Who has the finally say, Jehovah has the finally say, who has the finally say, Jehovah, Jehovah has the final say, Jehovah turns my life around, Jehovah turns my life around, He makes a way where there seems no way, Jehovah has the finally say. Come let’s Praise the Lord, come let Praise the Lord, come let’s Praise the Lord, come let’s Praise the Lord, He is Jehovah, come …
Father we thank You, we blessed Your Holy Name, we exalt You we adore You forever, great are you Lord, for You are greatly to be Praise Father you reign. Everybody testify you are good, you are good Jehovah You are good, everybody testify, you are good, You are good Jehovah You are so good.
Beloved, another blessed time in God’s presence are you happy? This is another praying session and happy because the Spirit of God is already here to bless, honour and give us abundant grace to live above sin and be all He has made us to be. Praise be His Name forever.
In our study of today we will meet the Person of Jesus going round and doing good. Beloved, do you know what; our God is still in the business of doing good; He is here again to exactly same. Do you want to be part of it, then join me as we have a firsthand encounter with the Spirit of the God as He purge away our sin and heal our bodies.
May God help us again and again in Jesus Name; come and along for more:
Genesis 24:55-26:11, Psalm 9:1-6, Proverbs 2:6-8, Matthew 9:18-38
Another Kingdom
Then Jesus went to all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and every sickness.—Matthew 9:35
While we focus our thoughts on the kingdom of God, we must not forget that there exists in the universe another kingdom—the kingdom of Satan. The Bible shows us that in ages past there was just one kingdom, the kingdom of God. But, through the rebellion of an angel named Lucifer (now known as Satan), another kingdom was established over which the Prince of Darkness rules.
Every person since Adam (with the single exception of Jesus Christ) comes under the dominion of Satan and is, in fact, classified as a citizen of the Devil’s kingdom (Eph 2:1-2). When, through conversion, we become followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, we become citizens of the kingdom of God (Col 1:13). Once we receive this new citizenship, whether we realize it or not, we are thrust into the front line of the age-long conflict which has existed between God and Satan, and we become participators in the Almighty’s plan to bring about Satan’s defeat and to bring the universe once again under the control of God and His kingdom.
Standing as we do on the cutting edge between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan, the Almighty has given us the most powerful weapon in all the armories of heaven. That weapon is prayer. Our citizenship in God’s kingdom entitles and enables us to pray: “Thy kingdom come.” And when said with sincerity and trust, those words spell out every time they are spoken the ultimate triumph of the kingdom of God.
Father, I am utterly amazed when I realize You have not only taken me out of Satan’s kingdom, but You are using my prayer, when it is in line with Your pattern, to demolish his kingdom and reestablish Yours. Help me participate with all my might. Amen.
Further Study
Eph 1:17-2:7; 6:1; 2Co 4:4; 11:3
What is Christ’s position?
What is our position?
beloved, did you just read that? The weapon of our warfare is prayer. we don’t war carnally but through prayer, the Spirit of God takes over our infirmities and made us strong against the vices of the enemy.
Did you see the victory grant to those who engage in Kingdom business? May the strengthen your hand to be higher and stronger than that of the enemies in Jesus Name. help us O! Lord we pray Thee in Jesus Name!
Thank You Father for in the Jesus every knee shall bow and ever tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. Amen Alleluia, Amen alleluia. Praise the Lord.
Go to the Lord in prayer as you receive your deliverance from the pit of hell. No longer will devil hold you bound in Jesus Name. God will make a way where ther seems to be no way.
Our God is a good God: Yes! He is!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.