Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before the throne! 2x we bow before the throne, we worship at Thy feet, we bow before the throne You are glorious God 2x. Thank You my Lord! Thank You Jesus! Thank You my Saviour, Thank You my dear Lord2x

Our Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name! We adore Thee, we give You Praise, we adore you we give You Praise, adoration to Your Holy Name. Awesome are You Lord! Beautiful is Your Name! We worship You we exalt You Lord. Thank You for another week You are have ordered our steps into… O! Lord you will yet glorify Your Name again in our lives. Thy heaven is Thy home and the earth Thy footstool, we worship You Father! We magnify Thee Jesus be Thou exalted forever and ever Amen!!!

Beloveth, is another beautiful Monday and we are privilege to partake of the blessings therein, let us thank God for the honour bestowed on us and all other benefits we cannot mention, let us magnify the Name of Jesus for Him alone is worthy of our Praise.

You are worthy O Lord! Thy Lamb of Calvary to receive glory and adorations. 2x

You are the Lord; let Thy Name be glorified! You are the Lord; let Thy Name be glorified! We give Thee glory and honour! You are the Lord! Let Thy Name be glorified!

Come Praise the Lord! Come Praise the Lord! All servants of the Lord!   All servants of the Lord!   Who stands my night in the house of the Lord! Lift up your voice in the Holy place! Come Praise the Lord! Come Praise the Lord! Come Praise the Lord! Come Praise the Lord!

Beloveth, how are doing today? Hope your weekend was good? The Word of the Lord is yea and Amen! Praise the Lord! He promised to do great things for us and He will do it indeed. The Lord will give honour and glory. Nothing good will He withhold from those that loves Him, do you love God? Praise the Living Jesus!

Is another beautiful Monday, the Lord will visit us and do us good. Yes! He will deliver us from the hand of the wicked and will delivery Thee out the Hand of the terrible.

Let us read verse 20, the Lord said He shall make Thee a fortified braze wall: they shall fight against Thee but they shall not prevail against Thee, for I am with Thee to save thee and to deliver Thee, saith Jehovah then let take our text for today and I will deliver Thee out of the hand of the wicked, and I will redeem Thee out of the hand of the terrible! Jer 15:20-21

If you believe that the Lord is able to do this shout alleluia! I believe that He can do all things. Beloveth Moses told the children of Israelite, Don’t be afraid, stand firm and see the Lord’s salvation that He will accomplish for you today, for the Egyptians you see today, you will never see again… Ex 14:13 (CSBB)

Beloveth those tormentors and flesh eaters, those the Bible called wicked and the terrible that having riding your life will cease to be as the Lord God Jehovah has gone gone ahead of us and He will fulfill His promises to us.

I am excited because God does not say what He does not meant to do. Praise the Lord! So all spoilers, all those snares of the fowlers, distracters, that are manipulating your destiny with illness, financial difficulties, childless, failures, death and what you, our God has spoken and it shall be done according to His Word to us.

Our God is man of war: Jehovah is His Name (Ex 15:3). His Word will not fall without performance. Has spoken to us; it will surely come to pass, it shall perform that which it was sent forth to do (Isa 55:11). Praise the Lord!

May be we need to remind you again dearly beloved that the Lord said “This is our month of Great Performance by our God along with ceaseless Praise.

Beloveth make sure that you are engaging seriously in praises, let the heaven and earth see you rejoicing, dancing and Praising God. they bear witness to creature so they will bear with witness before God that you did Praise Him (Ps 148).

Beloveth, come along for more:

 “And I will deliver thee out of the hand of the wicked, and I will redeem thee out of the hand of the terrible.” Jeremiah 15:21

Note the glorious personality of the promise. I will, I will. The Lord Jehovah Himself interposes to deliver and redeem His people. He pledges Himself personally to rescue them. His own arm shall do it, that He may have the glory.

Here is not a word said of any effort of our own which may be needed to assist the Lord. Neither our strength nor our weakness is taken into the account, but the lone I, like the sun in the heavens, shines out resplendent in all-sufficience. Why then do we calculate our forces, and consult with flesh and blood to our grievous wounding?

Jehovah has power enough without borrowing from our puny arm. Peace, ye unbelieving thoughts, be still, and know that the Lord reigneth. Nor is there a hint concerning secondary means and causes.

The Lord says nothing of friends and helpers: He undertakes the work alone, and feels no need of human arms to aid Him. Vain are all our lookings around to companions and relatives; they are broken reeds if we lean upon them—often unwilling when able, and unable when they are willing.

Since the promise comes alone from God, it would be well to wait only upon Him; and when we do so, our expectation never fails us. Who are the wicked that we should fear them? The Lord will utterly consume them; they are to be pitied rather than feared.

As for terrible ones, they are only terrors to those who have no God to fly to, for when the Lord is on our side, whom shall we fear? If we run into sin to please the wicked, we have cause to be alarmed, but if we hold fast our integrity, the rage of tyrants shall be overruled for our good.

When the fish swallowed Jonah, he found him a morsel which he could not digest; and when the world devours the church, it is glad to be rid of it again. In all times of fiery trial, in patience let us possess our souls.

Did you read the last paragraph when fish swallowed Jonah, they found him a morsel which he could not digest. So will your adversaries find you because the Lord is with Thee and He has promised victory before they convened?

Glory be to our God, Who nothing overtake by surprise. The Lord will reward each man according to his labour (1 Cor 3:8). The question here is your labour good or evil, both have a reward from God (Ps 37, 3). Praise the Lord! For the Lord will perfect all that concerneth me (Ps 138:8, Rom  10:15, Ps 84:11)

Knowing that God is with us and no man can be against us and His Mighty Hand will perform accordingly. Let us praise and worship and glorify the Lord forever.

On this note we declare this week open and by the grace of God we will return with greater testimonies in Jesus Name.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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