Lord, you are so good, you are so good, you are so good to me. Father, you are so good, you are so good, you are so good to me.// come and do your miracle, your miracle today, come and do your miracle, your miracle today.
Father, we thank You, we honour You in worship, blessed be Your Name forever and ever in Jesus Name. Thank You for the month of January, You have been wonderful, I don’t know how to reverence or what I can use to say thank You. Therefore come with thanksgiving to worship You. Father, receive our praise O! Lord.
Beloved, are you thanking God along with us? Are you blessing the Name of Lord in worship? Is it possible you are ignorant of what good health entails? Is it possible that you don’t appreciate the miracle of sleeping and waking up? Is possible that you don’t know the miracles of journey mercies? Come on praise God with me right now by raising your hands up and tapping your feet on the ground as you sing unto the King of kings, Who did not fail in waking you up daily and providing for your needs? Praise the Lord somebody!
As we have been emphasizing in all our ministration our Greater Glory will be deliver to us through our commitment to the Word of God in making us more like Christ.
Beloved, the word “Glory” is no ordinary word you are used to. It is that which made God “God.” God is dress in “Awesome”, He is dress in “Splendor”. Check these words up in your own dictionary. The “Glory” is what make these word weighty. So if you and I must attend same you must be prune to attain it. God cannot put His Royal Robe on a sinner. Is an abomination. We must be Holy as the Lord is Holy.
Our prayer must be ‘God make more like you.’ No sinner will enter into the Kingdom of God. Nothing impure will enter into His Kingdom. If you fail to be made perfect, how will endure to hear from Jesus on the last day “Depart from me.” that will not be our portion in Jesus Name.
So even on this last day of the month we are bring your way a message of salvation and as many as believes in and accept Christ are in line for “Greater Glory”. May God help us in Jesus Name.
Are you ready to be part taker of God’s promise this year? Come along with me as the Lord perfect all that concerns you and you will be glad that you took the decision. God bless you as we move on:
Though a Son, He learned obedience through what He suffered.
After He was perfected, He became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey Him.—Hebrews 5:8–9
There is a positive aspect to suffering. We all endure suffering to some degree, but the good news is that through it we can become like Jesus. Are you willing to pay whatever price is necessary in order to become like Christ?
There are some things that God can build into your life only through suffering. Even Jesus, the sinless Son of God, was complete only after He had endured the suffering His Father had set before Him. Once He had suffered, He was the complete, mature, and perfect Savior through whom an entire world could find salvation.
If you become bitter over your hardships, you close some parts of your life from God. If you do this, you will never be complete. Some places in your soul can be reached only by suffering. The Spirit of God has important things to teach you, but you can only learn these lessons in the midst of your trials. King Saul was made king without ever enduring hardship, but he never developed the character or maturity to handle God’s assignment. David spent years in suffering and heartache. When he finally ascended the throne, he was a man after God’s own heart.
Don’t resent the suffering God allows in your life. Don’t make all your decisions and invest everything you have into avoiding hardship. God did not spare His own Son. How can we expect Him to spare us? Learn obedience even when it hurts!
Yes! There are things we learnt through the suffering we attain while moving on the Lord’s path. It is not usually smooth nor is it usually sweet but at the end it pays off. So don’t give up when tries comes your way, it will only make you better if you don’t give up. it has been from time past, the saints stand through it, you will also stand through in Jesus Name!
You will be meeting with one of God’s own who in spite of the corruption at his time in the next message, was able to stand through and his righteousness preserved him and his household. Are ready to be counted? Are you ready be blessed? Then you come along with me:
Standing Alone For God In A Godless World
A tough but achievable assignment.
- Noah, like you, lived in a wicked society.
- Victoriously!
- And so can you!
God’s assessment of Noah’s life?
“You alone I have seen to be righteous before Me in this generation.” (Genesis 7:1)
The Lord was painfully aware of societies’ blatant sins as SEX and VIOLENCE dotted the landscape as it does ours.
“Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil… continually… [God] was grieved in his heart… that He had made man… ” (Genesis 6:5, 6)
Living amidst this decadence, Noah stood up and was counted:
“Noah found favor in the eyes of God” – That is, he was pleasing to God! (Genesis 6:8)
“Noah was a righteous man” – That is, he was lawful and just before God! (Genesis 6:9)
“Noah was blameless in his time” – That is, he lived a life of integrity before his fellow man. (Genesis 6:9)
“Noah walked with God” – That is, he and God were conversant. They had a relationship. (Genesis 6:9)
STANDING ALONE FOR GOD is a tough but achievable assignment which God expects us to accomplish!
Beloved on this last day of the month of January are you ready to be counted? Are you ready to stand for God come what may?
Beloved, anything is still possible for the remaining hours of the day. Be watchful, anything is possible. Don’t discount what God can do. That which you are trusting God for is still very possible to be delivered before the end of today.
See you next month by the grace of God. Meanwhile check through your life to see where you needs God’s touch for perfection. Noah did it; you can also do it. It is doable and is achievable. God bless you.
I love you.
Remain blessed in the Lord.