What shall say unto Jehovah…all I have to say… Is Thank You Lord… What shall say unto Jehovah…all I have to say… Is Thank You Lord… Thank You Lord… Thank You Lord… all I have to say is Thank You Lord…// Come let shout unto the Lord…shouting Alleluia!!! we singing unto the Lord…singing alleluia…we are clapping unto the Lord… clapping alleluia… we are dancing unto the Lord… dancing alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our Father we Thank You we bless Your Holy Name..we adore Thee we give you Praise honour and adoration to Your Holy Name… Father we magnify You for Who You are… glory, glory, glory, alleluia!!!! in Jesus Name… Thank You for the gift of this week… O Lord… Who can be compared with Thee… Magnificent Father we worship Thee… is only You Lord… is only You that deliver the oppressed, the sinner, the hurting, the despair, the loss… Thank You Father for all that You are doing and keep doing in our lives and situations… We grateful Father… Thank You for Your unconditional love… Thank You O Lord… be Thou exalted O Lord! in Jesus Name!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beloveth is Friday…. Is PCL… glory be to Jesus… alleluia!!!!!! Our Father is the Everlasting King of glory… shout a believing alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come let us Praise the Lord…. Come let’s Praise the Lord…. shout alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is being a very tough week but for the mercy of God that enduerth forever… and finally God did it… am exceptional Grateful to Him alone be all the glory, honour and adoration in Jesus Name!!!!!!!!!!!!

Like what we studied yesterday we have “Bitterness and the Sovereignty of God… yes… we said it possible you are so angry in your spirit about some occurrences in your life… you can go to your Father with humility of heart and pour out your heart… but you are not permitted to grumble why? God is the Author and Finisher of your faith… Yes He is the one That orchestra your path in life the way it will bring Him glory… so You simple ask for His mercy upon your life… Praise the Name of the Lord….

Do you and I have any reason to be bitter?… Yes … there is one thousand and one reasons you and I have to be bitter about… but wait a second…. what we must have at the back of our mind is whatsoever it may be… God is the Superior to all argument… alleluia!!!!!!!!!!  Praise the Name of the Lord!!!!!!!!!!

Yes… He is God… He is the Beginning and the End… He also remains the Author and Finisher of our faith… in Him we are safe and secure… somebody shout Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!

What you and I must be asking God always is help us in the place of unfair treatment, hearing and judgment … Yes! that God will lift us up and place us where we truly belong… Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia!!!!!!!

Come along with us for more:

Bitterness And The Sovereignty Of God

Isn’t it true that you and I have every reason to be bitter? Are there any among us who have not been exploited, abused, cheated or ignored?

So how do we deal with our bitterness?

Joseph in the Old Testament serves as an example of someone who had just cause for bitterness and yet was able to draw on God’s grace to surmount it:

  • As a lad, God gave him a dream that his brothers would serve him. In jealous retaliation, they sold him to a caravan headed for Egypt.
  • Ending up as a slave in the house of a military leader, he was falsely accused of rape and imprisoned for an interminable period of time.
  • Through a remarkable series of “circumstances” he became the prime minister of Egypt. Years later, his devious brothers find themselves in his presence. With every reason to visit revenge upon them, Joseph forgave them and acknowledged God’s sovereign plan in spite of their cruel treatment:

You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” (Genesis 50:20)

And so it is to be with us. We must grasp the fact that it is God’s sovereign intention to use the uneven circumstances of life to conform us into His image:

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son.” (Romans 8:28, 29a)

If you are struggling with bitterness, let me make a couple of suggestions: Make a list of their causes. Then go down the list item by item asking God to use each of these painful experiences to make you more Christlike. Then ask Him to help you forgive the persons who were responsible. Often, sharing your struggle with another helps in the healing process.

Understand that it is only as we draw upon God’s grace that we can turn our bitterness into praise. The alternative is bondage to a morose, angry and self-centered life that only serves to poison everyone around us and thwart our ability to influence others for Christ:

See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.” (Hebrews 12:15)

Beloveth… did you get the message here… is as the grace of God increases in our lives we will also be able to turn every bitterness into Praise… someone is desperately in need of this deliverance … we ask that God pours His unlimited grace into your life right now… so that you experience what God alone can do in a man’s life in Jesus Name…

Yes… that boundless grace that helped Jesus that forgive those that crucified Him on the Cross… that boundless grace that save the woman caught in adultery… that grace that God looked upon and save the whole world that you and I will not be eternally condemn but that we will come into His Presence having been cleanse by the blood of Jesus… Amen!!! alleluia!!!

Yes we have a very big Father Who sovereignty surpasses all the arsenals of satan…. If that looks like your God… jump up and shout alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for coming through this week… we believe you have been blessed… we ask the blessings of God meant for His children fall upon you now and forever in Jesus Name…. Amen!!!

See you Monday by God’s grace… have a blissful weekend… don’t forget to go fishing … this weekend look better for it…

Further Reading- Isa.61:7, Gen.49:18 , Ps.115:13, 1Pet..4:7

Ezek.20:41, Heb.3:14, Jas.2:13

Remain blessed in the Lord.

Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu

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