Who is like unto Thee… O Lord.. Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! among the gods who is like… You are glorious in holiness fearful in Praising… doing wonders alleluia … // Ancient of Days… How old are you nowx2 You will never fail… Ancient of Days… How old are you nowx2 You will never fail…
Our Father we Praise Your Holy Name… Thank You Jesus for Who You are… How wonderful are You Lord… You will never fail us… You will never abandon us… Our eyes are steadily on You Jesus… Come and do that which only You can do… We reverence You O Lord! be Thou exalted O Lord .. Thank You for a brand new week, a brand new day… You have made O Lord… be lifted O Lord… be lifted Ancient of Days… we give You Praise… all honor, all adoration, be ascribe unto Thee Father in Jesus Name… Amen!!!
We lift Your Name higher… we lift Your Name higher… we lift Your Name higher… We lift Your Name higher… Shout alle… alleluia alle, alleluia… shout alle Alleluia shout alle! Alleluia… Praise the Living Jesus… alleluia
Beloveth, How are you doing today… Thank God for the gift of a brand new day… We serve a Living God Who is able to do what we ever think or desire from Him… Praise the Living Jesus…. We are here again to hear what our God will say… for we know that He will speak peace… He will speak rest, He will speak restorations to us alleluia Amen!!!
Beloveth… hope you are holding on to the promise of God to us in this new month… New Beginning!…. Wow!
I cannot wait to receive mine…. Beloveth this month is going to be an outstanding month for us… Yes! the God of all flesh is gonna take create in us the next thing that we needed to be settled in Jesus Name… Amen!!! Praise the Name of Jesus….
Come on…. I just want to ask you a question….. Are You Engaged or Entangled?
What does this actually mean… someone is asking….
Come along with us for more discover more…
Are You Engaged Or Entangled?
“No one engaged in warfare ENTANGLES HIMSELF with the affairs of this life, that he may please Him who enlisted him as a soldier.” (2 Timothy 2:4)
You and I have a challenge before us: “How to be ENGAGED in fulfilling our earthly responsibilities and yet remain UN-ENTANGLED in the affairs of life in order to fight Christ’s battles.”
What is the difference between being ENGAGED and ENTANGLED?:
- The trolley cars in San Francisco are ENGAGED in the cable beneath the surface of the street.
- The bird is ENTANGLED when it cannot get its foot out of the trap.
How do we know when we are ENTANGLED?
- When we are irritated or consumed over our situation.
- When we fail to see God in control of our circumstances.
Strategically, we become ENTANGLED when we make the pursuit of the secular our primary focus, and then try to fit the spiritual around it. Remember the aspiring disciples of Christ in Luke 9:57-61 who expressed interest in following Him? “But first” they had to attend to their private affairs and interests.
When the “but firsts” dominate our lives, we are entangled. Jesus allows us no such privilege:
“No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.” (Luke 9:62)
Let me ask you:
- When you open your Bible to spend time with God, is your mind easily distracted?
- Would you be free (within a reasonable period of time) to uproot and move to another part of the world to minister, if God were to call you?
- When spending time with your spouse or children, are you there 100% or are you just putting in an appearance?
Whether we are ENGAGED or ENTANGLED is a question of focus, values and priorities. It is a question of whether we WANT to invest in the eternal, or simply expend our lives on the temporal.
Beloveth… the God of New Beginning is here… hope you are available for what God is about to do in your life in this season… Praise the Name of the Lord… alleluia
On this note we declare this week open and blessed in the Name of Jesus… we shall return at the end with outstanding testimonies in Jesus Name… Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.