Good morning Jesus good morning Lord, I know You come from heaven above, the Holy Spirit is on the throne, good morning Jesus, good morning Lord!// I will enter His gate with thanksgiving in my heart, I will enter His court with Praise, I will say this is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice for He has made glad, He has made me glad, He has made me glad, I am so glad, I will rejoice that He has made me glad, He has made me glad I am so glad I will rejoice that He has made me glad.
Take glory Father, take glory son, take glory Holy Spirit now and forever more. Yes! Let us exalt Him forever and ever, for indeed our God is a good God. Father take all the glory, adoration to Your Holy Name, I will enter His court with thanksgiving in mouth, my mouth will offer praises to His Holy Name, Glory Alleluia for He liveth forever more! Praise be to Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloved, let us worship God in the beauty of His holiness, let exalt His goodness and His mercy that enduerth all though generation, Praise the Name of Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! glory, glory alleluia! glory glory Praise the Lord! glory, glory, glory alleluia! glory glory Praise the Lord!
Beloveth, let us give Him Praise, let us exalt His Name forever and ever. For Has done great things in our lives, the things that are impossible, the things that men cannot do, there are the things He has done for us, what a Supernatural God, Unchangeable God, praise His Name forever and ever in Jesus Name Amen!!!!!!!!
Is our prayer time, are you excited? I am what about you? The psalmist said “I was glad when they say let us go to the house of the Lord” is that same with you? In Jn 15:5, Jesus said – “I am the Vine and you are the branches:…., without Him we can do nothing”
Aside God we can do nothing, so when you live close to God, your ways are open and your plans are secured. You will know the mind of God as heaven will be open to you to know what God is doing per time. You shall never be ashamed (1 Pet 2:6) Praise the Lord!
Beloveth, are tired of living in a scorching land? Are tired of poverty? Are tired of sickness? Are tired of living in sin? If your answer is yes, then now is the time to try the next option which is the best option – living nearer to God.
Come and discover more:
“A people near unto him.” Psalm 148:14
The dispensation of the old covenant was that of distance. When God appeared even to His servant Moses, He said, “Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet”; and when He manifested Himself upon Mount Sinai, to His own chosen and separated people, one of the first commands was, “Thou shalt set bounds about the mount.”
Both in the sacred worship of the tabernacle and the temple, the thought of distance was always prominent. The mass of the people did not even enter the outer court. Into the inner court none but the priests might dare to intrude; while into the innermost place, or the holy of holies, the high priest entered but once in the year.
It was as if the Lord in those early ages would teach man that sin was so utterly loathsome to Him, that He must treat men as lepers put without the camp; and when He came nearest to them, He yet made them feel the width of the separation between a holy God and an impure sinner.
When the gospel came, we were placed on quite another footing. The word “Go” was exchanged for “Come”; distance was made to give place to nearness, and we who aforetime were afar off, were made nigh by the blood of Jesus Christ.
Incarnate Deity has no wall of fire about it. “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest,” is the joyful proclamation of God as He appears in human flesh. Not now does He teach the leper his leprosy by setting him at a distance, but by Himself suffering the penalty of His defilement.
What a state of safety and privilege is this nearness to God through Jesus! Do you know it by experience? If you know it, are you living in the power of it? Marvelous is this nearness, yet it is to be followed by a dispensation of greater nearness still, when it shall be said, “The tabernacle of God is with men, and He doth dwell among them.” Hasten it, O Lord
Beloveth, what a dispensation of grace we are in, that we are the nearest kin men to a Holy God Whose eyes behold no iniquity save by the blood of Jesus that you and I can enter into the holies of Holy and behold the Presence of a Holy God despites our filthiness.
Beloved, treat it not with indifference, never play truancy at such a privilege for the great prophets, kings, men and women of God of old seek it but it was not, many lost their lives in the process (Exo 28:35).
Beloveth, humbly yourself before the throne of grace and receive from God His word in season for your next level. Don’t forget that God is set to turn-around your situation for good, do not lose sight of it, be focus and seek Him in out of season as they Mighty God will show forth His glory in the midst of His people and deliver you.
Never mind that obstacle was a set up for you to seek Him. That disappoint with man was an appointment with God, beloveth pray like never before and your ways will be prosperous in Jesus Name!!!!!
Father, your children have come as you instructed, look down upon us with pity and have compassion upon us, be gracious unto us and may Your kingdom be forever more in Jesus Name!!!!
Let us pray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord!