Choir: Order my steps in your word dear Lord, Lead me, guide me everyday, Send your anointing father I pray, Order my steps in your word, please order my steps in your word.  Lead1: Humbly I asked thee teach me your will, While you are working help me be still, Satan is busy God is real, Order my steps in your word, Please order my steps in your word. Lead2: Wright on my tongue let my words ever fight, Let the words of my mouth be exspectable in thy sight, Take charge of my thoughts both day and night
Please order my steps in your word, Please order my steps in your word.

Father is our heart cry to You this day that You order our steps right in Jesus Name. hallow be Thy Name, let Thy Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth, forgive us our trespasses and lead us not into temptations but deliver us from all evil. May Your Holy Name be praise O Lord! Alleluia Amen! Thank You Lord! For the leading and guiding of our feet, talent and gifts all through the week, blessed be Thy Name forever more.

Thank You for Testimonies, thank You for Miracles, Thank You for Wonders, O Lord Thank You for Only that which You alone can do in our lives and situations praise be Your Name on high.

Beloved, are you thanking God with me? It is a good thing for us to always thank God for His numerous blessings He showers on us, I have not only witness the showers of rain just recently I witness the Showers of Holy Ghost fire in a meeting on a Sunday morning, it was do glorious and the power of God was mightily present and among other manifestation of the power of God was speaking in new tongues, it was so glorious, that experience is yet to leave me.

Beloved it therefore means that what God did in the time past He is ever willing to do it again if only we will make ourselves available to Him. When Jesus was leaving the disciples after His resurrection He instructed them to tarry until they were endowed with power from on high. Jesus promise of power knew that such a recreation and waiting will make them powerful and inexhaustible. It will refreshes them and position them to be use to accomplish the power of God here on earth.

Likewise in this PCL session of today we will be bring to you same pattern and message to always find time to relax, recreate and refresh ourselves in the presence of the Most high God. However it is also expedite to let you know that it is not all recreation that refreshes therefore we must be selective in the type of recreations we engages ourselves that at the end we should be thoroughly refresh and energies to engage meaningful in both our career and in kingdom work. Praise the Lord.

I don’t want to keep you waiting let get along to the ministration below for more impactful insight:


Leviticus 19:11-20:27, Psalm 29:1-6, Proverbs 6:32-33, Mark 6:21-46, 

Be Selective

He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a remote place and rest for a while.”—Mark 6:31

Disregard of our physical life may affect our spiritual well-being, for what goes on in the body greatly influences, though it does not control, what goes on in the soul and spirit.

My suggestion in relation to this physical aspect of our lives is this: discipline your times of rest and recreation. Some recreations do not recreate; rather, they exhaust one. They leave one morally and spiritually flabby and unfit. I find that after watching some television programs, I have been challenged or lifted, but others leave me feeling inwardly ravished. The delicacies of life seem somehow to have been invaded, the finest flowers of the spirit trampled on, and one comes out drooping. I am learning to be more selective in my recreations. One should never expose oneself to a film or television program that is likely to leave one spiritually or morally depleted—not if you value the higher values. It is like allowing pigs into your parlor.

The same can be said of other recreations. Some pieces of literature can leave you with a sense of moral and spiritual exhaustion. Don’t fall for the idea that one has to read everything that comes to hand in order to understand life. This is where many of our Christian young people need help. Does one have to wallow in a mud-hole in order to understand filth? Does a doctor have to take germs into his own body in order to understand how they function? Recreation is extremely important to help us stay spiritually fresh, but we need to make sure our recreations really recreate.


Father, You have made me for health and rhythm. Help me to be sensitive to all the things I need to do so that I am at my best spiritually and physically. I want to honor You in everything I do—even in my recreations. Amen.

Further Study

Heb 4:1-11; Ex 33:14; Mt 11:29

What are we invited to enter into?

What does this mean in practical terms?

Beloved now that you are better informed or probably reminded again what true recreation is all about , I believe that going forward you will abide in the rule of the game that is “Engaging on those things that keep us both spiritually and emotionally strong and refreshing at the same time. Praise the Lord.

Finally you can see why it is important that we seek and ask God the guide our steps right. You can also enjoy the remaining part of the song for better recreation and refreshment (she laugh). Good Music is refreshing to your soul and that is a tonic to the heart and body (she laugh).

Have a wonderful weekend and by the Divine orchestration and mercies see on Monday. Be on the look out the “Divine intervention is real” don’t miss yours.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

Choir: Order my steps in your word dear lord
Lead me, guide me everyday
Send your annoyting father I pray
Order my steps in your word
Please order my steps in your word

Choir: I want to walk, worthy according to your will
Please order my steps lord and ill do your blessing will
Your world is ever changing
But you are still the same
If you order my steps, ill praise your name

Choir: Order my steps, In your words
Order my Tongue, In your words
Wash my feet, In your words
Wash my heart, In your words

Show me how to walk, In your words
Show me how to talk, In your words
When I need a brand new song to sing
Show me how to let your praises ring
In your word, In your word
Please order my steps in your word
Please order my steps in your word

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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