Who is like unto Thee O Lord… Who is like unto Thee O Lord among the god’s who is like Thee You are glorious in holiness fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia………..Unquestionable You are the Lord… Unquestionable You are the Lord… Unquestionable, Unquestionable, Unquestionable You are the Lord…..
Blessed be The Name of the Lord… He is worthy to be Praise and adore… so we lift our Holy hands in one accord singing blessed be Thy Lord…honour to the Lord…honour to the Name of the Lord….
Our Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… we adore Thee, we bless Your Holy Name… alleluia to you Father … how Wonderful…how Precious You are…. Glory Alleluia to Your Holy Name in Jesus Name….
Thank You for the gift of this week… It can only be You Father … we return with thanksgiving … we celebrate You for Who You are… in Jesus Name… Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth hope you are good… today we come to sit at Jesus feet once again to learn … the way we came is our business but the way we go is His business so be filled with expectations that He will come through for you… in Jesus Name…..
Today we want consider the “offer” we have from God… to be A part of something Bigger… All through the week we were encouraged to be resolved in our decision to follow Jesus… never to consider shortcut as an alternative to where are going or where God is taking us… beloveth we were also reminded that deep fellowship with Christ enhances our relationship with Him and realizes New Strength in us for secure walk with Christ… beloveth we saw God’s faithful in the lives of our brethren that has gone ahead of us… and here we are today to grasp more of what only Him can do…. are You ready……
Beloveth… to be cropped by God into His kingdom work is something we were created for from the beginning… but sometime the way we see or interprets it may lead us in the right direction or may miss direct us…
Some see kingdom work as absolute work… though some are called into full ministry however …is interesting to know that some people do not get involved in the spreading of the gospel because to them; God did not called them… so who wants to be involved , they are afraid that God may not use them mightily as He did with our fore-fathers.
But the message we have below clearly indicate to us what should be; so come along with us for more insight…
Then He continued, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.” Moses hid his face because he was afraid to look at God.—Exodus 3:6
God always speaks to you in the context of what He has done in the lives of those who have gone before you. When God encountered Moses, He did not give him an assignment independent of what He had done through those who had preceded him. God had made promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob hundreds of years earlier, and He was now going to involve Moses in His ongoing activity to fulfill the covenant He had made with Moses’ forefathers.
The God who led Moses, who worked through Elijah, who directed Paul, who guided each man and woman of God through the centuries, is the same God who approaches you to become involved in His work. Do you sense the significance of that? You are a vital part of something much bigger than yourself!
We tend to think only of the present. We want immediate results and lack a sense of eternity. We often act as if God had not been working at all where we are before He approached us. We expect that anything God does through us will be completed while we can see the results. We become impatient if God intends to complete what He began in us through another person or even another generation.
Moses came to understand that his involvement in God’s work was in the context of hundreds of years of divine activity. When Moses came face to face with the same God who had guided his forefathers, he was deeply humbled. Do you sense that your life is a part of God’s eternal purposes?
Beloveth… from this story line you will see that we are all called into the vineyard… the difference simple lies in where God has placed you… that is your area of INFLUENCE…
Where God has place you is your area of INFLUENCE…. Stop wishing to be someone else… rather replicate what you are seeing that good in where you are… be a Good Ambassador of Christ … Speak as God’s Oracle and Work as His disciple… and the Jesus second coming will soon be a reality as we get involve in the “GO YE” business… and as you gainfully engage You will see the Amazing Works of God even in your midst… Hab.3:2…. Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!
Further Reading- Ps 115:13, 1Pet.2:24, Matt. 28:18-20, Hab. 3:2, 1Jn.1:7, Ps 55:16.
May God help through and through in Jesus Name…. love you beloveth… Have a wonderful weekend… see you on Monday if Jesus tarry Amen!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.