Indeed our God is Faithfull. What a Pleasant day we have before us, the day I was brought forth many years ago. I am so glad I belong to the family God; the family of light. Lord I stand in awe of You.
What a Wonder You are! You are so good, so Precious and so kind. You are brighter than the morning Star, O What a Wonder You!
My joy cannot be contain within; indeed there is an overflow here. O! my mouth is open wide in Wonder of You. Thank You so much for Who You Are. Am ever grateful Lord, I bow before Your Throne and celebrate Your Grace, Love, Kindness, Deliverance, Healing, Protections over me and my Family and the ministry, blessed be unto You now and forever. I stand in AWE of YOU, LORD!
I know someone care and love me. Thank you for your support, love and care to all my beloved, am so grateful to God on your behalf and I pray that at the end none of us will be missing in the Kingdom of God. Where the Lord will decorate us with Stars on our crowns and spotless robes. Thank you for being there for the Lord. Am so joyous this morning. Thank You Jesus.
A review of the ministry activities so far, which has been my delight as God shows up each day to speak to His people. It is a call to service. To help people in need physically, emotionally and spiritually as the Lord helps us. To keep on encouraging one another on this race and make heaven at the end. It has been indeed an avenue of lifting to many. Many souls have turn to Christ on this platform and so many saved from destruction as they were greatly encouraged after reading what the Lord is able to do in their life and situation alike.
Am delighted to announce to you that indeed this is just the beginning of new beginning. The Lord have prepared a greater package for us as a ministry and in the due course He will unfold it to us. So be not be weary in your waiting while the bridegroom tarries for He will arrive soon. May He find you waiting and ready. Amen.
As a call to service, the message will are sharing today is to open us up on how to continue in this service of love and caring for one another. How to share not only in the goodness of others but also at their down time.
In our society, people see it awkward to associate with the seeming failed people in the society, they prefer the happening people around, but what they fail to understand is that all the success of the day is from the Lord and not about your carefulness or planning. The failure of the day sometimes comes despite your careful planning as I see from people I have interacted with and that gives me concern.
However, as the Lord liveth, we will continue to ask God for the grace to be all He has created us to be. Let us read and be blessed and also be a blessing to others around us. Amen!
Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.—Galatians 6:2
When God places people in your life who are in need, He is aware of what they lack, and He knows He has given you the resources to meet those needs. You know God does nothing by accident. When a need surfaces around you, immediately go to the Father and say, “You put me here for a reason. You knew this was going to happen. What did You intend to do through me that would help this person become closer to You?”
Recognizing a need in someone’s life can be one of the greatest invitations from God you will ever experience. It’s easy to become frustrated by the problems of others. They can overwhelm you as you become aware of need after need. Rather than looking at each new problem as one more drain on your time, energy, or finances, ask God why He placed you in this situation. Allow God to help you see beyond the obvious needs of others to the things He wants to accomplish in their lives. Don’t miss God’s activity because you’re reluctant to carry the load of others.
Is God blessing you materially? It may be He is developing a “supply depot” in your life through which He can provide for others. Has God granted you a strong, healthy family life? It may be that He requires such a home to minister to the hurting families all around you. Has God released you from sinful habits? Has God’s peace comforted you in a time of great sorrow? Has God miraculously provided for your needs? It may be that He has been purposefully building things into your life so that you can now be the kind of person who will carry the burdens of others.
Am sure you are catching the vision to be used by God to accomplish His good purpose in the lives of the people He placed around you.
May we cease to be comfortable that we are blessed, Praise God! But also let us allow God to bless others through us. This is a holiday period, many are planning for trips. Do you know that you can prayerful plan a seed sowing avenue with the fare of the proposed trip? Put a smile on someone or a group’s lives. Just make someone happy, fulfilled and blessed. God will not forget your gift of love.
Beloved, may you be testimony in someone’s lips in Jesus Name. When you can do it: do not shy away from it.
Jesus our Model did not fall short of this assignment while He was around, He was always looking out for people in need both physically, materially and spiritual to meet their needs. My prayer for you is that you don’t keep off, pretend not to be aware, or purposefully stay away from a good course in Jesus Name. Let us learn more from the Lord Himself:
When He saw the crowds, He went up on the mountain, and after He sat down, His disciples came to Him. Then He began to teach them, saying. . . —Matthew 5:1–2
Christ sees people far differently than we do. Throughout the Gospels we see a pattern in the way Jesus taught His disciples. Whenever He saw the multitudes, Jesus would reveal to the disciples what was on His heart for the people. Jesus wanted His disciples to share His love for the people. The disciples did not always understand all He was telling them, but He assured them that later the Holy Spirit would reveal the significance of His words (John 14:25–26). When the multitudes began pressing in on Him, Jesus would get alone with His disciples and teach them about God’s love for people.
You will experience this same pattern as you walk with Jesus. When God places you in a crowd, you may sense the Holy Spirit impressing upon you the heart and mind of God for those people. Perhaps your Lord will lead you to a solitary place where He shares with you His compassion for the people you have been with. He may reveal to you His will for the people and invite you to join Him in His redemptive activity. He may place a burden on your heart to pray for them. If you are among people and are unmoved by their spiritual condition, God may develop your love for them so that you are prepared to minister to them as He desires.
The next time you are in a crowd, listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying. You may discover that God has much on His heart for those people and that He is waiting for one of His disciples to respond to His prompting.
In summary, what is God principle in giving to the poor, the need among us, saving souls to His kingdom, encouraging one another. Let’s read the following passages and be blessed (Lev 23:22; Deut 15:7; 11; Ps 41:1; Deut 3:28; Col 3:7-18; Prov 11:30, Ps 9:18 ; 40;17)
As we minister to one another, God will minister back to us Amen! (Col 1:24-25)
Remember to pray for me. Thank you.
Remain blessed in the Lord.