Glory be to God in the highest Amen! Glory be to God in the highest Amen! For His mercies enduerth forever Amen! For His mercies enduerth for ever Amen….// I will magnify Your Name Who is worthy to be Praise… I will glorify Your Name…You are worthy to be Praise… Hosanna! Blessed be Thy rock, honour to the Rock… let the rock of my salvation be exalted…hosanna blessed be Thy Rock…honour to the Rock… let the Rock of my salvation be exalted…
Our Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name, thank You for Who You are… thank You matchless Father for being there for us all through this year…for hearing and answering our prayers… for making a way where there seems to be no way… glory be to Your Holy Name …forever and ever..
You are God from beginning to the end there is no argument You are God all by Your Self….
Our blessed Redeemer we thank You… for in You we are abundantly satisfy… thank You forth helping us in the place of prayer and nurturing our faith in You… You are Great and in You nothing is impossible…. Alleluia Somebody!!!
Beloveth… isn’t it so amazing that this is last faith clinic of this year…. Wow… what an Awesome God we serve… He led us through and here we are once again to behold the beauty of His holiness once again… O Father we worship and adore You… Glory be to Your Name forever and ever Amen!!!!!!!!!!!
Sincerely, the journey of this year has been amazing … if you ask me there was no dull moment… the Spirit of God kept on hovering and constantly making declaration of things to be and things He is doing in our midst…
Not a single Word spoken to us or His promises fell to the ground without performance… yes! He followed us every inch of the way…confirming His Word… and promises to us… I am so excited and am sure You are too…
In the beginning of this year the Lord spoke expressly to us that we are breaking bounds and we are breaking through everything that hitherto held us bound… and to this day miracles of breakthrough is for us to take… Praise the Lord somebody….
Beloveth in few days from now the year 2022 will go down to historical path… did you see your heart desires fulfilled or your prayers received answers… I saw God walking and working out and perfecting all that concerneth me… alleluia somebody!!!
Beloveth all we need in our walk with God is just “Believing” Praise the Lord!
Mary the mother of Jesus just believed that which was spoken to her and in turn she became the mother of our Lord Jesus …likewise it is expected of us to believe every spoken, written promises of God and we too shall testify of God’s Infallible Word.
I believe that I am breaking through all barriers that hitherto held me bound and today I tell you I am free… Thank God for His protections and safety granted us all through the.…healing and provisions of various sources…
Beloveth… absolutely, the Lord has been so wonderful to me… Amen… for everything I have named after His Name… He answered me and revived my Spirit…
In less few days to come a fresh declarations will be coming forth… will you trust God and believe Him to bring it to pass… or will look at your environment and happenings and doubt God or exempt yourself from being a partaker… Praise the Lord…
It important to note that before the end of this year… all your packages will drop … there will be no carry over… The Power of God will lift you up and higher if you believe that you are a partaker …so shall it be… for you in Jesus Name…
Beloveth… grow in faith also …. Don’t allow satan to keep you down from achieving or becoming what God planned for you to become… alleluia somebody!
Come along with us for more:
“She who has believed is blessed because what was spoken to her by the Lord will be fulfilled!”—Luke 1:45
In the kingdom of God, believing is a prerequisite to receiving. God spoke to Mary and gave the assurances He always gives when He assigns the impossible to His people. Everything was in place for God to act. Everything waited on Mary to believe Him. Once she believed, it was done! It takes an undivided heart to believe under such circumstances and a pure heart to see God (Matt. 5:8; Heb. 12:14).
This has always been God’s way with His people. Mary could not see all that had been arranged and assembled in the courts of heaven. She could not see the legions of angels prepared to protect her and her baby. She was unaware of the future and all that she and her child would face. All she knew was that God had spoken to her, and that was enough. So she responded: “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word” (Luke 1:38).
When God speaks about His plans, He does so with everything already in place to fulfill His word. God never speaks hypothetically. He knows exactly what will come to pass. He simply asks you to believe Him. You will experience great blessing when you place your absolute trust in Him. Mary could not have dreamed all that would result from her faithful obedience.
Likewise, you cannot possibly imagine all that God has in store for you when you trust Him. He knows exactly what He will do to bring salvation to someone you have prayed for or to heal your friend or to provide for your needs. God has everything in place. Will you believe Him?
Beloveth… Mary would have missed out if she kept on wondering how could this things be instead of believing what angel Gabriel said… but having believe… it was done unto here according to her believe… Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Believe also and it shall come to past…in your own life too…
Further Reading :1Jn.2:17, Ps 119:38, 2Chr.25:9, Num 22:6, Gen.15:1, Ps 119:38, 2Chr.25:9
Remain blessed in the Lord.