Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! among the gods Who is like Thee…You are glorious in holiness, fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia!!!// How excellent is Your Name O Lord!!!…How Excellent… How Excellent is Your Name O God!!! How Excellent is Your Name… How excellent is Your Name How Excellent is Your Name O Lord!!!
I will worship the Lord! I will shout alleluia! Me I go worship my God! My God do am for me….
Our Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… Thank You for the grace of another day in the land of the Living…. Blessed be Thy Holy Name…. You are God…. You are not man… Thank You for seeing us through to this glorious moment… Blessed be Thy Holy Name forever and ever Amen.
Ancient of Days… Who can be compared with Thee… Thank You for the gift of the Holy Spirit….we are eternally grateful… help us to live just like Your own… deliver us from all evil in Jesus Name…. Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!
Beloveth… Who is on the Lord side… I want to know… I am on the Lord side….x2. I am on the Lord sides, Jesus is on my side… as long as I live… as long as I stay… I am on the Lord side…
Beloveth this month is gradually rolling off and we trust God for His bountiful blessings on us…. Is only the Spirit of God can enable us to call Abba Father….Why? Because you are sons…. The gift of the Holy Spirit enables us to be called the sons of God…. If you are yet to receive this gift, dear reader you are not God’s own… The power of God is not residing inside of you… you are powerless… Click here to join the family of God..
But as you receive the gift of the Holy Spirit… you are made bold… you can speak to the lost and bring them back to Christ… your eyes of understanding is open and speak the word of knowledge, the Spirit leads you as He led Philip and you win souls for the Kingdom.
Often times our experience with our earthly representative of God here on earth makes us to see God as demanding, wicked, careless… but not so with our heaving Father… His thought for us is of good and not of evil, to give us an expected end… He desire to grant us our desires and make us joyful … beloveth we will experience joy unlimited full of grace.
The Holy Spirit promises us joy! When we wait for the promised Holy Spirit and let Him come alive inside us, He will fill us with utmost joy! When we live and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, we will be made new with His joy and peace deep down in our soul. This new life of peace and joy is ours as we choose to live a Spirit-filled life. He always strengthens us for what lies ahead as we trust and obey Him completely. He listens, loves and care for. Hear the Spirit calling you to be enriched in every way as you seek His way!
Beloveth are you afraid to speak from your heart? The Lord wants you to continue speaking from your heart. He will be with you always, so say what you need to say that will honour Him. If you keep silent, many will know the hope that is theirs in Jesus Christ. If you do not reach out in love, many will not know that they are loved. Love one another with words of encouragement. Be a light by sharing the hope that is within you. Let the Holy Spirit fill you with His utmost peace and joy as you trust the Lord to show you the way. Many are counting on your love and encouragement. Keep believing and shinning the light of the love that is within you.
Beloveth, do you need courage? We will face uncertainties in this life. things will change and we will have to face challenges. With God, we can face anything because He never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is always constant and makes all things are possible. He promises to be with us always. In fact, He will give us the courage and help us fight our battle! there is nothing that He cannot do. He molded you in His image and created you to be in fellowship with Him. He wants a relationship with you because He loves you. There is nothing to fear when He is near! Come closer to His love and be braver and bolder for the days ahead! He is with you and will strengthen you to be courageous and be able to call Abba Father….
Come along with us and discover more:
And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba, Father!”—Galatians 4:6
The word father conjures up different images for everyone. To some it brings the picture of love, laughter, respect, and acceptance. Unfortunately, others associate the term father with fear, rejection, and disappointment. That is why it is so important not to take your understanding of your heavenly Father from your experience. Take it from Scripture.
You undoubtedly had an imperfect earthly father, perhaps even one who brought you harm. But, as in all of your Christian life, the key is not to understand the Bible based on your experience, but to understand your experience in light of the Bible. God is your model of a father in the truest sense of the word.
Your heavenly Father was willing to pay any price in order to save you (Rom. 8:32). Your heavenly Father is always ready to meet your needs (Luke 11:11–13). Your heavenly Father loves you so much that He is willing to discipline you to bring you to Christian maturity (Prov. 3:11–12; Heb. 12:5–10).
Even when you rebel against Him and reject His love, your Father continues to do what is best for you (Rom. 5:8). He does not make His love for you conditional upon your love for Him. He loves you even when you are not loving Him (1 John 4:19). He has made you His heirs and reserves a home for you in heaven (Rom. 8:15–17).
This is what a father is like biblically. If this has not been your experience, it can be now. There is One who has adopted you and who wants to love you in a way you have never experienced. Take comfort and strength from Him—your heavenly Father.
Are a rebellious? Did you reject His love for you? Beloveth….irrespective of what you experience is… God will make you glad… if you put your hand in His hand…and follow Him on… He knows the way…. He will satisfy your longings… just keep trusting…. Don’t give up….He knows what to do…
Beloveth, let us pray to Lord to help us and make strong and bold at all times…Father, I know that you will stand by me and strengthen me..i have the courage to press on even in the face of adversity and challenge. There is nothing that will defect me when I have you by my side. I am stronger today than I was yesterday because I am growing closer to you as the days go by. I am one step closer to my destiny each day that let go and let you lead me. As I let the Holy Spirit guide and direct my steps, I will have peace with my decisions. Your Spirit within me has wakened me to new life with greater courage and hope for the days ahead even in uncertain times! In Jesus Name!!!
On this note we declared this week blessed in the Name of the Lord and as the end we have testimonies to the glory of God.
Don’t forget that we have that we will be crossing over to a new month this week… please pray…that all that was packaged for us this month will locate us and the new month will come in peace in Jesus Name…
Praise the Name of the Lord alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Further Reading Acts 13:52, 18:9, Jer. 50:5, Gal.3:26, Acts 23:11, Jer. 29:11, Ps 37:4-5
Remain blessed in the Lord.