April 4
Wonderful Redeemer, Ancient of Days, Beginning and the End, You are the Lion of Judea, The Great I AM, Blessed be Thy Name now and forever. We thank You, Lord for a day like this. Father, we cannot but thank You for we are beautifully and wonderfully made by You. We return all glory, honour, adoration, unto Thee Alone, Who is Worthy of our praise.
What a blessed day dear beloved, hope your week was good? Already, we having amazing miracles, testimonies of the goodness of God of what God is doing in our midst. It is good to praise the Lord.
Beloved, what is that thing, issues that is boggling your mind and you cannot but sigh each time it comes? Why are you making yourself a burden bearer, when Jesus have said in His Word, leave it at my feet. What is that mountain that you are afraid to turn into plain? Listen, the Lord is near to them that fears Him and obey Him to satisfy them.
The word of God is powerful. The text before us is talking about Wisdom that only God can give, is not the wisdom of the world but of God. Please read up the bible passage and blessed.
Watch yourself lest you slip away from the truth, life in Christ, and get yourself into unwholesome experiences that will not be palatable. So beloved, avoid that slip.
“Then shalt thou walk in thy way safely, and thy foot shall not stumble.” Prov. 3:23
That is to say, if we follow the ways of wisdom and holiness we shall be preserved in them. He who travels by daylight along the highway is under some protection. There is a way for every man, namely, his own proper calling in life, and if we devoutly walk therein in the fear of God He will preserve US from evil. We may not travel luxuriously, but we shall walk safely. We may not be able to run like young men, but we shall be able to walk like good men.
Our greatest danger lies in ourselves: our feeble foot is so sadly apt to stumble. Let us ask for more moral strength that our tendency to slip may be overcome. Some stumble because they do not see the stone in the way: divine grace enables us to perceive sin, and so to avoid it. Let us plead this promise, and trust in Him who upholds His chosen.
Alas! our worst peril is our own carelessness, but against this the Lord Jesus has put us on our guard, saying, “Watch and pray.
Oh for grace to walk this day without a single stumble! It is not enough that we do not actually fall; our cry should be that we may not make the smallest slip with our feet, but may at the last adore Him “who is able to keep us from stumbling.”
Sincerely the actions will take on life issues determines how God also attains to us. If you are nonchalant about challenges that comes your way, the Lord will be watching you. However, when you call on Him, cry unto Him, be silent before Him on an issue that demand His Sovereignty, He will but attains to you.(remember some “silences” are golden and very potent and is different from indifference).
Everyone, who got healed by Christ got it desperately, so until we become desperately in need of Him, His love, Care, His touch, His Word, His comfort, His guide, His miracles, He will be waiting for us and we have to wait longer than we ever imagined. Just a quick one, let’s consider men and women of old, who are beneficial:
God Helps The People Who Are In Desperate Need
A sinking ship: “Master, we are perishing!”
A naked maniac: “And seeing Jesus, he cried out with a loud voice… ”
A dying daughter: The father “fell at Jesus‘ feet and began to entreat Him… ”
A bleeding woman: She “came up behind Him and touched the fringe of His cloak… ”
All helpless — and in grave need of the Master’s touch.
“Man‘s extremity becomes God‘s opportunity.”
The Gospels are silent however, about any dramatic life changes among the faceless masses who seemed to view Jesus simply as a nice idea. To them, observing and being around Christ was something like a spectator sport. “WATCH BUT DON‘T GET TOO INVOLVED.”
By contrast, Christ extended His compassion to those souls fortunate enough to have run out of options — people who were at the end of their rope.
- · The ship made it to shore.
- · The maniac found healing and peace in Christ.
- · The dying daughter was restored to full health.
- · The woman’s bleeding was stopped.
Today, if you are in serious need of the Master’s healing or helping hand, understand that He awaits your cry for help. By faith appropriate Him now.
A take home my beloved, go before the Lord with that need in your heart, lay it at the feet of Jesus and leave it there. Don’t pick it up again. l-e-a-v-e i-t t-h-e-r-e. Some people are fond of laying down their problems before God while praying and picking it up again as soon as they are done praying. How? We will talk about later. Just make sure you come out alone not with the need again.
Have a wonderful weekend ahead. As a plus “Tell someone about Christ”. GO FISHING. By His grace you will hear from us come next week.
Remain blessed in the Lord.
Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu