Glory be to God in the highest Amen!!! Glory be to God in the highest Amen!!! For His mercies enduerth forever Amen! For His mercies enduerth forever Amen!!!// who is like unto Thee…O Lord.. Who is like unto Thee…O Lord.. among the gods Who is like Thee… you are glorious in holiness fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia!!!
Unchangeable God… Reliable God…. Dependable God… Supernatural God… Hummmh You are more than what we call You… glory be to Your Holy Name forever and ever Amen!!!
You are mighty God, The Great I AM…alleluia! alleluia! You are a Mighty God… You are the Great I AM… Alleluia… Alleluia… Jesus You are my Good God… Praise be unto Thee forever and ever Amen!!! Amen!!! Amen!!!
Beloveth… yesterday we saw the “Faith that saw the Bow”… Today, we have “A man without fear”…. Faith and fear cannot walk together…. Praise the Name of the Lord… we serve a God Who owns the universe therefore we must not afraid of what satan can do… Noah by faith built the ark and went with his at the Lord’s command and eventual was delivered by God who preserved him to the end…. not by works but by grace… He found grace in the eyes of God…
We have the man Moses… who at birth the mother saw that he was a goodly child, therefore by faith she hid Him for three months and when she could no longer hid Him went to put Him in the an ark of bulrushes covered with slime and with pitch… put Him besides the river’s bank with her sister watching over Him….
A smart girl if you ask me offered pharaoh’s daughter to get a Hebrew woman to nurse the baby for her… she got the child’s mother of course and she was paid for taking care of her own child by the royalty…. (Me I like this one). (Exo.2:7-10)
From on-set you see God’s hand in Moses life and when eventual it was time for his ministry, God appeared at the Burning Bush that was not burning…. Beloveth… God orchestrated Moses to the palace to learn leadership for the assignment He has for Him later in life…. little wonder while after running away from pharaoh, he went back after receiving a Word from God….he went back and he was able to face pharaoh because he knew His God… Dan.11:32b.
Moses knew God’s ability and therefore with God on His sides he was able to stand before pharaoh… Praise God!
However, God gave him a Word… and he stood on the Word he received…
Beloveth… God has given us a word to run with this year… are you keying into it… you must face those mountains without fear… those obstacles must be moved in Jesus Name… Nothing will hinder you in Jesus Name….
So if you will like Moses face your pharaoh this year without fear… come along with us for more:
A Man Without Fear
“And he said, Certainly I will be with thee.” Exod. 3:12
Of course, if the Lord sent Moses on an errand, He would not let him go alone. The tremendous risk which it would involve, and the great power it would require, would render it ridiculous for God to send a poor lone Hebrew to confront the mightiest king in all the world, and then leave him to himself.
It could not be imagined that a wise God would match poor Moses with Pharaoh and the enormous forces of Egypt. Hence He says, “Certainly I will be with thee,” as if it were out of the question that He would send him alone.
In my case, also, the same rule will hold good. If I go upon the Lord’s errand, with a simple reliance upon His power, and a single eye to His glory, it is certain that He will be with me. His sending me binds Him to back me up. Is not this enough? What more can I want? If all the angels and archangels were with me, I might fail; but if HE is with me, I must succeed. Only let me take care that I act worthily toward this promise. Let me not go timidly, half-heartedly, carelessly, presumptuously.
What manner of person ought he to be who has God with him! In such company it behoveth me to play the man, and like Moses go in unto Pharaoh without fear.
Beloveth…what manner of man you ought to be… when you have God by your sides, in your rear, roundabout you… Wow!!!
Beloveth… you ought to move without looking back… Move with God’s Eyes upon you…Praise the Name of the Lord alleluia!!!
I have received a Word from the Lord and I will run with it without looking back…. Help me O Lord I pray Thee… alleluia!!! if that is your confess dearly beloveth… The Lord has promised; he will also perform… Alleluia!!!
Further Reading- Heb.4:16, 1Jn.1:3, Jas. 4:7, Prov.4:23, Ps.1:6, Eph.5:8, Ps.102:26-28, 2Chr.6:41, 2kin.17:39, 1Jn.1:2, Rev.16:15…
Remain blessed in the Lord.