Our Father in heaven we glorify Your Holy Name, we bow down before You. Our Father in heaven we glorify Your Holy Name we bow down before You. Let the living water flow over my soul, let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my heart, all my care and burden unto thee I come. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, calling in Father, Father, Father, Father, calling Spirit, Spirit Spirit Spirit.
Father we thank You, we bless Your Name, we adore you for the blessings and gifts of this week, thank You Father, we honour You, it can only be You blessed be Thy Name forever. How great are You Lord! How wonderful are Your works, Everlasting King of glory have Your way again today as always and make us joyful all the days of our lives in Jesus Name.
Beloveth, how was your week? Hope great? Glory be to God on high. Did you carry out any Spirit check up based on the ministrations that came our way? Did you examine your live and turn away from the ways that are contrary to the ways of our God. Jesus walked through this way but sin not. We are called to live like Jesus and depart from all evil. We also told about the nature of God and His working wonders in the midst of His people. We were taught never to put God in a straight jacket by expecting Him to come or perform in a particular way or other rather we should open to God and expect Him to come only in the way that will best convey His plans to us.
Beloved, the PCL session will not deliver lest to us. Today we are going to consider the topic before us and make right decision. We also discover that not ways open to us are from God some ways will only lead us to destruction so must be aware of it. So before we take any decision we must seek the face of God in prayer and ask for the counsel of the Holy Spirit to show us the path to go.
Our second ministration is a call to us to sow generously in ever area of our life and ministry. We must be deliberate in our Christian life. Give and it shall be given back to you good measure, press down, running over. Beloved, Paul made that call to the Corinth to meet with the needs of their Christian brother. And today that same call is being made to us to meet the needs of the church and fellow brethren
We are call to sow generously in our fellowship with God. We must have an ample time to worship and read the word of God. We must do away with shallow worship of God who love us and have a good plan for us.
When we don’t spend enough time in God’s presence, we miss a lot, we may not get all the full benefits and packages He has prepared for us, therefore we are called to spend time in God’s presence.
I want to bring this out, spending time in God’s presence does not necessary mean that we will sitting or praying all the way. It means and include more than that. It means we must make sure we are in God’s presence all through day or at all times. So let’s be aware and walk uprightly before God.
Let’s have more below:
There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it is the way of death.—Proverbs 16:25
Things are not always what they seem. Proverbs warns that we can be deceived into believing we are going down the right path and yet be heading toward death, the opposite direction from God’s will. People do not naturally seek God or pursue righteousness (Rom. 3:10–18). Only as the Spirit awakens our hearts to the Person of Christ are we able to desire God’s will. If we make decisions apart from the guidance of the Spirit of God, we will be like a ship trying to sail without a compass. We will do what makes the most sense, based on our own wisdom. But what looks attractive may actually lead to sin, ultimately destroying what is precious to us, for our most profound human thinking is mere foolishness to God (1 Cor. 1:18–20). Only God knows the way that leads to life, and He wants to lead us to walk in it (Matt. 7:13–14).
Don’t assume every opportunity that arises is from God. Satan will disguise himself as an “angel of light,” and his invitations will seem to be in your best interest (2 Cor. 11:14). Yet his way leads only to death (John 8:44). The word of God will be like a light to your path, guiding you in the ways of righteousness (Ps. 119:105).
It can be perilous to follow a path that seems right without first consulting the Holy Spirit for guidance (John 16:13). Take time to seek the Holy Spirit’s direction when you face decisions. He knows the full ramifications of your choices. The Holy Spirit will assist you to understand truth and to experience abundant life. Trust Him as He leads you.
Remember this: the person who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the person who sows generously will also reap generously.—2 Corinthians 9:6
You are called to be intentional about your Christianity. You must be determined to experience the fullness of God in every area of your Christian life and never to settle for a shallow, lackadaisical relationship with almighty God. God will bless you according to how you respond to His invitations. If He finds in you a generous heart that willingly and freely gives what it has to others, then God responds toward you in like manner.
When the apostle Paul encouraged the believers in Corinth to help the Christians in Jerusalem, he promised them that if they would sow generously, they would reap a generous return from God.
This truth holds life-changing potential for us. If we invest everything we have in our relationship with God, we will experience the full dimensions of being children of God. If our desire is to know God more intimately, and if we spend ample time studying His word, God will generously enrich our relationship with Him. If we discipline ourselves to remain in prayer even when praying is difficult, He will reward us with a deeper, more powerful prayer life. If we reconcile any broken relationships and prepare our hearts before worship, and if we participate fully and reverently in every part of worship, God promises that we will meet Him and our lives will be changed.
Why is it that some Christians grow rapidly in their Christian faith and others remain unchanged year after year? Our Christian maturity is deeply affected by what we sow. Let us choose to sow generously in everything we do in our Christian lives. The harvest we reap will be Christlikeness.
May God make it happen that we will reap the harvest of christlikeness in Jesus Name. may we examine the ways before us so that we will not walk far off from God’s plan and purpose for us.
Have a wonderful weekend and see next week by God’s grace Alleluia! Amen!
Remain ever blessed in the Lord.