Everybody testify You are good You are good Jehovah You are good, everybody testify You are good, You are good Jehovah You are so good.// sweet Jesus, Sweet Jesus how wonderful You are, You are precious than the morning star, You are fairer, more fairer than the lily that grows by the way, You are precious, more precious than gold.

Thank You Jesus You are owner of my soul, Alpha Omega You are worthy to be Praise, in all generation there is no one like You alpha Omega You are worthy to be Praise.

Our precious Father, we thank You we bless Your Holy Name, we are adore Thee, we give the adoration to Your Holy Name be Thou exalted forever and ever in Jesus Name.

Thank You for the gift of this week, for the beautiful things and miracles that You brought our ways and make us glad in You receive our Praise, receive our thanks O! Lord in Jesus Name.

Beloveth, how has it been with you? Hope you are favoured? Yes! The Lord blessed the righteous; with favour with Thou compass him as a shield- Ps 5:12. Praise the Living Jesus? What a beautiful God we serve, He loves with an everlasting love. He compass with favour as shield did you read that.

Beloveth this is no mean grace, this a Great Grace, Boundless Grace, unlimited Grace speaking for you. last Year April, God bestowed the virtue on us as a ministry, hope you took your portion of promise.

Beloveth, when the Spirit of God gives a Word through His servant/handmaid take it not with carefree attitude. Always declare this verse of the bible, even when you don’t have understanding or know what to do in any given situation, ask God to open your eyes of understanding- Eph 1:18.

Beloveth when God give Rheme about anything you asking for, you know that the result will be on point.

A man who toils with grace is doom. Grace is unmerited favour bestow by God on whom He choose. God knows the end from the beginning. He knows where the step you are taking today will lead you and if it disastrous He will try stopping you but if you are bent on having your way other than committing your way into His Hand He will let you be (don’t forget that God gives us freewill).

However under grace, God’s protective armour surrounds you and makes you willing to obey Him and when this happens, you will not fall into the pits of the enemy or into the snares of the fowler, Praise God!

Our text today depicts when you are outside the covering of grace and glory of God. right in his house David fell into temptation that wasted blood and God was not pleased with him and therefore killed the child of adultery.

Beloveth, how many “child of adultery” had the Lord killed in your life. Don’t think about human being only it could a wrong move in business, career, wrong decisions and likes.

The teaching of today happens right inside the house at the roof of the house. This message came this early in us for us to guide our feet against evil. we may not see it coming all the time but under grace and with right fire at the altar God’s protective armour is protecting you and will keep you safe and when you eventually overcome you will gain understanding and Praise God.

Our God is beautiful, do you believe that? In spite of David fall, He still showed him compassion. We are not encouraging rising and falling but we are saying in case you are reading this right now and your spirit convict you that you need to return to the Lord, beloveth do not hesitate to run to the mercy seat and ask God for forgiveness and reconcile back to Him.

He is waiting for your come back. David repented of his sin and God forgave him; He will do same to you. No sin too hard for Him to forgive but first you must let go of your evil ways and return back to your Maker.

He is waiting like the prodigal son’s father; He is waiting to host a party for your return (Lk 15:20-24). He is waiting to bless you and give your lasting heritance which is Jesus Christ the Saviour of the whole world, alleluia somebody!!!!!!!

And if you know someone who needs a word in a season like this, please don’t fail to forward it because you are saving a soul from hell and heaven will reward you for it. Praise the Living Jesus.

Come along with us for more discoveries.

“And it came to pass in an evening-tide, that David arose from off his bed, and walked upon the roof of the king’s house.” 2 Samuel 11:2

At that hour David saw Bathsheba. We are never out of the reach of temptation. Both at home and abroad we are liable to meet with allurements to evil; the morning opens with peril, and the shades of evening find us still in jeopardy.

They are well kept whom God keeps, but woe unto those who go forth into the world, or even dare to walk their own house unarmed. Those who think themselves secure are more exposed to danger than any others. The armour-bearer of Sin is Self-confidence.

David should have been engaged in fighting the Lord’s battles, instead of which he tarried at Jerusalem, and gave himself up to luxurious repose, for he arose from his bed at eventide. Idleness and luxury are the devil’s jackals, and find him abundant prey.

In stagnant waters noxious creatures swarm, and neglected soil soon yields a dense tangle of weeds and briars. Oh for the constraining love of Jesus to keep us active and useful! When I see the King of Israel sluggishly leaving his couch at the close of the day, and falling at once into temptation, let me take warning, and set holy watchfulness to guard the door.

Is it possible that the king had mounted his housetop for retirement and devotion? If so, what a caution is given us to count no place, however secret, a sanctuary from sin! While our hearts are so like a tinder-box, and sparks so plentiful, we had need use all diligence in all places to prevent a blaze.

Satan can climb housetops, and enter closets, and even if we could shut out that foul fiend, our own corruptions are enough to work our ruin unless grace prevent. Reader, beware of evening temptations. Be not secure. The sun is down but sin is up.

We need a watchman for the night as well as a guardian for the day. O blessed Spirit, keep us from all evil this night. Amen.

Did you read that beware of evening temptation lurking even inside your house, men and women sleeping with their domestic workers and relations, office assistants and colleagues beware, God is warning you before His wrath will be meted on you.

May we keep watch over door our life and ward off temptations. Click here to reconcile yourself back to God now. Help us O! God! Amen!!!

See you on Monday if Jesus tarries. Have a reflective weekend.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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