You have done me well, You have done me well, You have done me well, Jesus… You have done me well, You have done me well, You have done me well Jesus…// Who is wonderful He is Jesus… Who is Powerful is Jesus… Who is Glorious He is Jesus… Shout alleluia… Alleluia…// Let the Living flow over my soul… Let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my heart… all my care and burden unto Thee I come….
Our Father, we Thank You… We bless Your Holy Name… we adore Thee, we give You Praise.. we give honour… we give You adoration, blessed be Thy Holy Name forever and ever Amen!!!
I will lift up Jesus higher…. Praise the Name of the Lord… Jesus answers prayers… Yes! He answers prayers… if yours has not come… please wait for it will surely come… yes… tarry Jesus will come to your rescue in Jesus Name… “Don’t trade God’s timing for your deadline.”
Beloveth as we gather today to learn from the One Who all heads must bow to… I decree that answers will come speedily in the Name of Jesus… There is God that answers by fire… He will be our God today and always in Jesus Name… Amen!!!
What is “A Spiritual Lift”? When you are spiritual lifted what does that mean to you… when you are down cast in your spirit-man what does that mean to you?… The psalmist said “When my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the Rock that is higher than I…” Ps.61:1.
Yes! That should be our desire… our sincerely desire if you ask me… anytime we are down and out…
Why must we desire a lifting in our spirit? Why we should not entertain or allow lukewarmness…even God distaste that…(Rev.3:16).
Join us as we discover more below:
A Spiritual Lift
Could you use a spiritual lift about now? Then consider this prayer:
“O Holy Spirit of God, visit now this soul of mine, and tarry within it until eventide.
[“Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength… ” (Isaiah 40:31)]
Inspire all my thoughts, – [“We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5b)]
Pervade all my imaginations, – [“Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” (Philippians 4:8b)]
Suggest all my decisions. – [“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.” (Psalm 32:8)]
Lodge in my will‘s most inward citadel… – [“Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place.” (Psalm 51:6)]
Order all my doings. – [“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” (Proverbs 16:3)]
Be with me in my silence… – [“In quietness and trust is your strength… ” (Isaiah 30:15b)]
In my speech, – [“Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt… ” (Colossians 4:6b)]
In my haste, and in my leisure, – [“Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence?” (Psalm 139:7)]
In company, and in solitude, – [“Be still, and know that I am God… ” Psalm 46:10a)]
In the freshness of the morning… – [“Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.” (Psalm 90:14)]
In the weariness of the evening. – [“My soul yearns for you in the night… ” (Isaiah 26:9a)]
And give me grace at all times to rejoice in Thy mysterious companionship.“ – [“Let the righteous rejoice in the Lord and take refuge in him… ” (Psalm 64:10a)]
Beloveth…when you are lifted in your spirit this is what is like but when your spirit is at it ebb… what must you do?….Run to the Rock that is higher than you….(Ps.61:1).
Further Reading- Rom.5:1, Matt.5:16, Rom.8:14, 1Cor.6:20, 2Tim.3:14, Zech.8:13
Pray and desire “Spiritual Lift” to enjoy God’s Presence Always for Fruitfulness, Success, Power, Dominion, Higher Grounds, Turn-around. Jesus seek God’s Presence eve when (1Thess.5:16).
We believe in God…. the Creator of the whole world… Help us O!Lord Amen!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.