Your love has taken over me and I now depend on You. I have confidence in You to You O Lord I put my trust. Under the canopy give security, I am righteousness of God!!! Under the canopy give security, I am righteousness of God!!! // Holy Holy, Holy, Holy! Holy,Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord! Lord You are Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord!
Our Father we Thank You, we bow before your throne, We Worship You, We give Praise, adoration to Your Holy Name! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You O! Lord! Father, we thank You for Your faithfulness towards us Your children, thank You for miracles that are overwhelming, precious Father, we worship You for You alone is worthy of our Praise, be Thou exalted forever and ever in Jesus Name!
Beloveth, good morning! how are doing today? Isn’t God Faithful? What an Awesome God we serve. The God that answereth by fire; let Him be our God! Alleluia somebody!!!!!!!! Our God is God; all the time.
Beloveth I feel like dance this morning please join me to rejoice before God because as we dance and rejoice before Him He will be happy and He will bless us in return
Your love has taken over me and now depend on You, I have confident in You. to You O! Lord I give my Praise! Under the canopy give me security, I am the righteousness of God! under the canopy, give me security I am the righteousness of God!
Come and see what the Lord has done for me, He has taken away my sorrow and I am free, Agam buru alleluia buru, Agam para alleluia para. Because Jesus everyday na shakara I dey do. Double, double heavenly blessings na him I dey receive hahahah eheheheh God your goodness and always the follow me. Aiyee! God has given me victory…. Aiyee! He has given me victory……repeat alleluia!!!!!!!
Praise the Lord! is good to shakara in the Lord!!!!!!!!!! Praise the Living Jesus.
Another one
Why I no go make inyaga? (Why I no go make inyaga?) Why I no go make shakara? Why I no go make shakara? Jesus na my Papa, Holy Ghost na my paddy why I no go make shakara?
Shout a thunderous alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our God is good all the time!!!! Help, Lord was our yesterday prayer point. Did you pray? Did you ask help from God concerning those pressing need that you are boarding your heart? That cannot let sleep cross your eyes?
Beloveth, we have a King Father, I am a living testimony. I have a Father that love and cares for me! His lovingkindness is unequal. I don’t know how to appreciate Him for His goodness and mercy towards me and my home. He promised “remembrance” and indeed He did remember me. I am full of joy! I am still on the line for more major breakthroughs; hope you have a lot of testimonies too? Don’t give up keep reminding Him of His faithfulness and He will ever remain faithful! Praise the Lord!
Beloveth, our Awesome Father did a marvelous thing in my life this month as I was still recovering from that miracle another one took place like I said I am beloved of our Father; are you one? Join me and shout Praise the Lord! my heart is overflowing with joy. I am rejoicing greatly. I tell you I have prayed, I have cried, I have Name it but when the set time came, my Wonderful God said it and He went ahead to perform it and left me in awe of Him…. please join me to shout alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!! don’t get tried of rejoicing on my behalf because as you celebrate God for what He did for me; your will come in Jesus Name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth, yesterday we discussed on the efficacy of God’s Word today we will be considering why the Word works for one in the same meeting while it is of no effect for the other. Or why two people will hear the same Word but it will have different result for them.
The reason is not far fetch. The secret lies here – “Before you open God’s Word, believe it.” Let read Jas.1: 21- Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. (KJV).
Praise the Lord! you may not always understand what the Bible says. But to anchor your life on the solid foundation of God’s Word, you need to humbly accept whatever God tells you. In the above scripture, the Word “accept” is from the Greek word ‘dechomai’. It is a hospitality term. It means to receive like a stranger. You are to receive God’s Word fully into your life. that means before you even open your Bible, you tell God that you accept whatever He tell you. you agree to believe His Word, whether or not you understand it. (Mary did and the prophesy came to pass in her life, Lk 1:38).
Looking at the text in order to accept God’s Word, you first have to take care of the junk in your life. clean it out! Now, this doesn’t mean you need to clean up your life before you come to God. Instead, it means sin can block you from hearing God. You can’t hear Him when you have got something else filling your mind and heart. You have to make space for the truth. Believing and applying God’s truth will change you and make you more like Jesus.
In the Bible, God often compares our accepting His Word to gardening. He wants us to accept the seeds He is planting in our hearts and minds. Weeding comes before the seeding and the feeding. Before you meet with God, you have to weed out the emotional and spiritual garbage in your life. you do that by confessing and turning away from your sin. You admit to God what you have done that goes against His Word.
Then, through acceptance and confession, God can produce the fruit of obedience in your life.
Beloveth, unbelief is a great sin before God, don’t fall into that pit, is grievous and dangerous too.
Come and discover more:
“And I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish.” John 10:28
The Christian should never think or speak lightly of unbelief. For a child of God to mistrust His love, His truth, His faithfulness, must be greatly displeasing to Him. How can we ever grieve Him by doubting His upholding grace?
Christian! it is contrary to every promise of God’s precious Word that thou shouldst ever be forgotten or left to perish. If it could be so, how could He be true who has said, “Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, yet will I never forget thee.”
What were the value of that promise—”The mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but My kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of My peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee.”
Where were the truth of Christ’s words—”I give unto My sheep eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of My hand. My Father, which gave them Me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of My Father’s hand.”
Where were the doctrines of grace? They would be all disproved if one child of God should perish. Where were the veracity of God, His honour, His power, His grace, His covenant, His oath, if any of those for whom Christ has died, and who have put their trust in Him, should nevertheless be cast away?
Banish those unbelieving fears which so dishonour God. Arise, shake thyself from the dust, and put on thy beautiful garments. Remember it is sinful to doubt His Word wherein He has promised thee that thou shalt never perish.
Let the eternal life within thee express itself in confident rejoicing.
“The gospel bears my spirit up:
A faithful and unchanging God
Lays the foundation for my hope,
In oaths, and promises, and blood.”
Beloveth, the only place that you can find the hope is in the Word of God as you hold on to it, believe it, if God did for another saint, he will also do it for another, never fear but keep on believing sooner than you think (as He did in my case) He will work in that situation and restore you back. Praise the Name of Jesus! Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep trusting the Unchangeable, Reliable, Dependable God, He will come and not delay any longer at the end He will grant you eternal life if you are found faithful! Amen!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.