I will exalt You Lord… for the Thou has lifted me above my enemies Your banner over me is love… I will exalt You Lord… I will exalt You Jesus for thou has lifted me above my enemies… Your banner over me is love… // Let the Living water flow over my soul… let the Holy Spirit come and take control of ever situation that troubles my heart… all my care and burden unto Thee I come…….
Our Father we come to you again today knowing that You are God and in you is our strength and our deliverance… hallow be Thou Name …. Let Thou kingdom come and Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven… Father revive us again … that Thy kingdom come… glory be to Thy Name alone in Jesus Name we pray….
Beloveth, Praise the Name of the Lord… revival is here … are you seeing it with your eye of faith beloveth… yes… revival in the midst of the God’s people bring down power… power to serve and make disciples… only revival from on high does that…
No one can serve God by his/ her own strength… yes… it is only by power on high that you and I can serve God more effectively…. Why because Jesus said “For no one come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them to me, and at the last day I will raise them up..(Jn.6:44).
So the revival we are trusting God comes with much prayer… and when we receive the empowerment we go about talking about Jesus to our family members, neighbors, colleagues, with great auction and power… Praise the Name of the Lord…
In the Bible days we saw God working with men and commanding them to tell their children about Him… God testify for Abraham that he will do just that…. We also saw God rebuking men who did not walk in His ways neither did their children did… walking with God bring about generational blessings and enthronements… but there a slight shift from that when Jesus came to the scene… as we can see or read from our text today Andrew on seeing the Messiah went to find his brother Peter… Andrew did lots of things to propagate God’s works and kingdom but he remains at the background….
Beloveth, how are you contributing to Kingdom growth… in your local church, how effective are you dearly beloveth… are you serving God under any ministry… or do you breeze in and out of the church…. When we ask for revival; it is to enable us to function effectively where God has planted us… it is join God in the activity we notice or saw him doing in our midst… it is grow also in the place of intercession so that we pray the kingdom down… is somebody edify?… Glory be to Jesus in the highest beloveth… Halleluia! Halleuia!! Halleluia!!!
Beloveth…us to discover more:
He first found his own brother Simon and told him, “We have found the Messiah!” (which means “Anointed One”). . . —John 1:41
People become known for many things. Noah is known as a righteous man in an evil age. David is known as the man after God’s own heart. Peter is known as the outspoken disciple. John is known as the disciple whom Jesus loved. Judas is known as the betrayer. Paul is known as a fearless proclaimer of the gospel. Andrew is known for bringing others to Jesus.
The first person Andrew brought to Jesus was his brother Peter. As soon as Peter joined the disciples, he became the spokesperson for the Twelve, while Andrew remained in the background. It was Peter, not Andrew, who rose to prominence as one of Jesus’ inner circle of three. We do not read of Andrew resenting Peter; it seems he was satisfied to bring others to Jesus and leave the results to Him.
It is not surprising that Andrew found the boy with the loaves and fishes and brought him to Jesus (John 6:8–9). Andrew brought Greeks to Jesus, even though they were despised by pious Jews (John 12:20–22). There is no record of Andrew ever preaching a sermon, performing a miracle, or writing a book of Scripture. He is remembered for those whom he brought to Jesus.
Andrew is a good role model for us. Our job is not to transform people into Christians nor to convict them of their sin. It is not our responsibility to make people do what they ought to do. Our task is to bring them to Jesus, and He will perform His divine work in their lives.
Did you read the last paragraph? Your task as written there is to bring men to Jesus and when you do your part then He will perform his divine task on them…
Beloveth, we are co-labourers with God and He will reward according to your labour… Praise the Name of Jesus…..Alleluia!
We have read about Andrew’s exploits in bring men to knowledge of Christ … the Spirit of God is telling us today to Go and do likewise…. Will you?
Have a wonderful weekend….see you on monday by god’s grace…
Further Reading: 1Tim.4:16, Col 3:2, Eph.5:17, 2Thess 3:3, 1 Cor.3:8
Remain in blessed in the Lord.