Come and see the Lord is good… come and see the Lord is good… there is nothing He cannot do… come and see the Lord is good…// I lift Your Name Higher… (I lift Your Name Higher).. I lift Your Name Higher (I lift Your Name Higher) I lift Your Name Higher, higher, higher above every other names…O Lord! I bless You Lord You are Holy… and forever You are God… and forever You are God… I bless You Lord You are Holy… Holy Lord and forever You are Lord…

Our Father we come to say thank You for the gift of September… Your Protection, provision, deliverances, love, Kindness and salvation… above Father thank You for upholding us as Your dear little children… we are eternal grateful and we return to say Thank You… Thank You and Thank You forever…

Wow! Just like yesterday we are at the last day of this month, O Lord receive our Praise, receive all honour, be Thou exalted forever and ever in Jesus Name…

Beloveth, are You excited for the Lord’s doing in your life all through this month…yes it might not be all that rosy… I met someone this morning and she was complaining about how low sales has been and because of that she decided to stay indoors but I took time to encourage her … beloveth is that your case today… I also had my bit of it this month but like David let us all encourage ourselves in the Lord because He is our Maker.. He fights our secret battles…if is not for the Lord beloveth… do you know what the plan of the enemy is concerning us?…

But by His Outstretched Hand, He saved us, delivered us and made us whole… Beloveth if you ask me we should just be grateful… someone is not comfortably with my position this morning and is asking grateful for what?….

My dear grateful for the gift life because the life you are living is not even yours… ehhhe… yes it is not yours so for the fact that you are alive and you are healthy even if you are sick just give Praise to His Name… when you Praise God even in your worst situation like Job did…our God will arise and prove His Name good before you…alleluia somebody…

I was greatly annoyed at the beginning of this week and I decided to settle it with God… but beloveth the God we are talking about is not made of wood, gold or silver or bronze… is not in water or in a mountain or hill… He is not in thunder or storm… The God we are talking about here everyday is The Living God… He knows your heart and your innermost being… before I get back home He sent some brethren almost behind me and instead of engaging Him in that all important meeting I tagged Him after… He release His Spirit afresh on me and I had peace… then I know truly God is Love and Loving … He is Kind and full of Mercy…

So if you are like me… I am here to encourage also that our God loves you and will stop at nothing to make you to understand and see it….

We started this topic last week and am here to add to you that God wants of you is for you to be a living sacrifice unto Him… beloveth you got to live for His pleasure and nothing short will be accepted to Him else you are heading for destruction but that will not be your portion in Jesus Name….

I have another story to share with you again to have a better understanding of this teaching…

Beloveth in our walk with God you either ‘Wreck Yourself or Be Wrecked.’

Sometimes God has a way of shipwrecking us even if we try to fight against or flee His will. It almost literally happened to Jonah when he refused to prophesy to Ninevah. The Bible says that Jonah fled from the Presence of the Lord and got on board a ship heading for Tarshish. I can picture God saying “So, you wanna do this the hard way,” and then hurling a might wind across the ocean with a flick of His Finger. The storm threatened to shipwreck the ship until the crew threw Jonah overboard. The storm immediately ceased. You see Jonah was still clinging to His reputation as an accurate prophet. He knew that if Ninevah repented, God would relent from the disaster that He had declared through Jonah and that would make him look like a false prophet. Jonah’s reputation was still more important to him than obeying God.

Sometimes, we too choose to do things the hard way and God has to ‘motivate’ us to forsake everything for Him and Him alone. It seems painful when it happens, but it is actually an act of God’s merciful love. He disciples His sons and daughters because He loves us. He wants all of us. He wants to be our ‘One Thing.’ He does not want to see us settle for anything less than the best.

Why not choose the easy way and make our ship and run it aground ourselves? Choose to kill the life that we want and give God a blank slate to give us the life that He wants for us in Christ Jesus!

Warning: Beware of Offence. Sometimes we take offence at the way God does things. Sometimes we do not see His discipline as a loving act. That is what happened to Jonah and let’s be honest, it can be natural reaction. Getting offended is not problem but holding onto offence and turning away from God is. A heart that harbours offence will stop us dead in our tracks and keep us from going forward with God.

Instead, let us take our emotions, hurts and doubts to God. Tell Him you are angry with Him. Ask Him why; why you, why now, why this. Wrestle in that painful place with Him until the day breaks. Be totally honest with how you feel but also be committed to working the issue through with God. don’t run away from the pain or from Him.

Take it from somebody who’s been there, there is great wisdom and deeper walk with God on the other side.

Is it clearer to you why God does His things the ways that it seems best to Him. He has the bigger picture… all we need to do is to ask for grace to live His ‘Will’…

Come along with us for more:

Therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your spiritual worship.—Romans 12:1

God takes great pleasure in worthy sacrifices. In the Old Testament God gave detailed instructions for how His people were to give their offerings. He declared that these brought a “soothing aroma” to Him (Lev. 1:13, 17). When the Israelites gave an offering to God, it was no longer their own, it belonged entirely to God.

God would accept only the best that people could give. It was an affront to almighty God to offer Him animals that were damaged or imperfect in any way. God Himself met the standard for sacrifices when He offered His own Son as the spotless Lamb. Only the death of His perfect Son was a worthy enough offering to atone for the sins of mankind.

Now, God asks us to lay down our lives on His altar as a living sacrifice. Just as it was in the Old Testament, our sacrifice, once offered, cannot be reclaimed. We belong entirely to Him. We cannot make a partial sacrifice of our lives; our offering must be wholehearted.

Therefore, if you are a Christian, your life is not your own. Rather than dying, however, God asks you to live for Him as a living sacrifice. Every day, you are to offer your life to Him for His service. You do not serve Him in your spare time or with your leftover resources.

The way you live your life for God is your offering to Him. Relentlessly pursue holiness so that your offering to God is unblemished and acceptable to Him (Eph. 4:1; Phil. 1:27; 1 Thess. 2:12).

Beloveth… are here you with us… we want to live as want but that not what God wants… He want us to lay it down for His use… God uses you according to where He place you… in the office… as a teacher, as nurse, as student, as mechanic, as a director, as a cook, as priest, or better clergy, as a help, maid, servant, assistant, Name it… God gives according where He put to stand-in for Him…

Remember we must do that in holiness and purity so that our offering will be acceptable to Him…

We come to the end of this month teaching today with us recognizing that God is enough for us in all thing… and we must as a matter of facts offer ourselves back to Him as a offering with a sweet savour… Holy and pleasing to Him….

May God help more in understanding this teachings in Jesus Name….

Let us pray:

Holy Spirit, show me any areas of offence in my heart.

Lord I repent of any areas that I have fought against Your Perfect Will for my life. Please give me a heart that is soft and pliable in Your Hands:

Make these declarations:

I will not despise Your discipline Lord! You are a good Father!

I will walk into everything that you have for me Father! may Your perfect Will be done in my life!

this is our last PCL and here we draw our curtain close and we trust God for the month of October… yes he will sail us into the new month with lots of testimonies…. Alleluia somebody!!!

Have a pleasant weekend… see you again on Monday if Jesus tarries… Alleluia Amen!!!

Further Reading: Jonah 1:1-4, 3:1-10, 4:1-14, Heb. 12:5-11, Matt.16:24-26, Ps 103, Ps 115..

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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