Everlasting Father, Everlasting Son, Immortal Holy Ghost be Thou glorify. Everlasting Father, Everlasting Son, Immortal Holy Ghost be Thou glorify.// Let the Living Water flow by my sides, let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my mind, all my cares and burden unto Thee I come.

Heavenly Father we thank You we bless Your Name, we exalt You, we give You Praise, alleluia to Your Holy Name. Thank You for the gift a brand new week, a brand new day, another opportunity to celebrate the victory won for us at Calvary, alleluia to the King of kings, the Lord of lords, thank You and thank You forever.

Beloveth, welcome to another glorious week to celebrate God’s goodness, if wasn’t the  death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ I don’t know what we will do, but thank God for the Resurrection Power that raised Him up from death. Thank You Jesus; thank You Father.

Beloveth sin offering was among the offerings God commanded by God in the Old Testament (Lev 5:1-6).in the New Testament, Jesus became the Lamb for the sacrifice. Thank God for this great mercies that you and I will no longer offer a lamb to be cleanse of any sin rather we go to the high priest Him self and plead His Blood which was shed on the cross.

Beloveth there were three places when Jesus shed and the fourth one is making a confession at the breaking of bread and turning wine into his Blood. His blood and each of it is efficient, at the garden as He prayed, His sweat came out as blood, when He was scourged by the Romans soldiers at the court yard (Mk 15:15-19, Matt 27:26-30) When He was crucified on the Cross (Matt 27:35). Before He crucified at the Last Supper feast He had with His disciples when He turn wine into blood (Matt 26:27-28).

Beloveth, our confident is that Christ became the acceptable sacrificial Lamb for our sin offering and His Blood became atonement for our sin.

Do you remember the last time you were enthralled by a good mystery? The Bible speaks of mysteries – Jesus spoke of the “mystery of the Kingdom,” while the Apostle Paul spoke of the “mystery” of the rapture and the “great mystery” of Christ and the church. One subject that is still a mystery to most Christian is the blood of Jesus.

However, God never speaks of the Blood as a mystery, so I believe that He wants you and i to know all about the dynamite benefits that are ours through the Blood. To Properly comprehend the power of the blood of Jesus requires an understanding of its Old Testament counterpart: the blood of sacrificial bulls and goats (Heb 10:4). In Leviticus 17:11, God provided the condition for atonement by saying: for the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.

It was the shed blood upon the altar, the death of a spotless animal, which brought about the atonement or covering for sin.

After it was shed, the animal’s blood was sprinkled on the mercy seat- the golden lid on the Ark of the Covenant. The very Presence of God was above the mercy seat by the virtue of the shed blood sprinkled there.

Because the penalty sin in death, the animal’s death in the place of the sinner symbolized the ultimate sacrifice by Jesus for man’s sin. According to Heb 10:4, the blood, or death , of bulls and goats was not sufficient to take away sins: an animal death was not an adequate substitute for the death of a sinful human that required the death of a spotless human life- the life of Jesus.

The bible says “… we have redemption through His Blood…” (Eph 1:7).

To seal our redemption after His death, Jesus ascended to heaven, and through His own Blood, He entered the Holy place once for all mankind and offered Himself to God (Heb 9:12,14).

Because of His death, we enjoy the benefits of God’s grace and mercy, we enjoy His very Presence, and we call ourselves “Christians”. It is faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ that obtained God’s favour for us, giving us our new Name.

Many times, as Christians, we have only thoughts of Jesus’s blood as the agent that cleansed sin from our lives: but His shed blood has accomplished far! It is that “far more,” which has remained a mystery to many Christian. To grasp the power that is available to us through the blood of Jesus, in the coming days, we will compare the physical facts about human blood to the supernatural facts about Jesus’s blood. the physical qualities of blood provide at stunning picture of all spiritual realities we can enjoy because of the shed blood of Jesus, our “Great physician.”

We are most blessed beloveth, because I cannot imagine what the purchase of lamb, turtle, doves  will have been with the way things are going in our economy. Thank God for Christ Whose death paid all the bill.

Come along with us for more:

“And he shall put his hand upon the head of the burnt-offering; and it shall be accepted for him to make atonement for him.” Leviticus 1:4

Our Lord’s being made “sin for us” is set forth here by the very significant transfer of sin to the bullock, which was made by the elders of the people. The laying of the hand was not a mere touch of contact, for in some other places of Scripture the original word has the meaning of leaning heavily, as in the expression, “Thy wrath lieth hard upon me” (Psalm 88:7).

Surely this is the very essence and nature of faith, which doth not only bring us into contact with the great Substitute, but teaches us to lean upon Him with all the burden of our guilt. Jehovah made to meet upon the head of the Substitute all the offences of His covenant people, but each one of the chosen is brought personally to ratify this solemn covenant act, when by grace he is enabled by faith to lay his hand upon the head of the “Lamb slain from before the foundation of the world.”

Believer, do you remember that rapturous day when you first realized pardon through Jesus the sin-bearer? Can you not make glad confession, and join with the writer in saying, “My soul recalls her day of deliverance with delight.

Laden with guilt and full of fears, I saw my Saviour as my Substitute, and I laid my hand upon Him; oh! how timidly at first, but courage grew and confidence was confirmed until I leaned my soul entirely upon Him; and now it is my unceasing joy to know that my sins are no longer imputed to me, but laid on Him, and like the debts of the wounded traveller, Jesus, like the good Samaritan, has said of all my future sinfulness, ‘Set that to My account.'” Blessed discovery! Eternal solace of a grateful heart!

“My numerous sins transferr’d to Him,

Shall never more be found,

Lost in His blood’s atoning stream,

Where every crime is drown’d!”

Yes! Christ became a substitute for us and we are free from the debt we are to pay which we will not be ble to pay because of our unrighteousness.

Do you believe that Jesus Christ was a substitute for you. He paid it all so you will never have to pay again. believe it and it will count as righteousness for you.

On this note dearly beloved we declare this week open and we will by the grace of God return with greater testimonies in Jesus Name.

Remain blessed in the Lord

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