NO”!

So beloveth… before the day go far… before you meddle into sins that you will regret later… I want you to take a little time off and meditate on the Name Jesus…. Whose Name God exalted above every other Name… why?

Jesus went about doing His Father’s Will while He was here even while in heaven… Won’t you rather be like Him… Yes! Like Him; Like no other…

I want to be like Jesus in my life… to live as He lives… to pray as He prays… to love as He loves… to forgive as He forgives… just to be like Him… Praise the Name of the Lord…

If that is your heart desires … talk to Him now for listens to you… He will send the Holy Spirit to minister to your heart and you will remember today for good… forever in Jesus Name….

Note also that the world profess their love only once a year… but for us God’s children our love – The Trinity stands forever… Jn 3:16 …. Wow!

Further Reading – Ps.119:38, Matt.5:16, Jer.6:16, Rev.22:11, 2 Cor.2:14-17, Isa.48:17, Rev.2:10, Acts.4:29-31.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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