Glorious God Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before Thy throne!!! Glorious God Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before Thy throne!!!// What a Mighty God we serve, what a Mighty God we serve! What a Mighty God we serve! What a Mighty God we serve!!!
Yes Father what a Mighty God You are, You made the heaven and the earth, You created the made sea and all that is in it. You made the mountain and the birds, You made the heaven beings and us here on earth, Praise to Your O Lord! Alleluia to Your Holy Name!!! We worship You Father, we give You Praise and adorations, glory and honour belong to You alone in Jesus Name!!!
Receive our Praise O! Lord! Receive our Praise O Lord! Glory and honour we give unto Thee, receive our Praise O Lord!
Thank You Father for the things You specially give to us that seems common to us, we are sorry for our ungrateful hearts, forgive us Father, and as we repent of it Lord do it again and again Father that You Name will be glorify in in Jesus Name Amen.
O Lord our God as we come into Presence by grace, by Your grace sustain us, preserve us, uphold us and make us whole in Jesus Name Amen!
Beloveth alleluia somebody! Do you agree with me that is by grace you stand before the Presence of God? Yes it is by grace dearly beloved, before the birth, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus, no man can ever stand before God’s presence without sanctification not even His priest, you cannot step into the Holy of holiest but thanks be to God Who gave us His Son, Who died for our sins and sanctify us that we can call on God anywhere we are and be heard.
Beloveth, imagine if we are travel to designated place to pray before we can be heard by God? Imagine also if we to make a sacrifice of Lamb and pigeon and dove for each appearance with what is happening around us, with corruption all over the land, ehhh how can we make to heaven? When it so difficult to eat or feed your family three times daily how can you spare for sacrifice even when is a must.
Beloveth we need to be grateful to God for His Goodness towards us and all that are ours. We ought to be thankful and grateful always to God for His undying love for us Amen!!!
We thank You Jesus, thank You Lord! We thank You Jesus Thank You Lord! We thank You Jesus, Thank You Lord! Thank You Lord!
Yes in our God we are grateful for all the Wonderful things He has done for us, will do for us and will continue to do for us… Amen!!!
In our faith clinic today by the grace of God we will increase in knowledge and in faith in God. we often say the level of your knowledge or information you have about God is what helps you trusting Him. so we are encourage to keep searching and reading about God’s doing, His Nature and commandments so that will not be on the offensive side all the time but in communion with Him all time. Praise God!
Beloveth, join me to sing the song and we encourage you to keep singing until something definite happens—-
Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Light in the darkness My God that is Who You Are!!! Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Light in the darkness My God that is Who You Are!!!
Yes God is the Way Marker, He make a way for You! He is a Miracle Worker – He come forth for You, Light in the darkness- He will satisfy your mouth with good things…
God made us and all we are by His grace, He will not favour one of saint and leave the other, He will bless us according His plans and purposes for each of us…
May the Lord help us in Jesus Name…. come along with us for more:
“Babes in Christ.” 1 Corinthians 3:1
Are you mourning, believer, because you are so weak in the divine life: because your faith is so little, your love so feeble? Cheer up, for you have cause for gratitude. Remember that in some things you are equal to the greatest and most full-grown Christian. You are as much bought with blood as he is. You are as much an adopted child of God as any other believer.
An infant is as truly a child of its parents as is the full-grown man. You are as completely justified, for your justification is not a thing of degrees: your little faith has made you clean every whit. You have as much right to the precious things of the covenant as the most advanced believers, for your right to covenant mercies lies not in your growth, but in the covenant itself; and your faith in Jesus is not the measure, but the token of your inheritance in Him.
You are as rich as the richest, if not in enjoyment, yet in real possession. The smallest star that gleams is set in heaven; the faintest ray of light has affinity with the great orb of day. In the family register of glory the small and the great are written with the same pen. You are as dear to your Father’s heart as the greatest in the family. Jesus is very tender over you. You are like the smoking flax; a rougher spirit would say, “put out that smoking flax, it fills the room with an offensive odour!” but the smoking flax He will not quench.
You are like a bruised reed; and any less tender hand than that of the Chief Musician would tread upon you or throw you away, but He will never break the bruised reed. Instead of being downcast by reason of what you are, you should triumph in Christ.
Am I but little in Israel? Yet in Christ I am made to sit in heavenly places. Am I poor in faith? Still in Jesus I am heir of all things. Though “less than nothing I can boast, and vanity confess.” yet, if the root of the matter be in me I will rejoice in the Lord, and glory in the God of my salvation.
Beloveth, God is no respecter of person(s). He will always deal with us according to His plan and purpose. May the above teaching encourage and increase your faith in Him in Jesus Name….
Do forget to keep Praising Him, if you want the extra –ordinary to keep happening in your life, make your life, a life of gratitude, always be grateful To Him alone Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!
Don’t forget to sing unto Him and He will bestow honour upon you in return… love you dearly….
Remain blessed in the Lord.