You are the Lord that healeth me, You are the Lord my Healer. Father, You sent Your word and You heal my disease. You are the Lord my Healer.
Indeed, You are the Lord that healeth Your children, all our hope is on You. If the foundation is wrong what can the righteous do. Except You O Lord watches over the city in vain do the watch man stays awake.
Glorious God, we bow before Your throne this day and we say Father, You are worthy to be Praise. Thank You Lord.
Beloved, how are you? Hope your weekend was with less stress? Let us thank God for another wonderful week ahead of us, for He will go before us and make every crooketh path to be straight in Jesus Name.
We have diverse forms of grace as you will be seeing in the message before us. The “Grace” of God means different things to different people, however we will mentioning some definition of Grace for the purpose of our own discussion here. “Grace is unmerited favour received from God”. “It is a divine enabler to help a person to accomplish”. “Grace bring us closer to God while the law exposes and condemns us.
While “Mercy” is withholding the punishment we deserved; “Grace” is receiving what we don’t deserve. Maybe this story will help us. Imaging that you are driving a car that is causing an air pollution, you were arrested and was charge to court where you were convicted and charge to pay a certain amount of money.
If you have this money, you would have at least changed the engine of your car that was causing the pollution. However, while you thinking about what to do, suddenly someone appeared and paid the debt on your behalf. Am sure you will be glad at least you have your freedom but that is all, this same person in addition gave you a brand new car. Beloved, by now you need the help passersby to recover from the shock that would have taken over you. That is “grace” at work in your life.
Similar, Christ went to the cross and die for your sins. He paid a debt due in your name and turn around to set you free. In that freedom are many other goodies of which is “grace” are meant to deliver to you.
God created you for a purpose. You are to live out your destiny while you are here but the enemy of your soul get in your way and distraught things. In some cases, you get so deep in sin that you are unable to call the name of the Lord talk less of pursing your purpose in life. Things move from bad to worst. You see yourself being separated daily from God and His purpose in your life. What do you do?
I don’t know whom I writing to this day but I know we are all caught in the same web but the Spirit of God is here to liberate you and set you free. Do not believe any more lies from the evil ones or whoever he is using to bring you down. Refuse to stay down rather mount like eagle you are created to be and soar above the skies.
Praise the Lord! Do you want to be fit for glory? Come along with me as we consider the following messages:
“The Lord will give grace and glory.” Ps. 84:11
Grace is what we need just now, and it is to be had freely. What can be freer than a gift? Today we shall receive sustaining, strengthening, sanctifying, satisfying grace. He has given daily grace until now, and as for the future, that grace is still sufficient. If we have but little grace the fault must lie in ourselves; for the Lord is not straitened, neither is He slow to bestow it in abundance. We may ask for as much as we will and never fear a refusal. He giveth liberally and upbraideth not.
The Lord may not give gold, but He will give grace: He may not give gain, but He will give grace. He will certainly send us trial, but He will give grace in proportion thereto. We may be called to labor, and to suffer, but with the call there will come all the grace required.
What an AND is that in the text — “and glory!” We do not need glory yet, and we are not yet fit for it; but we shall have it in due order. After we have eaten the bread of grace, we shall drink the wine of glory. We must go through the holy -which is grace, to the holiest of all — which is glory. These words “and glory” are enough to make a man dance for joy. A little while — a little while, and then glory forever! For He giveth grace to the humble:
“He giveth grace unto the humble.” James 4:6
Humble hearts seek grace, and therefore they get it. Humble hearts yield to the sweet influences of grace, and so it is bestowed on them more and more largely. Humble hearts lie in the valleys where streams of grace are flowing, and hence they drink of them. Humble hearts are grateful for grace and give the Lord the glory of it, and hence it is consistent with His honor to give it to them.
Come, dear reader, take a lowly place. Be little in thine own esteem, that the Lord may make much of thee. Perhaps the sigh breaks out, “I fear I am not humble.” It may be that this is the language of true humility. Some are proud of being humble, and this is one of the very worst sorts of pride.
We are needy, helpless, undeserving, hell-deserving creatures, and if we are not humble we ought to be. Let us humble ourselves because of our sins against humility, and then the Lord will give us to taste of His favor. It is grace which makes us humble, and grace which finds in this humility an opportunity for pouring in more grace. Let us go down that we may rise. Let us be poor in spirit that God may make us rich. Let us be humble that we may not need to be humbled, but may be exalted by the grace of God.
In addition to the types of grace mentioned above, we have also the Saving Grace (Eph 2:4-9), Serving Grace (1 Cor 15:10), Enduring grace (2 Tim 2:3-4), Forbearing Grace (Heb 12:15; Col 2:12-13), Growing Grace (2 Pet 3:18), Giving Grace (Eph 4:7;29) Overflowing Grace (2 Cor 9:8), Enabling Grace (1 Cor 15:10), Thanksgiving Grace (Phil 1:3-6).
Giving referencing to ones that was mentioned in the message; Sanctifying Grace (Tit 2:11-14), Sustaining Grace (1Pet 5:10), Strengthening Grace (Act 20:32; Col 1:10-11), Satisfying Grace (2 Cor 4:15; 2 Cor 13:13).
And now my beloved, may God of all grace…(1 Pet 5:10) abound for us all through week and beyond in Jesus Name.
Our week is blessed and we are en-graced to do exploit far beyond our imaginations in Jesus Name (2 Pet 3:18). Remember dear beloved, if God be for us who can be against us? (I leave you to supply the answer). May this grace not be vain we are admonished.
Remain blessed in the Lord.