Who is like unto the Thee O Lord! Who is like unto Thee, among the gods, who is like unto Thee, You are glorious in holiest, faithful in praising doing wonders alleluia. 2x// Every people testifying You are good, You are good Jehovah, You are good, everybody testifying You are good, You are good Jehovah, You are good. Alleluia 2x.
Indeed Father, You are good, You are so good to me. Thank You for You are! Great are You Lord, You are greatly to be Praise. Thank You for miracles, healing, deliverance and protections You granted unto us all through the week, You are more than we call. You are beyond what we call You, You are the One Who is and is yet to come. May Your Name be Praise forever and ever in Jesus Name.
How Excellent is Your Name Lord, faithful is Name, I return to give You Praise for Your goodness to me is beyond what word can describe. You are to good to me, Great are your works in my life, family, career, I don’t know how to thank You enough. Thank You Lord, for Your goodness and for Your mercies that enduerth forever. Thank You and Thank You forever more.
Beloved, how are doing. Thank and Praise to our God, Who changeth not, He is our Super Wonder working Jehovah, Faithful is His Name, He liveth forever and ever. How can we thank Him enough, with our bodies full of tongues is not enough to give Him Praise, but we return to Praise Him forever and ever.
Our last PCL for this month is charging us to continual draw men to Jesus as the day go by. In the beginning of the week we were taught or remaindered about God’s love for us. His love moved Him to sent His son on the cross to die and His death guaranteed our eternal life in God.
Now as you have receive such blessing from God, what way will show reverence for such act of love to God. However, the topic before us is drumming it home to us by “bringing people to Jesus.”
Are ready to bring the peter’s, the john’s and as many as you can see and bring them before your Maker, whose death drew men to His Father.
We must be resilient in our walk with God, we must not give up but rather we must daily walk with our heart and be intentional about bring men to God and as we do this the Lord will reward us.
It is not our work to convince and convicted them but rather as we draw them to God, the Spirit of the Most High God will take over from us and complete the work He has started through us.
We must be seen doing the work for our Father as that is the only way we must be seen moving forward and being fruitful also.
Let us discover more as go through the ministration below:
He first found his own brother Simon and told him, “We have found the Messiah!” (which means “Anointed One”). . . —John 1:41
People become known for many things. Noah is known as a righteous man in an evil age. David is known as the man after God’s own heart. Peter is known as the outspoken disciple. John is known as the disciple whom Jesus loved. Judas is known as the betrayer. Paul is known as a fearless proclaimer of the gospel. Andrew is known for bringing others to Jesus.
The first person Andrew brought to Jesus was his brother Peter. As soon as Peter joined the disciples, he became the spokesperson for the Twelve, while Andrew remained in the background. It was Peter, not Andrew, who rose to prominence as one of Jesus’ inner circle of three. We do not read of Andrew resenting Peter; it seems he was satisfied to bring others to Jesus and leave the results to Him.
It is not surprising that Andrew found the boy with the loaves and fishes and brought him to Jesus (John 6:8–9). Andrew brought Greeks to Jesus, even though they were despised by pious Jews (John 12:20–22). There is no record of Andrew ever preaching a sermon, performing a miracle, or writing a book of Scripture. He is remembered for those whom he brought to Jesus.
Andrew is a good role model for us. Our job is not to transform people into Christians nor to convict them of their sin. It is not our responsibility to make people do what they ought to do. Our task is to bring them to Jesus, and He will perform His divine work in their lives.
We cannot go far in divine assignment without the necessary virtue that is being endowed from above, let us ask from above to be endowed with same for maximum contribution to the work we have been sent forth to do. May the Lord help us in Jesus Name:
“The trees of the Lord are full of sap.” Psalm 104:16
Without sap the tree cannot flourish or even exist. Vitality is essential to a Christian. There must be life—a vital principle infused into us by God the Holy Ghost, or we cannot be trees of the Lord. The mere name of being a Christian is but a dead thing, we must be filled with the spirit of divine life. This life is mysterious. We do not understand the circulation of the sap, by what force it rises, and by what power it descends again. So the life within us is a sacred mystery.
Regeneration is wrought by the Holy Ghost entering into man and becoming man’s life; and this divine life in a believer afterwards feeds upon the flesh and blood of Christ and is thus sustained by divine food, but whence it cometh and whither it goeth who shall explain to us? What a secret thing the sap is! The roots go searching through the soil with their little spongioles, but we cannot see them suck out the various gases, or transmute the mineral into the vegetable; this work is done down in the dark. Our root is Christ Jesus, and our life is hid in Him; this is the secret of the Lord.
The radix of the Christian life is as secret as the life itself. How permanently active is the sap in the cedar! In the Christian the divine life is always full of energy—not always in fruit-bearing, but in inward operations. The believer’s graces, are not every one of them in constant motion? but his life never ceases to palpitate within. He is not always working for God, but his heart is always living upon Him. As the sap manifests itself in producing the foliage and fruit of the tree, so with a truly healthy Christian, his grace is externally manifested in his walk and conversation.
If you talk with him, he cannot help speaking about Jesus. If you notice his actions you will see that he has been with Jesus. He has so much sap within, that it must fill his conduct and conversation with life.
Such is expected from us from our Maker, let us therefore walk with the help of the Holy Spirit to be a worthy instrument in the hand of our Master our Lord Jesus. May the Lord help to be all He has created us to be in Jesus Name.
Have a blissful time in God’s presence all the weekend. May we ask for the infilling of the Holy Spirit in Jesus Name.
See your next week by God’s grace.
Remain ever blessed in the Lord.