Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before the throne. Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before the throne.// I will lift up Jesus higher! I will lift up Jesus higher O! Jehovah Alpha Omega, I will lift Your Name higher, O! Jehovah Alpha Omega I will lift up Jesus higher!
Our Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name. Thank You for another miracle you did for us by making us part of the living in the land of the living, glory be to Your Name on higher in Jesus Name! Thank You for yet another of You will discover today in the place of prayer. Thank You because You also reveal to us great and mighty things which we knoweth not. Be Thou exalted in Jesus Name!
Beloveth, I have a very big God, Who is always by my side, a very big God by my side, by my side. Come let Praise the Lord; come let Praise the Lord! Come let Praise the Lord; come let Praise the Lord! He is Jehovah….
Beloveth are you praising God? It is only the living that can Praise God, so why you still have breathe in your nostrils beloveth Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord (Ps 66:1. 88:1, 95:1-2, 98:4&6, 100:1). So beloveth you are commanded to rejoice and make a joyful noise unto Your Maker, Jehovah the Creator of the world. So if you are ready to do that, let go, Praise the Name of the Lord Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are here again to pray unto our Father and you know praises and worship is the fore-runner of prayer, so if you want pray and be heard always remember to worship before you leave your ending list before the throne of grace.
Today before we pray, we will consider what our brother David did during His time when he was confronted with issue of life that look daunting and emulate his attitude when is confronted with challenges in life. If you will remember we used verse 24 in last week prayer meeting and today again we are still considering the same chapter but verse 23.
Is important to note that David still went to Lord to inquire of Him what to do, he never lived on assumption. He did not say I know God is with me so let us go head and meet them tomorrow at dawn. No! Brother David inquired from the Lord what to do.
He knew that God always have His own strategy to very situation what He did in one He will not likely repeat in another incident so his own is to find out what God wants to do.
And God told Him exactly what to do and when he did as commanded, victory was his.
Beloved are we living our life like David. Do we inquiry of the Lord what to do when we are faced with something that is beyond us. Do we go to God or to our parents, spouse or friends? I did not said there is anything wrong with that but from our bible reading you discover that our best consultant is God and if we obey Him we will come out triumphantly.
Worthy of noting is also the fact that because David won them initially did not excuse him to go against them the second time without inquiring.
So if we want to live a triumphant life, let us imitate what our dear brother did and it shall be well with us. When you inquiry from God the victory is usually sweet and stress free. How? Read verse 19…and the Lord said to David, “go up: for I will doubtless deliver the Philistines into thine hand.
When you confront an issue knowing that God is with you, you are confident, “the fear not” will be make you stand your ground even when you are not seeing the victory yet. It will make you to stood your ground because you know who sent you and what He told you,
May God help us to live worthy of Him, to hear from Him before acting and be obedient to His instructions in Jesus Name.
Come on for more:
“And David enquired of the Lord.” 2 Samuel 5:23
When David made this enquiry he had just fought the Philistines, and gained a signal victory. The Philistines came up in great hosts, but, by the help of God, David had easily put them to flight.
Note, however, that when they came a second time, David did not go up to fight them without enquiring of the Lord. Once he had been victorious, and he might have said, as many have in other cases, “I shall be victorious again; I may rest quite sure that if I have conquered once I shall triumph yet again.
Wherefore should I tarry to seek at the Lord’s hands?” Not so, David. He had gained one battle by the strength of the Lord; he would not venture upon another until he had ensured the same. He enquired, “Shall I go up against them?” He waited until God’s sign was given.
Learn from David to take no step without God. Christian, if thou wouldst know the path of duty, take God for thy compass; if thou wouldst steer thy ship through the dark billows, put the tiller into the hand of the Almighty.
Many a rock might be escaped, if we would let our Father take the helm; many a shoal or quicksand we might well avoid, if we would leave to His sovereign will to choose and to command. The Puritan said, “As sure as ever a Christian carves for himself, he’ll cut his own fingers;” this is a great truth. Said another old divine, “He that goes before the cloud of God’s providence goes on a fool’s errand;” and so he does.
We must mark God’s providence leading us; and if providence tarries, tarry till providence comes. He who goes before providence, will be very glad to run back again. “I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go,” is God’s promise to His people.
Let us, then, take all our perplexities to Him, and say, “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” Leave not thy chamber this morning without inquiring of the Lord.
Did you read that? Leave not thy chamber without inquiring from the Lord. Ask me and I will show you great and mighty things which Thou knoweth not.
He who asked from the Lord will never miss the way. and as he has commanded us to ask Him, don’t fail to obey “ask and yea shall receive also.
Don’t consider how big that obstacle is rather consider how bigYour god is, open your mouth and inquiry of Him what to do. Let us pray!!!!!!!!!!
Our Father, be attentive to the voice of our supplication this day in Jesus Name. Help us to be obedient to your instructions in Jesus Name. Make us attentive also to your voice through the Holy Spirit Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Ps 143:10)
Remain blessed in the Lord.