You are the Lord that is Your Name…You will never share Your Glory with any… You will never share Your Glory x2… Almighty God that is Your Name… // Glory be to God in the highest Amen… Glory be to God for His mercy enduerth forever Amen!!! For His mercy enduerth forever Amen!!!

Our Father we Thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… we adore Thee…we give You Praise.. All Glory belongs to You Father… we give You all the Praise… we give You all the honour… we magnify Your Holy Name… we worship You … Who is like unto Thee…Father… Who can be compare with Thee… O Lord we receive all Your power… Father we receive all the honour… O God receive all the adoration… let Your Name be glorify in Jesus Name…

Excellent Jehovah.. we bow before You… the God that answereth by fire we worship You… The beginning and The End.. we exalt Your Holy Name… be Thou magnify in Jesus Name…

You are the Lord that is Your Name.. You will never share Your glory with anyone… You will never share Your glory with anybody… Almighty God that is Your Name…

Indeed our God is a good… He is the Beginning … He is the End… What You call Him is less than Who He is… let us shout a Wonderful Alleluia!!!… Praise the Living Jesus… Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!

Beloveth… do you know that files can never rest on hot coals… that how it is for us… when we seek and cultivate God’s Presence all through the day… no satan, arrow, principalities or powers has dominion over you … yes they will fall at your feet because you are a carry of God presence…

Beloveth, satan cannot have access to you rather he will throw things like, bitterness, lust, evil thoughts to get you out of God’s Presence then he strikes… when you have all those negative thoughts comes your way resist it… make sure you are constantly in the Presence of God… Praise the Name of Jesus…

Here are we today in our Faith Clinic…knowing that our God will visit us again as always… Praise the Name of the Lord… He will come and will not keep quiet… He will move in His Power in our midst… He will remember us again beloveth… He will do what no man can do in our lives and situations in the Name of Jesus… O! Lord we are standing in Awe of what You will do today in the Name of Jesus…

Mountains are coming down… powers are bowing, witches are running into hidings because nothing can stand before our God… The Maker of the world… Alleluia!!!

Come along with us to discover about the topic of today:

Alice And The Mad Hatter

Yesterday I had lunch with a friend who said the wheels were coming off his personal and professional life as he struggles to juggle all the balls in the air. His life, he said, seemed to consist of one mad rush to keep up with the rest of the pack.

As he talked, I was reminded of a scene at Disneyland where Alice in Wonderland dances with the Mad Hatter. Actually, it is only an illusion inventively created with lights and mirrors. A hologram.

We live in a world of holograms — where Christians are often caught in an enslaving scramble to keep up with those smooth characters who seem to be two or three steps above us on the professional, social, economic or educational ladder… Just out of our reach…

From our vantage point, “they have arrived,” while the rest of us mortals, (who are numbly unaware that the hologram is only an illusion of reality) sweat, scrabble, and puff, to get where we think they are, as we spend money we do not have to purchase things we do not need, in order to impress people we do not like.

Talk about enslavement!

So why are we chasing the holograms in our frantic pursuit to “arrive“. Because we love what we perceive to be their “Designer” lifestyles: There are never any holes in their socks; their teen-age kids are never plagued with acne, and there is never a cash flow problem in their business. And they always vacation in the exotic spots. In blissful harmony, of course.

The true disciple of Jesus who is walking by faith however, sees through the holograms to the reality of the eternal, (“we walk by faith, not by sight2 Corinthians 5:7) and as such is increasingly becoming a “stranger” and “pilgrim” on the earth — out of step (and sorts) with societies’ fixation on the revered hologram:

These peopleliving by faithadmitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth(and were) looking for a country of their ownlonging for a better country—a heavenly one.” (Hebrews 11:13, 14a).

QUESTION: Judging by your lifestyle, would you say that you are captivated by the illusive and illusionary holograms? Or by a vision of the eternal? How would the folks next door answer that question of you?

Beloveth… what will people around say… of your walk with God?….that you are eternally bound… or earthly bound… Just know that you cannot serve mammon and God together… this is not to say that you will serve God in hardship… no not at all… it means that you cannot place money before God…

So be mindful of how you live and walk before God… He searches all heart and He knows every intent of it… (Jer.17:10)

We have tribulations Jesus told His disciples but I have overcome for you… we are Jesus disciples of today… the same tribulations that are facing us today… whatever be it… Jesus has overcome… for me and for you… (Jn.16:33)….Shout Amen!!!

Beloveth in this second half of the year… may the Lord go before you… Be behind you and besides you in the mighty Name of Jesus….

You will celebrate His goodness in the land of the living… Praise the Name of the Lord… somebody… shout alleluia!!!

Power of God will rest upon you… you will not live in illusions in Jesus Name… Amen… for every seconds of the day, the Power in God’s Word will make things real and good in your favour in Jesus Name… Amen!!!!

Celebrate Jesus alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!

Further Reading- Jer.31:34, Rom.6:23, Rom.11:33, 1Cor.4:20, Neh.8:10, Jn.16:33, Ps.43:3.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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