See what the Lord has done Ooooo See what the Lord has done… what I pray for has come to pass see what the Lord has done… // You are the Lord that is Your Name.. You will never share Your glory with anyone… You will never share your glory with anybody… Almighty God that is Your Name….
You are the reason why am happy… Thank You Father for Who You are… Thank You Ancient of Days for what You have done for me and in my life… You are the Lord and that is Who You are… You will never share Your glory with anyone…. Be Thou exalted forever and ever in Jesus Name…
Beloveth… how are doing today… hope the Lord has been Faithful to you… Praise the Name of Jesus… satan has been ruthlessly make things uneasy for the true child of God but the Word of God is saying to you today…. Look up unto Jesus and He will help you… don’t allow satan to make look like what you are not… Come to Jesus and drop your burden at His feet, and He will give you … His yoke that is light… His peace that passeth all understanding… beloveth… ask Jesus the Author of New Beginning to begin afresh with you… areas you have been weaken or attacked by the forces of darkness the power of God is coming up it right now and everything beautiful in Jesus Name…
The Lord gave us His Word that everything is turning anew… we have a fresh start… The God of New Beginning will bless us and make our going out and coming in beautiful in Jesus Name… Amen!!!
Don’t give fire for fire rather pill up fire upon their heads as you allow God to be God… every area this work of satan has manifest in your life be erase in Jesus Name… The Lord is doing a great work in you right now… in Jesus Name
The Lord is rewriting your story in Jesus Name… The Lord is showing up in your case right now in Jesus Name Amen!!!
Why is it that we often find:
- God so distant?
- Our hearts so cold?
- The Scriptures so flat?
- Our efforts at ministry so fruitless?
One reason may be the fact that in the work environment we are brutalized
My guess is that to survive, we feel we have to be tough. Thick-skinned. A person who is impervious to pain, pressure… problems. Someone who has the answers.
So our work day is often characterized by a high degree of stress. Politics. Manipulation: Doing whatever it takes to win.
We become hardened. Jaded. Cynical. Cold. Exploitative. Brutalized. (2 Timothy 3:1-4)
Much in our professional world caters to pride: To impressing and being impressed. And when we carry this hardened attitude over into our approach to God, He simply will not be known, as our Heavenly Father responds only to the humble… To the poor in spirit. (James 4:6; Matthew 5:3)
Since the brutal work environment probably will remain with us, let me propose two solutions:
(1) That we settle in our soul the fact that it is God, not us, who meets our needs. “But remember the lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth… “ (Deuteronomy 8:18). Once we understand God to be our provider, we are then free to serve people rather than manipulate them to our advantage.
(2) That we settle in our soul either that God’s grace is sufficient in the circumstances, or that He will provide a way of escape from the circumstances. (2 Corinthians 12:9, 10; 1 Corinthians 10:13)
Once we choose to rest in the provision, grace, and sovereignty of God, intimacy with Him will become an increasing reality, the Scriptures will begin to come alive, and fruit in and through our lives will start to bud!
Beloveth did you just read the last paragraph… before this… the God of New Beginning is turning everything around in your favour… Amen!!!
Don’t allow the irritation of satan, his frustration and depression show forth in your life in Jesus Name … Look unto Jesus for He will do you good… Amen alleluia!!!
Further Reading- Rom.8:26, Dan.9:18, 1Sam.12:24, 1Thess.5:17, Heb.6:1, Acts.14:22…
Remain blessed in the Lord.