What a Mighty God we serve, What a Mighty God we serve, heaven and earth adore Thee, angles bow before Thee, What a Mighty God we serve. What a Mighty God we serve, What a Mighty God we serve, heaven and earth adore Thee, angles bow before Thee, What a Mighty God we serve.// Who is like unto Thee O Lord! O Lord! Who is like unto Thee O Lord! O Lord, Heaven and earth adore, angels bow before Thee, what a Mighty God we serve!!!!!!!!

Yes! Our God is a Big, Big, Big God, glory be to Him on high, who is like unto Thee Father, there is none to be compared with Thee. Thank You for a blessed day/ blessed/week ahead of us, we thank You in advance for the good things You have in stock for us and the powers of evil You will destroy. Thank You Merciful Father for Your Kindness towards us, be Thou exalted O! Lord. Thank You Father for Your divine touch that restored my health, I bow to Praise You, when all helps have gone, You remaineth faithful; You are indeed unsearchable and no one can understand You. Thank You for being such a Wonder to Your children be Thou exalted forever and ever in Jesus Name.

Thank You Father for the great and mighty things You will do in our lives all through this week, we give You Praise for You will yet declare Your Mighty acts amongst us be Thou magnify in Jesus Name!

Arise O God! and be our God indeed, show us the way to follow, declare Your peace in our lives, destroy the works of satan and give us victory over all the works of darkness, make us to rejoice in Your Name, because at the mention Jesus, every power shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord, glory be to Your Name on high in Jesus Name.

Beloved, how was your weekend? How are doing today? Thank God for His faithfulness that enduerth forever, it gonne be another glorious week for the Lord has gone ahead of us to make every crooked path to be straight, the power of God will accomplish that which it has sent forth to do in our lives before the end of this month in Jesus Name. We will not carry over any of our blessings by the Divine power of God it will deliver all in Jesus Name.

Beloved, the topic before us today is an interesting one and I tell you is very important we consider it as some of us are under this yoke of slavery and need deliverance by the super Hand of God Almighty. Let us exalt His Name forever for the Mastery acts in will perform in our lives today after going through this ministration, Praise be the Name of our Father on high in Jesus Name.

I want to ask you this question before you go for more discovery “are you as Good as your Book?” someone is like which? But we have only one Book with capital ‘B’ at the beginning of it.  Join me to have an in-depth understanding about it.

1 Samuel 20:1-21:15, Psalm 66:1-7, Proverbs 14:15-16, John 6:41-59

“As Good as Your Book”

I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread he will live forever.—John 6:51

A Hindu said to a missionary in India: “Sir, I do not want to appear presumptuous, but have you found out what the Acts of the Apostles records? I see there a strange power, making weak, ineffective men into strong, effective, radiant men. That seems new and central—have you found that?” And that is the central question we must ask ourselves. We are taken up with so many little and marginal things in church life that we miss the central power.

A group of children, on the way to see the ocean, got occupied with a pond that one of them had made by blocking the flow of a tiny stream. One little fellow, seeing the ocean in the distance, said, “Come on, Billy, that ain’t the ocean—that’s only a pond!”

Sometimes I feel like calling to the thousands of Christians who are gathered around their little denominational pools, thinking them to be the ocean: “Come on, brothers and sisters, that isn’t the whole thing. Look over there. The ocean awaits us—God’s ocean of power and plenty. I’ll race you to it!”

A Christian who gave a Bible to an acquaintance asked him some time later if he had read it. “Yes,” said the man, “and what is more, I have found you out. You are not as good as your Book! The Book says there is power for human weakness, joy instead of sorrow, victory instead of defeat—but I see little of this in you.” What an indictment! Could the same be said of you and me?


O Father, help me to be as good as the Book. Show me the way to power and poise, so that I will represent the highest qualities of life to those I live with or work with. For Jesus’ sake. Amen.

Further Study

Jn 6:44-71; Rv 2:4, 3:16; Mt 24:12; Ac 5:13

How did some of Jesus’ disciplesrespond?

What did Simon Peter say?

Beloved, we are approaching the end of this month and the promise of God must speak in our lives in case is yet to speak. We are operating under the grace of God and that same grace will speak for us. Are you as good as your Book? Are you as good as the Word of God you profess? Can you make your boost in the Lord! I was discussing with mummy and I simply told her when she inquiry about my health as I was in serious pain as result of some nerves issue. I told her that I am hoping on my God to heal me since I cannot access the medical side of it and she simple echo with me “Amen” and we left it at it.

Then come Sunday morning with the pain unbearable the night before and even the off counter drug I am administrating has been it but looks like no end to it then on Saturday morning I woke up with tooth ache, wow! I was struggling with it and at the bedtime I never knew which side to lay with and I simple laugh and said this prayer “ Father, I don’t know how am going to sleep and wake up because every side looks aching but I know that You will help me to sleep and wake up in the morning.”

Beloved, God answered that prayer with me waking up a few minutes before my alarm went off by 4:30 am. Satan wanted to convince me to stay at home since I am not feeling feel, I simple reminded him that I have an appointment with the Great Physician. As if that answer weren’t enough, it started raining, heavy down pour, I was fully dress and sat down waiting for the rain to be over and when it came down a little more, I set out with my family and dearly beloved, to save you the long story further after the services I went to my unit because we welcome the first comers, but I couldn’t minister because of my tooth ache (my wisdom tooth is coming up) so I waited behind for others to be done so that we say our finally pray to go, at that prayer session ”the Ancient of Days appeared in our  midst and when we were instructed to join our hands together to prayer for ourselves, I couldn’t sit down again, in my rising up the Almighty One took away the pain that has lingered for a week long wow! I was healed.” The pain is gone, God honour my faith in Him and healed me without charging me a dim. Praise the Name of the Lord on my behalf!!!!

I came back whole and as that this morning I issued a command to the ache in tooth to go and it obeyed, wow! Our God is good. He is indeed a strong tower the righteous runneth into and are delivered, glory be to Jesus! the great Physician keep the appointment.

So my beloved, we must as a matter of fact be good as the Book we carry/read. We will not suffer weakness in place of strength for the Lord is our strength. Neither are we going to have sorrow in place of joy because the joy of the Lord is our strength. We will never suffer defeat in place of victory, because Jesus has won us victory from the foundation of the world. Praise the Lord!!

On this note we declare this week open and by the grace of God we will return at the end with great testimonies in Jesus Name. This week is declared blessed in Jesus Name and every blessing the Lord has apportioned to us will be delivered to us before it round up.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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