In the morning, early in the morning, in the morning I will raise and praise the Lord. Who is like unto Thee, O Lord, who is liked unto Thee, O Lord among the gods, who is like Thee, You are glorious in holiest, fearful in praises, doing wonder Alleluia!. What a mighty God we serve, alleluia 2x, heaven and earth adorn Thee, angle bow before Thee, what a mighty God we serve.

Indeed, our Father is a Mighty God. He rescues us from every filthiness through the forgiveness of our sins and bring us into his marvelous light. What a Mighty God we serve. Thank You Father for this great love that have eternal value for as many as will confess and believe in their heart that they are cleanse by the blood of Jesus not of bull or goats nor by the their righteous and self-will.

Beloved, ‘confession’ is a powerful tool in the hand of a believer? For with the heart a man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation (Rom 10:10; Dan 9:4; Heb 13:15). It is also a sign of our faith in Christ Jesus (Heb 10:23). Therefore, you confess unto righteousness as well as to salvation. Therefore, neglect not the power in confession; henceforth, I believe the Lord will harken to all your prayers after you have been declared or made ‘whole’ by the Spirit of God (Rom 8:8-9).

I sense in my spirit that someone is saying ‘hi evangelist, we should be talking about faith today, what is going here. Yes, I know but we need a good foundation for faith to work. Sin can hinder a faith as high as a mountain, therefore the need to set the records straight.

I believe having done that we can go straight into the business of the day “faith clinic.” And that also brings us to the topic of the day “… do not conform to this world”. Beloved, a quick overview of your life, how are you conforming to the world around you?

As matter of fact, my world is likely not to be your world. How? Someone asked. We all operate in different world, either as a business man or woman, wife or husband, worker or CEO, master or a servant, pastor or member, a leader or a follower and many others. How do you live out your life? How do influence people around you? How are you perceive among those around you?

Do you call on God and praise Him when the going is good but when is otherwise you compromised? Do you call on God where you are known but behind or in an unknown place you go against your faith in the name survival strategy? In v1 of our study text we are argue to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. Beloved, that is your spiritual service or worship. I recommend Roman 12 to every child of God who want to live a worthy life, it is all encompassing.

Let discover more in the passages we have before us today and be bless:

“And be not conformed to this world.” Romans 12:2

If a Christian can by possibility be saved while he conforms to this world, at any rate it must be so as by fire. Such a bare salvation is almost as much to be dreaded as desired. Reader, would you wish to leave this world in the darkness of a desponding death bed, and enter heaven as a shipwrecked mariner climbs the rocks of his native country? then be worldly; be mixed up with Mammonites, and refuse to go without the camp bearing Christ’s reproach.

But would you have a heaven below as well as a heaven above? Would you comprehend with all saints what are the heights and depths, and know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge? Would you receive an abundant entrance into the joy of your Lord? Then come ye out from among them, and be ye separate, and touch not the unclean thing.

Would you attain the full assurance of faith? You cannot gain it while you commune with sinners. Would you flame with vehement love? Your love will be damped by the drenchings of godless society. You cannot become a great Christian—you may be a babe in grace, but you never can be a perfect man in Christ Jesus while you yield yourself to the worldly maxims and modes of business of men of the world.

It is ill for an heir of heaven to be a great friend with the heirs of hell. It has a bad look when a courtier is too intimate with his king’s enemies. Even small inconsistencies are dangerous. Little thorns make great blisters, little moths destroy fine garments, and little frivolities and little rogueries will rob religion of a thousand joys.

O professor, too little separated from sinners, you know not what you lose by your conformity to the world. It cuts the tendons of your strength, and makes you creep where you ought to run. Then, for your own comfort’s sake, and for the sake of your growth in grace, if you be a Christian, be a Christian, and be a marked and distinct one.

Beloved, the task of soul winning is a call for everyone, no exemption was made from the beginning (Matt 28:19; Mk 16:15; Lk 10:3; 24:46-48). Jas 2:26 says that faith without work is dead. Am very sure my dear that you are living being not a walking corpse else you will not reading this devotional.

How are you strategizing about rescuing the perishing souls back to the kingdom of God? Don’t forget ‘you were save to serve’. When Jesus came to preach at the sea-side, he needed a boat and Peter’s boat was used. Likewise Jesus needs you to go and recue souls trooping daily to hell into His kingdom. Are willing? Are you available for His use? Read further for better understanding:

“Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.” Luke 5:4

We learn from this narrative, the necessity of human agency. The draught of fishes was miraculous, yet neither the fisherman nor his boat, nor his fishing tackle were ignored; but all were used to take the fishes. So in the saving of souls, God worketh by means; and while the present economy of grace shall stand, God will be pleased by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.

When God worketh without instruments, doubtless He is glorified; but He hath Himself selected the plan of instrumentality as being that by which He is most magnified in the earth. Means of themselves are utterly unavailing. “Master, we have toiled all the night and have taken nothing.” What was the reason of this? Were they not fishermen plying their special calling?

Verily, they were no raw hands; they understood the work. Had they gone about the toil unskillfully? No. Had they lacked industry? No, they had toiled. Had they lacked perseverance? No, they had toiled all the night. Was there a deficiency of fish in the sea? Certainly not, for as soon as the Master came, they swam to the net in shoals.

What, then, is the reason? Is it because there is no power in the means of themselves apart from the presence of Jesus? “Without Him we can do nothing.” But with Christ we can do all things. Christ’s presence confers success. Jesus sat in Peter’s boat, and His will, by a mysterious influence, drew the fish to the net.

When Jesus is lifted up in His Church, His presence is the Church’s power—the shout of a king is in the midst of her. “I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto me.” Let us go out this morning on our work of soul fishing, looking up in faith, and around us in solemn anxiety. Let us toil till night comes, and we shall not labour in vain, for He who bids us let down the net, will fill it with fishes.

Light is breaking forth into someone life right now. Read Rom 10:14; 17. Have you been sent? Jesus said “go” you need permission to stay back.(we treated this topic …). Are there rewards for you, too numerous to mention (Rom 10:15; 1 Cor 15:58; Ex 23:25; Prov 11:30-31; Jn 12:26; Rev 16:15; Heb 10:36; 2Tim 2:1). Beloved, your needs will be supply and you will have clean health of bill. Why? Because the labourers are few and your Father is too responsible to fail at His duty post (Matt 9:37; Lk 10:2; Matt 6:33).

Like Apostle Paul, I will say unto you, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus… endure hardship, as a good solider of Jesus Christ …and as a good husband man, you will be the first partaker of the fruit (2 Tim 2:1;3;6-7). Finally, be filled with the Spirit (Eph 5:18) without which you despair.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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