I will exalt You Lord for Thou has lifted me above my enemies, Your banner over me is love, I will exalt You Father, I will exalt You Jesus foe Thou has lifted me above my enemies Your banner over me is love. I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name, I will lift up Your Name above every other Name. // who is on the Lord side I want to know I am on the Lord side, who is on the Lord side I want to know, I am on the Lord side. I am on the Lord side, my Saviour is on my side as long as live as long as I stay I am on the Lord side. As long as I live, as long as I stay, I am on the Lord side.
Glory be to God on high for witnessing the end of this first week, it is glorious and we bow and worship You Father. great is Thy faithfulness, rock of Ages cleft for me, the I AM that I AM, the Might in battle, the Beginning and the End, be Praise Father, be Praise forever and ever in Jesus Name.
Beloved, how are doing today? Are you on the Lord side? Are you celebrating Jesus in your life? If you are shout alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some people don’t have any reason to celebrate even God, they think God will have done batter that He is currently doing in their live and that make them murmur and grumble all the way, forgetting that they many who they are better than that jump up to glorify God at every single opportunity that comes they way.
Beloved, our God is good to us He made us in His own image and glory and his thought for us is good and not for evil. He wants to us having been saved to save others who are fast tracking themselves to hell. We are to stop them by our life, good works, and faith in God. Praise the Lord.
Beloved, can we like Apostle Paul be grateful that grace found us to take the gospel to those that are yet to hear about our Lord Jesus.
This is our first PLC class it will be good to examine the theme we were given for the month. I will for be using “unlimited” and “boundless” interchangeably. Meaning that our theme for month which is “unlimited grace” is same thing as “boundless grace,” I hope we are in same page.
Grace is one the most astounding and life transforming aspects of God’s character. From the beginning of time God has chosen to lavish grace upon us instead of wrath. Time and time again, we have turned our back on Him. And time and time again He demonstrates the depth of His desire for us through the giving of his boundless grace. In His grace we are afforded a life not only apart from his wrath, but lived in the glory of relationship with our creator through the redemption of Jesus. (Eph 1:7)
Let look at a few of these ideas today and let them stir our affections for God. Allow God to speak through His Word to the places of our heart where the grace of God has not been given the opportunity to abound yet.
Paul says that in Jesus we have “redemption through His Blood.” Have you thought about the nature of your redemption at length before? Read Col 1:19-22. Such is the grace of Your heavenly Father that there is not a single thing between you and Him. You who at one time stood apart from God, have been brought into the family of God , redeemed by the Blood of Jesus.
Not only have you been redeemed once and for all, but you are forgiven both now and forever. Paul writes that as believer has “the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace.” Where in your life do you need forgiveness today? What do you feel is separating you from unveiled relationship with your heavenly Father? When you confess your sins, God offers you His forgiveness for anything you have done.
According to the riches of His grace,” which was made perfectly evident in the death of Jesus, you are being offered forgiveness. If God would send His Son to die in order to have restored relationship with you, you better believe he will forgive any trespass that seems to stand in Your way now.
God doesn’t operate the way the world does. He does not make you pay the penalty for your own sin. Instead, He offers perfect grace. In story in scripture God turns the systems of the world on their head through the concept of grace. In the story of the prodigal son, the Father allowed the son to dishonor him, set aside his rightful punishment, and threw a huge party for His wayward child returned home. He did not wait. He did not make him work for his redemption. He immediately offered him forgiveness freely in grace. God offers you the same today.
Do not attempt to pay for your sin by separating yourself from the fullness of relationship with God. Jesus paid the only price necessary by His own death, live in the light of God’s grace. Offer your heart to God freely. Let Him work out your redemption in every area of your life that you might more fully experience the wonderful relationship you have available to you with God. Click here to be save now!
Let discover more:
“All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” Isaiah 53:6
Here a confession of sin common to all the elect people of God. They have all fallen, and therefore, in common chorus, they all say, from the first who entered heaven to the last who shall enter there, “All we like sheep have gone astray.”
The confession, while thus unanimous, is also special and particular: “We have turned every one to his own way.” There is a peculiar sinfulness about every one of the individuals; all are sinful, but each one with some special aggravation not found in his fellow.
It is the mark of genuine repentance that while it naturally associates itself with other penitents, it also takes up a position of loneliness. “We have turned every one to his own way,” is a confession that each man had sinned against light peculiar to himself, or sinned with an aggravation which he could not perceive in others. This confession is unreserved; there is not a word to detract from its force, nor a syllable by way of excuse.
The confession is a giving up of all pleas of self-righteousness. It is the declaration of men who are consciously guilty—guilty with aggravations, guilty without excuse: they stand with their weapons of rebellion broken in pieces, and cry, “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way.” Yet we hear no dolorous wailings attending this confession of sin; for the next sentence makes it almost a song. “The Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” It is the most grievous sentence of the three, but it overflows with comfort.
Strange is it that where misery was concentrated mercy reigned; where sorrow reached her climax weary souls find rest. The Saviour bruised is the healing of bruised hearts. See how the lowliest penitence gives place to assured confidence through simply gazing at Christ on the cross!