Everybody testify You are good. You are good Jehovah, You are good. Everybody testify You are good, You are good Jehovah, You are good.// Lord, You are so good, You are so good, Mighty Jesus I worship You, You are so good 2x.

Faithful Father we thank You, we blessed Your Name for You are God, Only You are Great and Mighty. Thank You for a blessed week ahead of us. Thank You for victories won over Satan and His agent. Thank You Father for fighting our secret battles and exposing the enemies of our lives. Glory be to You. We cannot thank You enough for the great and mighty Things You did for us. Receive our praise, receive our honour, receive our adorations in Jesus Name.

Beloved, how was your weekend? Hope you went to church yesterday? Wahoo, the month is gradually going, and am sure your expectation are being met?  The word of the Lord will never fall short. I am grateful to God most especial of His loving kindness towards me, showing mercies and bestowing on me unlimited favour. He is indeed a good God. So kind and loving towards all that trust in His Name.

Beloved, hope you are still keeping the month theme in view. While am I asking? Because God will give you a pleasant surprise that will turn around your life for good. Any weight and burden you are carrying unduly His Hand will uproot and destroy in Jesus Name. God will reveal all your secret enemies that are unknown to you in Jesus Name. Keep on holding on, He will do it, He did mine, yours will not be too much for Him to handle.

Today’s ministration is coming on the hill of the kind of Christians we have in our time. It amazing how so many have sell their conscience to the devil and still pretend to be children of God. But the Word God has answer to their actions. He knows those that are His. Whatever a man sows He will reap. They are clothed with sheep clothing but are wolves in the inside.

Beloved, the book of Isaiah has a teaching you read and digest so that you will be turn back on the last day. Today’s teaching is telling us about a way that a sinner will walk in even their most expensive car or plane they cannot access the way.

Join me as we discover more in the message below:

A road will be there and a way;

it will be called the Holy Way.

The unclean will not travel on it,

but it will be for him who walks the path.

Even the fool will not go astray.—Isaiah 35:8


The nation of Israel was designed to have a place where other nations of the world could come to worship the true God. The temple in Jerusalem was to be the center from which the good news of God’s salvation would spread to every corner of the world. But those who were supposed to be God’s people forsook Him and practiced every kind of sin.

Rather than being ambassadors for God, they disgraced His holy name. Rather than attracting the nations of the earth to God, they became stumbling blocks to those who were seeking the true God. The Israelites fell so far from God’s original intent that God judged them and sent them into exile. Yet God promised that one day His people would be an avenue by which others could find salvation.

It is God’s desire that anywhere there is a Christian, God has a way for people to learn of His salvation (Rom. 10:14–15). Whenever an unbeliever meets a Christian, the unbeliever ought to be face to face with everything he needs to know in order to follow Christ.

Sadly, however, Christians can be like the Israelites of Isaiah’s day. We can be so involved in our sin that we are completely disoriented to God, ill-equipped to direct others to Him. If our lives are filled with hypocrisy, we may turn people away from God, rather than helping them come to Him. If our lives are filled with doubt or anger, we will impede others from coming to Christ. Our lives ought to be a highway of holiness, providing easy access to God for anyone around us who seeks Him. Ask God to remove any obstacle in your life that hinders others from coming to know Jesus.

Are you one of them that disgrace the Name of the Lord? Are you truly an ensign for the sinners or are you a stumbling block to them? This call for self-examination. Am shock at what is happening even in the house of God, however be encourage because God will bring to book all those blasphemies.

Beloved, victory is sure but not for a sinner. Ask yourself the question below? Let’s get going:

 Do You Hate Sin? Or Do You Coddle Your Sin?

I wonder if most of us don’t secretly love our sin. But because it robs us of our power and peace, we confess it and go straight for a while. But then, like a reforming alcoholic, we tire of our chastity and find ourselves seeking out or allowing our pet sins to once again gain control over us.

Yet the Scriptures instruct us that “to fear the Lord is to hate evil… ” (Proverbs 8:13)

King Josiah demonstrated a hatred for sin that is unique in the annals of Israel’s history. Upon learning of the Scripture’s teaching on holiness, he tore his clothes, repented, and then took severe steps to eradicate blatant practices of sin among his people. He:

Removed and burned articles used for worshipping Baal and the stars



Did away with pagan priests
Tore down the quarters of the male prostitutes Desecrated, burned and ground to dust the “high places” (places where pagan priests burned incense)



Desecrated the places where child sacrifices were located



Removed horses dedicated to the sun
Pulled down an altar dedicated to the worship of the stars; smashing them into pieces and throwing them outside the City of Jerusalem



Burned chariots dedicated to the sun
Demolished a golden calf at Bethel Smashed and cut down artifacts related to worship of a Canaanite mother-goddess



Had bones from the hillside removed and burned to defile pagan locales of worship



Removed and defiled all the shrines on the “high places”
Slaughtered all the priests of the “high places,” burning human bones on them to defile them from further practices Got rid of all the mediums, spiritists and household gods, idols, and all other “detestable” things in Judah and Jerusalem


(2 Kings 22, 23)

Josiah’s passionate hatred of sin is EXACTLY what God expects of us: “Let those who love the Lord hate evil.” (Psalm 97:10a)

QUESTION: Which impression would a careful observer of your life have?

  • That you hate your sin? Or,
  • That you coddle your sin?

Beloved what a good way to start the week. By telling ourselves the truth from the Word. God will help us to make amend. Repent and turn away from our wicked ways and looking steadily unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.

This week is declared blessed in Jesus Name. Whatever you are believing God for the month will still be delivered to you before the end of the month in Jesus Name.

My song is a victory song as the Lord has been so good to me, your will not be an exception in Jesus Name.

Remain blessed in the Lord.


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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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