Glory be to God in the highest Amen! Glory be to God in the highest Amen! For His mercies enduerth forever Amen! For His mercies enduerth forever Amen!// Take Glory Father, Take Glory Son, Take Glory Holy Ghost now and forever more, now and forever more!
I will call upon the Lord Who is worthy to be Praise! I will glorify the Lord Who is worthy to be Praise! The Lord reigneth blessed be Thy Lord! Honour to the Lord! May Rock of my salvation be exalted! X2
Our Father we return all Your glory to you for no man can share Your glory. You have been faithful Lord for the ages past, alleluia to You Father, we give You Praise! We give You honour, adoration to Your Holy Name! thank You Father for You answereth us whenever we call on You, thank You for miracles, thank You for the pleasant surprises of this month, thank You for Your Faithfulness, glory be to Your Name alleluia to the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Ancient of Days, be Thy glorify!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let the Living water flow over my soul, let the Holy Spirit come take control of every situation that troubles my heart, all my care and burden unto Thee I come Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, calling Father, Father, Father, Father, calling Him Spirit, Spirit, Spirit, Spirit!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth, let us raise our voices to bless the Name of our Father! We adore You, we give You Praise, we glorify Your Holy Name! We bow down before Thee in Jesus Name! Thanks be to God able us to make it to the last faith clinic of it this month, Praise the living Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! everybody testify You are good! You are Jehovah, You are good! Everybody testify You are good, You are good Jehovah You are so good!
Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alleluia !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yesterday we saw sister Ruth gleaning in the field and God of her mother’s –in-law did not fail her. He provided food on the table, and provided shelter also. Beloveth is only God who can do this. Yes, Who can make all things beautiful as His time. Let us magnify His Name again and again Amen!!!
Beloveth if we remember the story of Ruth and mother-in-law and when the journeyed back to Judea, Naomi called her two daughters-in-law and advised them to go back to their homes since their husband including hers are dead. Orpah parted with a kiss and was glad to leave but Ruth was willing to go with her just to take care of her till she joins her ancestors, Naomi dissuaded her but she was willing to go the way with her with this affirmation “your people will be my people and your God my God…. (Ruth 1:16). Praise the Lord!
God owes nobody. He compensated Ruth kindness and obedience by providing for her husband according to the law of the land and His timing. The Lord will not leave you, He will not abandon you rather He will show up just as He showed up for Ruth and grant you your desired miracles. Don be afraid neither panic as the Lord will come froth for also in Jesus name, His Promises stands, never falling. Amen!
Don’t doubt His kindness, love and faithfulness, look steadily on Him and you will see His glory covering the temple which you are. Praise the Living Jesus!!!!!!!!!!
Come along with us for more:
“Able to keep you from falling.” Jude 1:24
In some sense the path to heaven is very safe, but in other respects there is no road so dangerous. It is beset with difficulties. One false step (and how easy it is to take that if grace be absent), and down we go. What a slippery path is that which some of us have to tread! How many times have we to exclaim with the Psalmist, “My feet were almost gone, my steps had well nigh slipped.” If we were strong, sure-footed mountaineers, this would not matter so much; but in ourselves, how weak we are! In the best roads we soon falter, in the smoothest paths we quickly stumble.
These feeble knees of ours can scarcely support our tottering weight. A straw may throw us, and a pebble can wound us; we are mere children tremblingly taking our first steps in the walk of faith, our heavenly Father holds us by the arms or we should soon be down. Oh, if we are kept from falling, how must we bless the patient power which watches over us day by day!
Think, how prone we are to sin, how apt to choose danger, how strong our tendency to cast ourselves down, and these reflections will make us sing more sweetly than we have ever done, “Glory be to Him, who is able to keep us from falling.”
We have many foes who try to push us down. The road is rough and we are weak, but in addition to this, enemies lurk in ambush, who rush out when we least expect them, and labour to trip us up, or hurl us down the nearest precipice. Only an Almighty arm can preserve us from these unseen foes, who are seeking to destroy us.
Such an arm is engaged for our defence. He is faithful that hath promised, and He is able to keep us from falling, so that with a deep sense of our utter weakness, we may cherish a firm belief in our perfect safety, and say, with joyful confidence,
“Against me earth and hell combine,
But on my side is power divine;
Jesus is all, and He is mine!”
Praise the Name of the Lord!!!!!!!!!! He is God, Who gives us victory. Our hearts trust in Him and we helped. He shall keep us from falling and He will preserve us from all evil. Glory be to His Name forever and ever in Jesus Name. Not one His Word will fall to the ground according to His Word to us… Amen.
Beloveth stand firm on each promise received, pray earnestly and trust faithful; all shall answer at the end.
Has He spoken; He will also bring it to pass. Fear not for a fall nor be afraid of the evils of the day for the Lord Your God will defend you and keep you in Jesus Name….
Further Reading Prov 7:1, 2 Cor 9:8-15
Remain blessed in the Lord.