Because of who You are, I give you glory, mmm, Because of who You are, I give you Praise,
Because of who You are, I will lift my voice and say, Lord I worship You, because of who you are, Yes I do, I do worship, because of who you are , yeah.// worthy You are worthy King of kings Lord of lords, You are worthy, worthy, You are worthy King of kings, Lord of lords I worship You.
Yes! because of who You are Lord, I give you Praise, because You are my God and You liveth forever more. Thank You for another beautiful day You have made and said we should be glad in it. Faithful Messiah, we bow before You, we give You Praise, be adore forever and ever in Jesus Name. Come in our midst today in Your Mighty Power and Grace and teach something new. Let Your banner over us be our protector all through today as we go about our duties, watch over us with Your Mighty power and defend our cause inn Jesus Name.
Beloved, I want to announce to you that the God I serve answers prayers, hope you always along as we were directed to do. Prayer is the key to victory, though the storm rages and the draught is before us, I want to announce to you that our God has power over it. At the mention of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confesses that Jesus is Lord.
Are you confessing Jesus? is works manifesting Christ? Can someone who wants to know Jesus be confident to share his/her problem with you? we are light to our world, is that your case? Let us live a life of positive influence that will draw men to Christ and not repel them. More often than not we profess Christ without having Christ living inside of us, we have no compassion, we are desperate and often discourage those who deals with us because they see us as Christ Ambassador not knowing that we are not rooted in the Word of God. Praise the Lord.
Beloved, let us thank God for the first clinic of the month and more than ever before He will make Himself strong on our behalf. He will strengthen us from the inner mind where we are weak. He will make our hand stronger than our enemies in Jesus Name. Let us consider the topic before us. a power weapon against the enemy in our time of crisis. We cannot run away from things that may wants to hinder us from being where God wants us to be but we can stand against it and rebuke it and it will have no hold over us.
Yes counting our past blessings helps to reposition properly against the wiles of the enemy. It help us to stand taller against every wall that might come our way. I am a living witness and I know that many in the house will have same testimonies. Beloved, when you recount the goodness of God in time past, present challenges will not be any issue at all. When you look unto Jesus the Author and finisher of your faith, you still those mountain leveled. Praise the Lord.
Beloved, the blessings of God over us now is future too. There are situations that I face and I recount the doings of the Lord in the time past, I will simple say “ I know He will do it, if He has done this in the past, it is a question of time, I will also walk over this mountain/challenges and more often than not God will just appear in that situation and I will be smiling instead of weeping or being bitter as was the desire of the enemy.
I will want to know that our God is not a wicked God, He is a good God. His thought towards us is good and not evil, to give us an expected end, therefore when you are faced with diverse challenges look up to Him, Hold on to Him and He will yet manifest His power in your life.
Join me to discover more:
2 Samuel 16:1-17:29, Psalm 69:13-18, Proverbs 15:10-11, John 11:21-44
Blessings—Not Just for Now
They also brought wheat, barley, flour, roasted grain, beans, lentils, honey, curds, sheep, and cheese from the herd for David and the people with him to eat.—2 Samuel 17:28-29
Some commentators believe that when David wrote the words, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies” (Ps 23:5), he had in mind the events about which we read in today’s passage. Driven into the wilderness by his son Absalom’s rebellion, David and his followers became desperately hungry, thirsty, and weary. God came to his aid, however, and directed to him three men who “brought beds [and] basins” (so that David could wash and refresh himself) as well as “pottery items … wheat, barley, flour, roasted grain, beans, lentils, honey, curds, sheep, and cheese.”
How David must have rubbed his eyes in astonishment as he saw God provide for him a table “in the presence of [his] enemies.” Can you cast your mind back at this moment to something “special” that God did for you to demonstrate His tender love and care? I can. Every Christian has these times—how sad that we forget them so soon.
God never does anything “special” in our lives just for the sake of the passing hour—it is done also as a pledge for the future. It is as though God is saying: “I’ll do this for you now, not only to meet your need, but also that you might always know you are the object of My love.”
If new dangers startle us with fear, we have forgotten the past mercies. I believe that David’s confidence in God was due to the fact that whenever he faced a new problem, he remembered vividly the past hour of deliverance.
O Father, forgive me for taking so much for granted—rather than taking it with gratitude. I recall the words of Your servant John Newton and make them my own this day: “His love in time past forbids me to think, He’ll leave me at last in trouble to sink.” Thank You, Father—thank You. Amen.
Further Study
1Kg 17; Ezk 34:14; Isa 25:6; Jn 6:51
How did Elijah experience God’s provision?
What are we to feed on?
What a friend we have in Jesus all our pain and care to bear, what a privilege to carry everything to the Lord in prayer.
Let the fire on, don’t be discouraged, don’t be dismay, keep walking ahead, no stopping, no waiting, and soon help will come from Him because He faileth not.
Always count your blessings and named them one by one.
Remain blessed in the Lord!