We are saying Thank You Jesus Thank You my Lord 2x for Your goodness we say Thank You, Thank You Lord, for Your kindness we say Thank You, Thank You my Lord.// Let the Spirit of the Lord come down Amen 2x Let the Spirit of the Lord from heaven’s come down, et the Spirit of the Lord comes down,
Everlasting Father, here we are again with heart full of thanks and praise and worship to You. Thank You for guiding us all through the week. Thank You for caring for us, protecting and preserving us from all evil. We are grateful to You and we say Thank You Lord.
Beloved, hope you are good? Are You Thank God for His faithfulness over you and your beloved ones. Are you grateful to Him for the little you are seeing while trusting Him for the big bang that will soon be announce? The Word of God command us to always give thanks to God.
You cannot make your hair to either be black or white (am not talking about dying your hair with colours, okay if you can do that), can you number the hair on your head? You don’t know the end of the day even if you have by grace step into it. So always tell yourself whether is good or bad my Spirit praise the Lord. Read the account of Paul in (Phil 4:6; Jas 4:10)
We have by the grace of God brought so many things our way this week ranging from the Pentecost experience, to the mother’s day celebration, to Reminding God of His promises to us. Today by the grace of God we are going to X-ray “Brutalization,” what are causes and solution to such an unheavenly attitude. We will also consider the fruit of the Holy Spirit and how best to access same into our lives. Praise the Lord.
Many people will deny God in the face of this challenging situation that the country is faced with. Though we don’t want to mix politics with what we are called to do in this ministry, however, we will offer “caution” to faithful Christians where need be.
My heart was down yesterday, because of the recent happening in our societies. I was so concern on the ripple effects it will have on everything around us. For a long time I was struggling in my mind and was just heaving a sigh and word came into my heart that settled my case forever. “Your economy is not of this world.” I have to search the Word to back it up. Please read the following scriptures with me, you can also add more to it and send to us (we don’t mind because the children of God need to be comforted and be focus especially at this time and not distraction) (Deut 11:11; 9:1; Ex 16:4; Neh 9:15;20).
I believe also that your own economy is not of this world too. If God rained bread and meat in the desert and cared for His children for 40years in the wilderness long before now beloved, He will do much more now. In that business, career or profession, God will do much more for you. The wisdom to be better in what you are doing God will grant unto you unto Jesus Name. Make the Holy Spirit your Companion and Director, you will never miss a mark rather you will grow in stature. Alleluia somebody!
The caution here is “don’t blaspheme the Holy Spirit.” Acknowledge God as He is blessing you. Do not hide under the disguise of bad economy and withdraw bread from the poor and the needy around you, and the church of God. Give cheerfully, do not be too careful with what God is blessing you. He alone why He is blessing you at this time, do not shut your door with your own hand.
Concerning you, if everybody is saying there is a casting down, for you and your business and career, there will be lifting up. Does that gives you comfort? Well, the Lord will still give His word to you if you sort Him. This is what my Spirit comforted with that gave me peace, so you can search further from the scripture for more.
Come with me as we go through the teachings of today and I believe God, we will grow in grace even as our dear apostle Peter told us and drop every demonic influences that so easily beset us:
Why is it that we often find:
- God so distant?
- Our hearts so cold?
- The Scriptures so flat?
- Our efforts at ministry so fruitless?
One reason may be the fact that in the work environment we are brutalized
My guess is that to survive, we feel we have to be tough. Thick-skinned. A person who is impervious to pain, pressure… problems. Someone who has the answers.
So our work day is often characterized by a high degree of stress. Politics. Manipulation: Doing whatever it takes to win.
We become hardened. Jaded. Cynical. Cold. Exploitative. Brutalized. (2 Timothy 3:1-4)
Much in our professional world caters to pride: To impressing and being impressed. And when we carry this hardened attitude over into our approach to God, He simply will not be known, as our Heavenly Father responds only to the humble… To the poor in spirit. (James 4:6; Matthew 5:3)
Since the brutal work environment probably will remain with us, let me propose two solutions:
(1) That we settle in our soul the fact that it is God, not us, who meets our needs. “But remember the lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth… “ (Deuteronomy 8:18). Once we understand God to be our provider, we are then free to serve people rather than manipulate them to our advantage.
(2) That we settle in our soul either that God’s grace is sufficient in the circumstances, or that He will provide a way of escape from the circumstances. (2 Corinthians 12:9, 10; 1 Corinthians 10:13)
Once we choose to rest in the provision, grace, and sovereignty of God, intimacy with Him will become an increasing reality, the Scriptures will begin to come alive, and fruit in and through our lives will start to bud!
Yes, we will start to bud good fruit and not vices. Read on:
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith,
gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.—Galatians 5:22–23
An examination of the fruits of the Spirit can be intimidating. Working all nine of these traits into your life seems impossible, and indeed it is. But the moment you became a Christian, the Holy Spirit began a divine work to produce Christ’s character in you. Regardless of who you are, the Spirit works from the same model, Jesus Christ.
The Spirit looks to Christ in order to find the blueprint for your character. The Spirit will immediately begin helping you experience and practice the same love that Jesus had when He laid down His life for His friends. The same joy He experienced will now fill you. The identical peace that guarded the heart of Jesus, even as He was being beaten and mocked, will be the peace that the Spirit works to instill in you.
The patience Jesus had for His most unteachable disciple will be the patience that the Spirit now develops in you. The kindness Jesus showed toward children and sinners will soften your heart toward others. There will be a goodness about you that is only explainable by the presence of the Spirit of God.
The Spirit will build the same faithfulness into you that led Jesus to be entirely obedient to His Father. The Spirit will teach you self-control so that you will have strength to do what is right and to resist temptation.
All of this is as natural as the growth of fruit on a tree. You do not have to orchestrate it on your own. It automatically begins the moment you become a believer. How quickly it happens depends upon how completely you yield yourself to the Holy Spirit’s activity.
Beloved, be clothed with power from above and see yourself manifesting all these virtues with the help of the Holy Spirit. These virtues will keep You flying high above your fellows if you can get them.
Have a lovely weekend, keep reminding God His promises to you on that issue until it is settles forever. As more merges, keep at the Word and you will keep overcoming all.
See you next week by God’s grace. Please remember my good friend and her siblings in your prayers as they lay the remains of their adorable mother to rest today. May they be comforted in the Lord as she (her mother) had to answer her call when the roll call came calling from yonder.
Remain ever blessed in the Lord.