I will praise Him, I will praise Him, I will praise Him forever more. I will praise Him, I will praise Him, I will praise Him forever more// Come see the Lord is good, come and see the Lord is good, there is nothing He cannot do, come and see the Lord is good. Everybody sing, (Repent).

Yes! Our Lord is good to us. Every day I will exalt His Holy Name, there is nothing that is impossible to Him. He is my Maker, my Redeemer, my Deliver, My healer, my Provider, my Majesty, my Defender, my Conqueror, glory be to High forever in Jesus Name.

What more can be said of the One is Ancient of Days, He is the Beginning and the End. He is Alpha and Omega, All power belongs to Him Alone, let all glory, all honour, all adoration belongs to Him Alone in Jesus Name.

Father, thank You for Your Wonderful doings in this month of Advancement, Thank You for Your Mighty Presence in the lives of Your Dear children who ceaselessly call on you. Thank You for answers to prayers and graces and mercies bestowed on us. Glory be to You on high. Praise the Name of the Lord! Forever and ever.

Dearly beloved, great is the faithfulness of our Creator, I have testimonies that is mind blowing and I believe you also have. To God alone be all the glory in Jesus Name. is also possible that all that you are believing God for did not materialize and you are not happy, I have a song for you, “I have no God who faileth not, I have a God that changeth, He will never fail you forever more.”

He change not; He faileth not, all power belong to my him Alone. What you are counting as disappointment, delay or forsaken is just a process that will perfect your ashes to beauty, soon your cocoon will emerge as a beautiful butterfly.

Wow! Can I hear your clap your hands unto the glory of God, Praise the Lord, somebody! Beloved, smile Jesus loves you, I also want you to know that it not over until is over. I always have this consolation whenever I am overwhelming and devil is tell me taunting me about month end. Listen I use to say to myself, “there are children that God has signed that they will be deliver today, they must be brought forth even if is the eleventh hour of the day, so my expectation door is still wide open until the clock zero out.”

Do you know what even when that happen I am glad because I in for a new brand promises and miracles better opportunities that has been designated for the new month. More doors will be open and I will more of God’s glory in the land of the living. Can I hear a believing alleluia!

As we rounding up this month, there is need for us to pray. Thank God that today is another praying day so we must maximize it to draw down His glory and to usher in the new month.

Do you believe it will end in Praise? That is what I want to announce to you that God said it will end in Praise. You will laugh and make merry as the hand of God will perfect all that concerneth you, praise Jesus!!!!!!

So don’t give up, keep praying, keep trusting, keep believing, keep the faith and victory will be your in Jesus Name. (Rom 5:1, Jas 1:6)

Come let us like David inquire from the Lord. We will never run on presumption we will inquire from our good God and be assured of His ever abiding Presence, as we advance, we will not run into the devil net, we not lose our faith as we move on in Jesus Name.

Let us pray and receive answer as we do in Jesus Name:

“And David enquired of the Lord.” 2Samuel 5:23

When David made this enquiry he had just fought the Philistines, and gained a signal victory. The Philistines came up in great hosts, but, by the help of God, David had easily put them to flight. Note, however, that when they came a second time, David did not go up to fight them without enquiring of the Lord.

Once he had been victorious, and he might have said, as many have in other cases, “I shall be victorious again; I may rest quite sure that if I have conquered once I shall triumph yet again. Wherefore should I tarry to seek at the Lord’s hands?” Not so, David. He had gained one battle by the strength of the Lord; he would not venture upon another until he had ensured the same. He enquired, “Shall I go up against them?” He waited until God’s sign was given.

Learn from David to take no step without God. Christian, if thou wouldst know the path of duty, take God for thy compass; if thou wouldst steer thy ship through the dark billows, put the tiller into the hand of the Almighty. Many a rock might be escaped, if we would let our Father take the helm; many a shoal or quicksand we might well avoid, if we would leave to His sovereign will to choose and to command.

The Puritan said, “As sure as ever a Christian carves for himself, he’ll cut his own fingers;” this is a great truth. Said another old divine, “He that goes before the cloud of God’s providence goes on a fool’s errand;” and so he does. We must mark God’s providence leading us; and if providence tarries, tarry till providence comes.

He who goes before providence, will be very glad to run back again. “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go,” is God’s promise to His people. Let us, then, take all our perplexities to Him, and say, “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” Leave not thy chamber this morning without enquiring of the Lord.

This prayer is design to guide us and help us not to fall into temptation. Let’s keep going:

“Lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil [or, the evil one].” Luke 11:4

What we are taught to seek or shun in prayer, we should equally pursue or avoid in action. Very earnestly, therefore, should we avoid temptation, seeking to walk so guardedly in the path of obedience, that we may never tempt the devil to tempt us. We are not to enter the thicket in search of the lion.

Dearly might we pay for such presumption. This lion may cross our path or leap upon us from the thicket, but we have nothing to do with hunting him. He that meeteth with him, even though he winneth the day, will find it a stern struggle. Let the Christian pray that he may be spared the encounter. Our Saviour, who had experience of what temptation meant, thus earnestly admonished His disciples—”Pray that ye enter not into temptation.”

But let us do as we will, we shall be tempted; hence the prayer “deliver us from evil.” God had one Son without sin; but He has no son without temptation. The natural man is born to trouble as the sparks fly upwards, and the Christian man is born to temptation just as certainly. We must be always on our watch against Satan, because, like a thief, he gives no intimation of his approach.

Believers who have had experience of the ways of Satan, know that there are certain seasons when he will most probably make an attack, just as at certain seasons bleak winds may be expected; thus the Christian is put on a double guard by fear of danger, and the danger is averted by preparing to meet it. Prevention is better than cure: it is better to be so well armed that the devil will not attack you, than to endure the perils of the fight, even though you come off a conqueror.

Pray this day first that you may not be tempted, and next that if temptation be permitted, you may be delivered from the evil one.

In Jesus Name. Pray earnestly as the last minute will locate you today in Jesus Name. The angel with your blessings will not return them back to heaven in Jesus Name. He will deliver, so let us like Jacob pray until we see ladder drop from heaven and also see our ministering angles ascending and descending with all that we need to run next month.

I believe you are praying now in Jesus Name!

Father, we love you and we know that you love us more, glory be to your Name on high. Deliver us from presumption sins in Jesus Name.

Read Jas 1:12

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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