What shall I say unto the Lord, all I have to say is Thank You Lord, 2x Thank You Lord 2x all I have to say Thank You Lord. Thank You Lord 2x, all I have to say is Thank You Lord.// all the glory shall be to the Lord for He is Worthy of our praise, no man man on earth should be glory to His name all the glory must be to the Lord.
Father in heaven we Thank You, we bless Your Name, we worship You, we praise Your Name for Who You are. we cannot Thank You enough for all the secret battles You fight for us and the open honour You bestows on us, blessed be Your Holy Name forever.. Father in heaven O God! Thank You for breakthrough. Healing, deliverances and miracles that You bestow on us daily. Let all glory, honour adoration be unto You forever in Jesus Name.
Beloveth, it is PCL today! Glory be to God! who is Your role model? Who is Your Master? Who are You following? Who are imitating? Who is influencing You?
When a child looks exactly like either of the parents especially like the Father, people usually say, “he look like the old chips? Beloved, can it be said of you that you like Jesus? Having accepted Jesus as You Lord and Personal Savior, can it be said that you like Him? Is your life manifesting His lifestyle or otherwise?
These call for soul searching. Meditatively go through these messages as contained in the devotion and reconsider your ways, your action and your thoughts. Is that what Jesus will do? Is only a Spirit that is controlled that will live like Jesus did.
At the end will be able to answer whether You are stepping stone or a stumbling block to those watching You, the young in faith, those considering to take a decision for Christ.
Remember, you are an epistle. An aroma, a sweet savour, that is who you are, that you cannot afford to compromise.
Let’s get into the business:
Are You A Stepping Stone Or Stumbling Block?
I remember a conversation I had with a business man who had resisted coming to Christ for many years. His reason? The innumerable professionals with whom he had done business who were also leaders in their churches. The inconsistency between their faith, so-called, and their practices in business triggered serious questions in his mind as to the authenticity of anything Christian.
One of the greatest challenges we face in our walk with Christ is how to make our profession of faith and practice in business one and the same. The operative word is “blameless“.
“Lord, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live on your holy hill? He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from his heart and has no slander on his tongue, who does his neighbor no wrong and casts no slur on his fellowman.” (Psalm 15:1-3)
“Blameless” means conducting our business in such a manner that no one can point the finger at us and utter the word “hypocrite!”
“Make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother‘s way.” (Romans 15:13)
To help you determine just how blameless you are in your business practices, consider the following questions:
- Is it wrong to create a “need” in order to market a product? (Job 31:5)
- When there is a clash between Biblical principles and expediency, which one usually wins? Why?
- Is the nature of your product in harmony with Biblical values?
- How do you view your employees? As expendable, once their usefulness wanes? Or as people whom you desire to assist in reaching their highest potential? (Job 31:13)
- Are the brand properties you attribute to your product honestly represented? (Deuteronomy 16:19; Proverbs 16:11)
- Is the message you are communicating in your advertising and promotion consistent with Scriptural principles?
- Do you view the competition as a necessary evil? (2 Corinthians 5:16)
- As the enemy whom you must crush? (Job 31:29, 40; Zechariah 7:9; Luke 6:31)
- Or as people for whom Christ died; people to whom you are His Ambassador? (2 Corinthians 5:18-21)
- Is it possible to love and serve people with whom you are in competition? Do such truths as “Love your neighbor as yourself ” and “Let all that you do be done in love” find application in your business environment? (Matthew 22:39; 1 Corinthians 16:14)
- When you are in doubt about a marketing strategy or a business decision, do you stop and ask, “What would Jesus do?” Or do you just plow ahead, business as usual? (John 13:16; Ephesians 5:2)
QUESTION: How do your lost associates view you? A stepping stone? A stumbling block?
Brethren, we have be like Jesus walk like Jesus, that is our faith and our confession. Are You saying yes to it? Let’s dig deeper:
“So walk ye in Him.” Colossians 2:6
If we have received Christ Himself in our inmost hearts, our new life will manifest its intimate acquaintance with Him by a walk of faith in Him. Walking implies action. Our religion is not to be confined to our closet; we must carry out into practical effect that which we believe.
If a man walks in Christ, then he so acts as Christ would act; for Christ being in him, his hope, his love, his joy, his life, he is the reflex of the image of Jesus; and men say of that man, “He is like his Master; he lives like Jesus Christ.”
Walking signifies progress. “So walk ye in Him”; proceed from grace to grace, run forward until you reach the uttermost degree of knowledge that a man can attain concerning our Beloved.
Walking implies continuance. There must be a perpetual abiding in Christ. How many Christians think that in the morning and evening they ought to come into the company of Jesus, and may then give their hearts to the world all the day: but this is poor living; we should always be with Him, treading in His steps and doing His will.
Walking also implies habit. When we speak of a man’s walk and conversation, we mean his habits, the constant tenour of his life. Now, if we sometimes enjoy Christ, and then forget Him; sometimes call Him ours, and anon lose our hold, that is not a habit; we do not walk in Him.
We must keep to Him, cling to Him, never let Him go, but live and have our being in Him. “As ye have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him”; persevere in the same way in which ye have begun, and, as at the first Christ Jesus was the trust of your faith, the source of your life, the principle of your action, and the joy of your spirit, so let Him be the same till life’s end; the same when you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, and enter into the joy and the rest which remain for the people of God.
O Holy Spirit, enable us to obey this heavenly precept in Jesus Name.
Beloved, let us heed to this call and be blessed.
Remain blessed in the Lord.