Who is like unto Thee O Lord! Who is like You unto Thee O Lord! among the gods who is like Thee You are glorious in holiness fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia!!! // On the way to Calvary He went for me, He went for me, He went for me…on the way to Calvary He went me Jesus died to set me free…
Alleluia to the King of kings, the Lord of lords… Jesus went for me… and I am free! Praise the Lord…Father again and again, we bow in worship for Your Faithfulness that stands forever…Love unending and Kindness that is from ages to ages…Father we thank You now and forever…be Thou exalted forever in Jesus Name…
Beloveth this is climax of Jesus journey on earth…satan tempted Him to change the course of the game but Jesus remain focus and determine to please His Father and reconcile us back to His Father, what an awesome moment in heaven.. the host of angels are rejoicing.. the twenty and four elder of heaven are bowing in worship “ weep not; behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judea, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and loose the seven seals thereof….(Rev 5:5). Thou art worthy to take the book and to open the seal thereof..for Thou hast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by Thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; and hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth….worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and blessing. And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, honour and glory and power, be unto Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever… and the four beasts said, Amen… and the four and twenty elders fell down and worshipped Him that liveth for ever and ever.
Beloveth, what a glorious moments for us that Jesus left His heavenly abode to be with us and give us reason to shout Worthy, Worthy is the Lamb… Praise the Lord.
The weight of our sins was upon His shoulder, He bore our sin and made us clean before God so that we can partake of His eternal glory… beloveth are you celebrating God’s love … that He gave His only begotten Son – that you will not partake of eternal death rather we will have eternal life what a glory….praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth, Jesus death cost Him so much …He was deeply distressed and horrified … His sweat was thick as blood, They gave Him vinegar as a drink, He was naked for your sake, He was given thirty-nine strokes of cane… a nail was fasten into His feet and hands… He worn thorns on His head… He carried the Cross and was crucified. At death a sword pierced His side and Water and Blood gush out…that Blood cleanse us from all our sins… the Blood secured us salvation…the Blood blotted our names from the book of death and translated us an everlasting home – in heaven…. what a Blood of its Kind.
Beloveth, Jesus died some good thousand years ago…agonizing for you and I …today Jesus want you to know that it is your turn to “Go” and draw men to the kingdom of God… Beloveth does it pains you seeing men committing all manners of sins around you, Jesus wept…when He saw His Father’s temple for worship used as a trade center. Is your soul distress when you see men doing evil, engaging in sin, betraying and denying Jesus…you are take the Word of salvation to the sinners and win them over to our Lord Jesus… Jesus has commanded you… He is waiting for the coming of your feet…amen somebody…. Alleluia…
Come on for more:
He began to be deeply distressed and horrified. Then He said to them, “My soul is swallowed up in sorrow—to the point of death. Remain here and stay awake.”—Mark 14:33b–34
Who can know the depth and intensity of the heart of God? No one could measure His sorrow over an unrepentant sinner or His joy over a spiritual rebel who relinquishes everything to Him. We can begin to understand what is on the heart of God only when He shares His heart with us (Amos 3:7).
Are you aware of the fervent emotions in the soul of your Lord, as He carries the weight of the world? The disciples were unaware of the deep anguish in the heart of Jesus. Yet, He willingly shared His heart with them. The disciples often seemed disoriented to what Jesus was feeling. When He took delight in young children, His disciples attempted to chase them away (Luke 18:15–16). When Jesus had compassion for a woman living in sin, they acted confused (John 4:27). While Jesus wept at the hopelessness of those facing death, His closest friends grieved as if Jesus had no power to raise the dead (John 11:1–44).
You can choose to be alert to the heart of God. As you seek to understand what God is feeling, He may share with you the intensity of His heart. When you are around other people, God may sensitize you to the love He feels for them. When you see others suffering, you may feel the compassion Jesus feels. When sinners return to God in repentance, you may share the Father’s joy. You will react to evil the way Jesus reacts. If you will remain alert in prayer, Jesus will share His heart with you.
The host of angels rejoices at the repent of one soul…(Lk 15:7). So if there is anytime to evangelize is now…evil perverse everywhere from homes to churches, and the societies at large this is not a time to stay and watch evil prevail our society or our space…
This is not only the celebration of Jesus death but also a celebration of your commission into the Rescue Mission for souls that are perishing… “go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature ..He believeth and is baptized shall be save: but that believeth not shall be damned… and these signs shall follow you them that believe; in my Name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues. They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover….” Mk 16:15- 18.
Beloveth, Jesus is long gone… is your turn to turn sinners to God’s kingdom… will you stand firm to the end? …will you “Go?” May you receive grace to preach and teach the Word of God as you have been commissioned to do… May God be with us Amen….
Are you willing to be part of the “Great commission” as told Jesus to His disciples before He ascended into heaven after His resurrection then join me to make this prayer:
Father…more than a task that You have called me to do, You have given me people to serve. And God, I know that people are the point. You have first called me to love You, and then, you call me to love others. As I go about my work, give me eyes to see people the way You do – in Your image. Your child, that You have called. Let me be Your witness. Increase my boldness, Lord and may my faithfulness allow You to increase the places You will allow me to serve.
Lord You alone are the One Who saves. But open my mouth and give me the exact words to say to help those around me know Who You are and what You have done. Soften their hearts and open their ears to Your message, Lord increase my desire to truly live sent into this world instead of merely existing in it.
Protect my heart from growing weary. Keep me focused on heaven. Use me to speak about You, and save Your people, Lord….. I love You, and I trust You…. Amen!!!!
If you are willing and obedient dear beloveth the Lord said “You will eat the good of the land.” He said He “I will make my goodness to pass before you. (Isa 1:19, Exo 33:19, Rom 10:)
Further Reading: Matt 28:18-20, Act 1:8, 2Tim 2:2, Rom 10:14-17, Gal. 6:9-10.
Happy Good Friday… wishing you a glorious resurrection morning…you are lifted beloveth because the Stone was lifted… by the Divine Hand of God …yours will happen in Jesus Name.
Remain blessed in the Lord.