You are A Mighty God … The Great I AM… Alleluia… Alleluia… You are A Mighty God You are the Great I AM… Alleluia… Alleluia…// What Mighty God we serve… Alleluia x2… heaven and earth adore Thee… angels bow before Thee.. What a Mighty God… we serve…

Our Father, we Thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… we adore Thee… we give You Praise… receive all the Honour… receive all the Adoration… receive all the Honour… You are the Mighty God in battle… Glory, Glory, Glory… Alleluia!!!! In Jesus Name…

Who is like unto Thee… Who is like Jehovah… Great are You Lord… You are Mightier than the mightiest… You are Greater than the greatest… You are Powerful than the most powerful… Father You are Older than the oldest… Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!

Beloveth… we are sincerely in our New Season… where the Supernatural takes over from the natural and take a giant stride… when God takes over your battles … You are declare the winner… and it shall happen in someone life … if that looks like you give God a shout!!!

When the Power of God descended upon Elisha he outran the chariot of Ahab (1King 18:46)… I see someone walking in that order of the prophetic in Jesus Name….

Beloveth one move by God will deliver all… When the axe’s head into what as the sons of the prophetic were cutting wood for where they will lay… at the Word of the God through His servant Elisha …. The Axe’s head did swim…(2King 6:5-7).

In our theme text we saw Jesus demonstrating that order of the Supernatural when He instructed Peter on how to pay their tax…. Out right demonstration of God’s Power….

Beloveth… you cannot operate in the supernatural with your natural senses… the truth is that your eyes , ear, hand, and feet will no longer operate in their natural instincts… rather in the instructions of the Holy Spirit… Yes, your eyes shall begin to see things natural… even in that state it shall see the extra ordinary… Praise the Name of the Lord!

Somebody is wondering how? When Jesus heal the blind man in …. Jesus spit on the ground and rub it on the man’s eye… this man regain His sight… Does that look supernatural? He used everything ordinary and produced an extra-ordinary miracle … The Bible recorded that the blind eyes which was close from birth began to see… Jn. 9:6.

Beloveth… my prayer for you is to walk in this new order… early… Yes! Let the Power of God deliver to you what you need to showcase the power of the Supernatural in Jesus Name… Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!

Beloveth… I don’t know about you but for me… I am walking in this order… My New Season of the Supernatural dimensions is here with me… and if you believe … same is your portion in Jesus Name…

As we enter into the first week of September in full… beloveth… you will see God demonstrating this order in your live… leave the old order behind… walk in the supernatural …. Walk in the miracle… Praise the Living Jesus….Alleluia!!! Ps.139:24

Come along with us for more:

A New Way To Look At Priorities

In most of the seminars I’ve attended on priorities we were given the traditional list:






For some reason that prioritized list never quite set right with me, as it seemed to separate God from the other important areas of our lives (marriage, etc.). Perhaps a better way of looking at priorities would be:


GOD in my marriage

GOD in my family

GOD in my work


Chuck Swindoll comments, “Too often we give GOD a few minutes in the morning, put Him back on top of the shelf, then work our way down the bookcase of priorities without taking Him into account.

Seeking God alone in our quiet time each day should be the thing that encourages us to seek Him in every other area of our lives. He should take priority in every thought we think, in every word we speak, in every relationship, in everything. Period.

To determine what your real priorities are, take a moment to write them out. Now ask which is the most difficult area to give to God priority-wise.

As you ponder the answer to that question, consider, Matthew 6:19-21, 1 John 2:15-17, Philippians 3:7-8, Hebrews 12:1, 2.

“It is easy to say we’re putting Christ first, but do our lives really reflect this commitment? Write out a priority list based on how you spend your time. Next, write out one based on how you spend your money. Now write one based on what you feel most strongly about.” Write one out on what you think about the most. “Finally, write one based on what you talk about most.

“If these different lists were given to a court for evidence in determining your true priorities, how do you think the court would rule? Write out the list that you think an impartial jury might come up with.”

No person was ever great for God who failed to discipline himself to live by Biblical priorities. How would you categorize yourself? Disciplined? Focused? Or mucking around in mediocrity?

Beloveth…as we step into the new season of the supernatural in our lives… I want you to know that your order of priorities must change… we must live our lives like the Usual ways we use to live… We must train our spirit-man to focus on Christ… not to the world and all what’s it offers… we must raise up our banner love which we receive through Jesus Christ… Amen!

Beloveth… this month must deliver to us all what God have ordained to deliver in Jesus Name…

Let us run with Ps 121:1- which says… “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help… and verse 2 says “My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.” (Ps.121:1-8)…(KJV).

I see God helping you….praise the Name of the Lord…. Phil.4:13…. I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me …

Further Reading-Acts.13:39, Jas.5:8, 1Cor.3:8,1Cor.1:23, Zeph.1:7, Rom.10:15, Rom.7:4, Prov.10:15

On this note beloveth, we declare this week blessed… we will shall at the end return with greater testimonies in Jesus Name…

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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