Glory be to God in the highest Amen! Glory be to God in the highest Amen! For His mercy enduerth forever Amen…x2// Who is like unto Thee…O Lord Who is like unto Thee O Lord! Among the gods Who is like Thee, You are glorious in holiness fearful in Praising…doing wonders alleluia!!!

I will exalt You Father for has lifted me above my enemies.. Your banner over me is love..

Our Father, we thank You, we Praise and worship Your Holy Name… be Thou exalted O Lord forever and ever in Jesus Name… O my Father I Thank You for miracles and blessings of last month… Jesus Thank You for healings, deliverances, Provisions, Directions, Safety Only You can do this…

(Song) Be Thou exalted Unlimited God… O be Thou exalted …Be Thou exalted… Be Thou exalted Unlimited God…

Indeed Your sovereignty over all the earth is unquestionable… I cannot Thank You enough… You are more than what we call You… there is no gods like our God… Thank You Father Lord… we worship and adore Your Holy Name… Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!

Beloveth… Happy New Month… Celebrate Jesus… Thank God for the gift of a new month… The month of August… Wow… The Eight month of the year… The month of New Beginning…. Wow Our God is an Able God… Praise the Name of the Lord….

Beloveth we are moving forward… to God Alone be the Glory… in this new month… The Lord is saying to us that is our month…of  “A Great Month for A Great God”…(Ps.23, 34) Can someone celebrate Jesus with me…

This month is tagged “A Great Month for A Great God…” Alleluia!!!!!!!! That was how He dropped it in my spirit last week Friday while I was ministering, I was asking myself what is that… but in this journey with the Master… I can never ask “why” when I am instructed to make a declaration … I am not the Worker; I am only the clay… He knows what He is set to achieve and I cannot question Him …. I will simply obey…. Or will I put it this way… I will trust and obey Him… Praise the Name of the Lord…. Alleluia… Last night I got it … The message before us today is the Biblical chapter of the theme of the year…

I was screaming… I was shouting… I was Jumping/dancing  I know … O my God, I now know why the Month of August was declared  “A Great Month for A Great God…”

Beloveth…You and I have to be intentional this month… Yes!!! We have to be debilitate in our worship this month… we must take out time to seek the Face of God …because in seeking and knocking, the Word of God assured us that we shall found… we must also be engaging intentional… because when we engage God in the place of prayer with expectation… then we will receive…

Beloveth… Don’t come before God without an expectation… This is our month beloveth… what our God has decided to do will definitely find expression in our lives, family, career and ministry… And it shall be so in Jesus Name…

Beloveth… in this period of the year, many are saddle with fear of not just the future even tomorrow… how are we going to come out from the pains, sicknesses, failures, confusion that is on the rise .…

Beloveth we must remember the Word of God to us as ministry… His Word never falls to the ground but it must find expression in that which it was sent it… Alleluia!!!

So in this new month, our Father is once again reminding us of His Word from the beginning of this year… To Us as a Ministry.. This is Our Year of Unending Goodness… beloveth… that is, as we are experiencing one goodness of the Lord… another will follow suit… alleluia!!! And so shall it be for us in Jesus Name…

Having said that … there is also  reassurance that God does not forget… Alleluia.. Even if you cannot understand it… beloveth know yea.. that God cannot “forget you”… You are engraved in His Palm… Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia!!!

Beloveth now that you know that God does not forget…one thing is expected of you… make sure that you are soaking yourself in the Word of God… because if you do; you will not believe any lie of satan… you will not be confuse either… Praise the Name of the Lord… somebody!!!

Come along with us for more:


Many Of Us Live With A Certain Dread Of The Future

MANY OF US LIVE WITH A CERTAIN DREAD OF THE FUTURE. A fear that some day the bottom will fall out. A fear that the plague will eventually get us.

Jesus, our loving Shepherd, can lay those fears to rest. Consider His promises in Psalm 23:

If I am fearful of loosing my way, He offers me direction: “He leads me beside quiet waters… “

If I am fearful of poverty, He offers me provision: “I shall not be in wantmy cup overflows… “

If I am fearful of fatigue or burnout, He offers me rest and renewal: “He makes me lie down in green pastures beside quiet watersHe restores my soul.

If I am fearful of spiritual compromise, He offers me growth: “He guides me in paths of righteousness for His names sake… “

If I am fearful of loneliness, He offers me His companionship and solace: “You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me… “

If I am fearful of humiliation, He offers me honor: “You anoint my head with oil… “

 If I am fearful of calamity, He offers me His bountiful kindness: “Surely goodnesswill follow me all the days of my life… “

If I am fearful of rejection or isolation, He offers me His merciful favor: “Surelylove will follow me all the days of my life… “

 If I am fearful of being lost, He offers me His salvation: “I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

The only requirement on my part to receive the care and protection of this devoted Shepherd, is total surrender to His Lordship.

After all, the Psalmist did start the 23rd Psalm with, “The Lord is my Shepherd!

QUESTION: Is there an area of your life that you have not relinquished to His Lordship? Why not surrender it to Him today and begin to experience the freedom and joy of living under His sovereign and loving care?

Celebrate Jesus with us… our God has done it… already… there is nothing to be afraid of any longer… If you need carry this promises along with you… all through this month and beyond, make sure that nothing hinders you in Jesus Name… Beloveth, you are unstoppable in Jesus Name… our God is going to do things that you never imagine that will happen so soon in your life in Jesus Name… thunder

Shout a thunderous alleluia!!!! Amen!!!…I am so exciting… hope you are… so get your jotter ready..for the counting start now… first… your rising up this morning in the land of the Living… secondly….

Be ready as the God is ready… Make sure you are in His “WILL,” if you are; you will never regret it…

Further Reading: 2Cor.6:2, 1Tim.3:16, Heb.3:14, Prov.7:1, 1Cor.16:14, 1Tim.4:10, Amos.5:4

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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